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Why Do I Heed to Quit Smoking?

Why focus on quitting smoking ? Evidence suggests and start acting

Why should people quit smoking? It is not against the law , which helps relieve stress , relax and calm down. And what about health problems ? Sometimes it seems that nobody cares until it is too late. Yet this is not all. Smokers are physical, psychological , behavioral, social and emotional even addictive. Who scares you, is not it ?

Do your best to stop smoking is that many ex-smokers to show . Sometimes just read one comment to understand that this is not just a habit , but a real problem that affects all parts of your body and all areas of your life. Why should people quit smoking? Firstly because smoking causes health problems , including cancer takes the first place . Inhalation causes bad breath and stained teeth , leads to gum disease and loss of permanent teeth.

And the cost ? Cigarettes affect your wallet too. The average cost is about $ 6 for a package , and if a person smokes 20 to 30 cigarettes a day will spend about $ 80 per week, which has a negative impact on banks' balance sheets .

Quit earning rewards! All smokers are selfish. Sounds strange , but true. They may be indifferent to their own health, but what about the people around them at work and at home? Mothers who smoke give birth to children with asthma and other respiratory disorders. Quitting smoking improves both their own health and that of their children, born and unborn .

And finally, just a few hours later to say no to smoking , the body becomes a little more healthy, the risk of heart disease decreases and an ex-smoker has the opportunity to live a longer and happier. I do not understand why people should stop smoking and how to find someone to quit smoking?

Health risks are not anything that triggers a smoker. According to the latest research from the AACAP , additional risks include changes in the mental level , when a person uses the gun, fight and look for problems with legal consequences . Experimentation with tobacco , many teenagers decide to experiment with other drugs. Why should people quit smoking? Nicotine is a gateway drug that affects the ability of the mind , health and feelings. So , everyone must decide where is the best: not live a normal life and do not smoke.