If you're among those people who tried to quit smoking, you'll probably know that willpower alone is not sufficient enough to get you through. The withdrawal period and the symptoms that go with it can overwhelm the unprepared. While it is true that proper mindset is important, medical intervention can also plays an important role in helping you get through the rough times.
1. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) (patches, nicotine gum, etc).
With NRT, nicotine is directly delivered into your system usually through your skin. NRT gums, patches, and lozenges contain lower dosage of nicotine compared to cigarettes. The problem with NRT is that you're substituting nicotine with nicotine, only that you don't smoke it. However, you can still get addicted with nicotine gum just like your addiction to cigarettes therefore NRT is not a good solution in my humble opinion.
2. Chantix (Varenicline)
Varenicline creates a sort of barricade between nicotine and your brain so that your body does not feel any physical gratification every time you smoke. However side effects are noted among its users. The most reported side effects include headache, nausea, and insomnia, and in worst cases suicidal tendencies have been recorded.
3. Bupropion (Zyban)
Bupropion Hydrochloride creates "feel good" chemicals identical to what you feel when you smoke. A 36% success rate has been reported from clinical trials. However, like varenicline, side effects like headaches, insomnia, nausea, and dry mouth are experienced. Seizures are also experienced by some users.
4. Acupuncture and Acupressure
Acupuncture uses needles to restore your energy flow. Needles are inserted in different energy point. Acupressure uses the same concept as acupuncture, only that it uses hands and pressure. However, there is no concrete study to support the success of these methods.
5. Laser Treatment
This is among the most expensive smoking cessation therapies. The process involve in this method is identical to that of acupressure and acupuncture, only that it uses laser lights.
6. Lobelia
In effect, lobelia fools your body and makes it believe that it's getting the same sensation that of nicotine. However, because of the high toxicity of this herb, it is not commercially sold. Low doses of lobelia can speed up your pulse and respiration, high doses on the other hand slows them down. Sweating, heart palpitations and dizziness are the known side effects of this drug. Extreme caution is recommended.
7. Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy has been a practice for centuries, however its success as smoking cessation therapy greatly depends whether you believe it to work or not. When combined with other forms of therapies, it shows improvements for smokers with the right mindset.
8. Bioresonance
Like laser treatment, bioresonance is not readily available and very expensive treatment. It electronically changes your body's energy frequencies. However, further research is needed to support its effectiveness in smoking cessation.
9. Other Herbal Alternatives
Peppermint and cinnamon bark are among the known beneficial alternative herbs to help smokers quit. There are a lot of herbal medicines available online through different health stores. Just be very extra cautious when buying these alternative medicines.
Dr Antonio Howell, MD. Help to Quit Smoking Today.
Visit Help to Quit Smoking at http://drantoniohowell.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Antonio_Howell_M.D.
1. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) (patches, nicotine gum, etc).
With NRT, nicotine is directly delivered into your system usually through your skin. NRT gums, patches, and lozenges contain lower dosage of nicotine compared to cigarettes. The problem with NRT is that you're substituting nicotine with nicotine, only that you don't smoke it. However, you can still get addicted with nicotine gum just like your addiction to cigarettes therefore NRT is not a good solution in my humble opinion.
2. Chantix (Varenicline)
Varenicline creates a sort of barricade between nicotine and your brain so that your body does not feel any physical gratification every time you smoke. However side effects are noted among its users. The most reported side effects include headache, nausea, and insomnia, and in worst cases suicidal tendencies have been recorded.
3. Bupropion (Zyban)
Bupropion Hydrochloride creates "feel good" chemicals identical to what you feel when you smoke. A 36% success rate has been reported from clinical trials. However, like varenicline, side effects like headaches, insomnia, nausea, and dry mouth are experienced. Seizures are also experienced by some users.
4. Acupuncture and Acupressure
Acupuncture uses needles to restore your energy flow. Needles are inserted in different energy point. Acupressure uses the same concept as acupuncture, only that it uses hands and pressure. However, there is no concrete study to support the success of these methods.
5. Laser Treatment
This is among the most expensive smoking cessation therapies. The process involve in this method is identical to that of acupressure and acupuncture, only that it uses laser lights.
6. Lobelia
In effect, lobelia fools your body and makes it believe that it's getting the same sensation that of nicotine. However, because of the high toxicity of this herb, it is not commercially sold. Low doses of lobelia can speed up your pulse and respiration, high doses on the other hand slows them down. Sweating, heart palpitations and dizziness are the known side effects of this drug. Extreme caution is recommended.
7. Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy has been a practice for centuries, however its success as smoking cessation therapy greatly depends whether you believe it to work or not. When combined with other forms of therapies, it shows improvements for smokers with the right mindset.
8. Bioresonance
Like laser treatment, bioresonance is not readily available and very expensive treatment. It electronically changes your body's energy frequencies. However, further research is needed to support its effectiveness in smoking cessation.
9. Other Herbal Alternatives
Peppermint and cinnamon bark are among the known beneficial alternative herbs to help smokers quit. There are a lot of herbal medicines available online through different health stores. Just be very extra cautious when buying these alternative medicines.
Dr Antonio Howell, MD. Help to Quit Smoking Today.
Visit Help to Quit Smoking at http://drantoniohowell.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Antonio_Howell_M.D.