Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Quit Smoking Side Effects - Better Than an Illness

Side effects of smoking can be treated permanently rather than a deterioration of the body by smoking incessantly. It is your duty to your body get rid of harmful nicotine. Often a smoker gives up and the only thing that brings side effects of quitting smoking. Medically speaking, these symptoms are treated as withdrawal symptoms.
The strangest of these effects is that they keep varying from one country to another. For many, the effects are dizziness, severe headache attacks and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms are mainly due to fluctuations in the sugar levels of the body.
Side effects of quitting are difficult to handle at first, and may down with much confusion and depressive behavior that could exacerbate anxiety levels. But the best part is that people who had the power of will and made the decision to quit have lived a very healthy life. Therefore, a solid piece and correct tips you need to meditate is to quit smoking.
There are many ways to reduce the side effects of quitting. In fact, there are alternative nicotine gum added inhalers which are available on the market for chewing. They are often used by people in the medical field.
Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. To reduce the effects, there are many drugs that have flooded the market. Some of the side effects of quitting smoking that smokers suffer from are:
Headaches: Due to increased anxiety levels in your body, it is possible that a smoker who is considering quitting may suffer severe headaches as a way of side effects of quitting.
Eating intake increases: The first major disadvantage is that smoking leads to a decrease in appetite. So as soon as you try to stop the appetite increases gradually. In fact, it is very possible that we eat too often.
Allergy / cutaneous reactions: When you quit smoking, the toxins in your body are released and there is a great possibility that you can be down with inflammation of the skin.
Slight rise in temperature: Yes, one of the few symptoms of quitting smoking is to have a high body temperature.
Unable to concentrate: Lack of concentration is something that bothers the defector in a big way that the body suddenly realizes nicotine loss and has become a slave. Therefore, establishing a timetable for quitting smoking and achieving your goals.
So if you look at it, although there are some side effects of quitting smoking, this should not persist in consumption.

How to Stop Smoking

Learn to smoke cigarettes was the hardest and most miserable that began when you were young? Smoking is something I had to learn to do. Learn to smoke had a bit of persistence and put up with the misery of coughing and hacking after every sip of a cigarette. What control do you have? You learned how to remove the natural protective responses of your body hot, polluted smoke entering your lungs, pure equity. The lungs created by only clean air! You control the reaction of your body with your mind!
When people think of trying to stop smoking cigarettes, they realize that it is in the best interest of your health to quit smoking. They understand the health risks and smoking lounge. They know how expensive it is to smoke. They all valid reasons to stop smoking smart. However, many can not! What is the reason for this dilemma? Because smoking cigarettes is the end of a way. This puts an end to a means of satisfying a physical need, calm nerves, keep you from eating, for some reason used to justify smoking. This is really the elimination mechanism defensive values ​​of the organization, the smoker has been so long that allows the creation of them and now makes the smoker to experience cravings. If you are able to stop, but do not remove this relaxation retreat of the body, the best you can hope for is that an ex-smoker. What exactly is an ex-smoker? A former smoker is a person who has smoked in the past and took a smoke break, but probably start smoking in the future.
The defense mechanism that you spent years building still running. He became the ogre you've forgotten how to be responsible! Memory is erased why he created the ogre first, because it was a long time ago! You can defeat and drive for a while, but is constantly pushed to be released. Eventually released and returning to smoking. Smoking is not the ogre. This is the mechanism that has been created in your brain that forces you to smoke cigarettes, which is the ogre.
Tips to quit smoking
There is no physical dependence, but also there are also psychological triggers that make quitting difficult. The smokers become so used to maintain smoking regimes where smoke cigarettes at certain times of the day and when they do certain activities.
When smoked, I always feel like I have smoking and eating after the first cigarette of the morning. So when it comes to breaking with your account and you are in a situation where you normally smoke a cigarette, it feels a little out of habit. The activity of conditioning your brain to associate smoking with activity. So besides breaking the physical addiction, you also need to break the mental habits that have been implemented.
Here are some tips to quit smoking:
1. Should be devoted to quitting. You have to really want to quit. A person has to develop a burner to quit. Two. Mind. When you find yourself in situations where you would normally have a smoke, substitute another activity for smoking activity. Brush your teeth or chew gum until the urge passes. Do not dwell on the desire and the way "just to have a cigarette." Three. Chewing gum can help because it keeps your mouth busy and gives you something to do instead of smoking. Chewing nicotine gum can be helpful to prevent cravings April. Avoid stopping in the process of giving up. You should be positive about becoming a non-smoker and not focus on how hard it is and how much I need a cigarette. May. Tips to help you quit smoking naturally
Add the exercise of their new life activities. It keeps you busy and takes you through those times when you experience cravings for a cigarette. When you crave a cigarette, put on running shoes and get out your yoga mat and get there.
Try to eat a diet low in fat, high in fiber to accelerate detoxification and help conserve energy. These foods prevent weight gain.
Tell your smoking and coworkers that you stop using naturally using natural methods friends. The idea caught smoking colleagues and shame associated may be enough for you to light a cigarette.
Save your cigarette money in a jar, and then reward yourself - a spa visit, a good book or a weekend will give the prize won.
Looking for a natural remedy to stop smoking naturally to help reduce cravings. There are some excellent formulations to quit smoking to help stop smoking naturally. Natural products containing echinacea are known to help the body resist cravings. Sarsaparilla helps to prevent weight gain and helps flowers of passion to reduce stress and anxiety. Burdock root, seaweed and hyssop are good for removing deposits of nicotine in the body. Aromatherapy Oil can be used at times when the craving becomes almost unbearable. Rub the oil under the nose, the action of steam and aromatherapy help you overcome all envy. floral therapy, the use of Dr. Bach emergency extract can be used in times of high stress can cause you to smoke. These flower extracts can be found in health food stores or Whole Foods, and they really work!
Stop smoking hypnotherapy involves the process of giving suggestions to your subconscious by a qualified therapist hiccups. Every smoker has his own personal psychological triggers that make smoking a positive experience, like smoke, the smell of cigarettes, drive a car, be stressed, after a meal, or watch TV. Hypnosis allows you to get rid of these cravings and create a strong identity and improved free cigarettes. These treatments also offer a convenient storage system with CD and other audio recordings. The result of this treatment varies from one person to another. It completely depends on the sensitivity of the person to hypnosis. hypnosis treatment relieves anxiety and the need to smoke. Sometimes several hypnosis sessions are necessary to achieve permanent results.
Some of the benefits of hypnotherapy for smoking cessation treatment are: 1. No side effects Two. Completely drug free treatment Three. The therapy session is not too long April. Positive results will be achieved May. The therapist can tailor the hypnosis session to your needs.

How to Stop Smoking FAST - 5 Recommended Steps

As a former smoker, I am still craving from time to time. Back in the day, he had tried several times to quit. I stopped at once, and then again. I would start and stop more than ten years, without success. Finally I used a fine smoke program that worked for me. There are many other products that are available for those who want to quit smoking today and naturally that can be found easily on the internet.
Here are five tips to help you stop smoking naturally.
1. You can not quit, unless you decide to stop. If you think you can try to stop without putting any effort into it, you are simply wrong. There is no magic pill or dark secrets that will get you to quit smoking. Take the first step and decide now that you will quit smoking today, otherwise as soon as possible.
Two. Read the facts about smoking and learn. Maybe if I knew what it was against, you want to run many times to try to stop and restart. Smoking is addictive for a reason and it's not your fault. The ingredients in cigarettes are put there to get you hooked once you start. There are over 599 bad ingredients in cigarettes. Worse, when the cigarette is lit, sent these 599 bad ingredients in the air and is dangerous to those around you.
Three. Write down the reasons you want to quit. Make two columns. Make a column for which you want to stop smoking and the other column you think you should not quit. Think long and hard about this because this page will be your motivation that you see when you feel the urge to smoke.
April. Get a small notebook or pocket calendar. Keep a daily log. Every time you put a cigarette in hand (even if it does not start or even if you take a breath and put it), make a cut or a check mark. Add the number of times you touched one cigarette per day. Also dropped the price of a pack every time you buy a record of your daily life. At the end of the week, add it. Next week, eliminating one cigarette a day. Follow this procedure for every week you have to wean yourself off.
May. Get two large pots. Place the pots visible on a counter where you can see every day. Every time you put a cigarette in his mouth, he placed fourth in the jar. If you smoke cigarettes, put the cigarette in a pot that has a half cup of water in the bottom. Make sure you have a lid for marijuana, for now, because it's going to smell. For more tips on how to quit smoking naturally, you can go to Google or Bing and even find helpful videos on You Tube. You can also visit our resource box for more information on our blog.
Remember, there is nothing good in life requires effort. You can do it if you put your mind to it to start naturally quit right now.

How to Stop Smoking - Tips to Succeed

A lot of people want to know how to quit smoking. Advices and techniques can be found everywhere, but it is important to know that quitting is a matter of will. On the other hand, there are thousands of people who quit every day, and you can be one of them.

Maybe you are wondering how others can quit. The answer to the question is very simple, but the theory is simpler than practice. The statistics say that 95% from the people who try to quit would continue to smoke until the end of the first year. So it's clear that you should have a very strong motivation and desire to quit.

If you want to grow the will and the motivation to succeed, you will have to learn the implications of quitting. Try to use the "cold turkey method" that means instant stop. The first milestone would be the first day. If you are able to stay without smoking for a whole day, you are on the good path. Three days is another important milestone, as the nicotine would start to be eliminated from the body. After two weeks, you won't think about a cigarette every moment of the day, but the satisfaction of quitting would start to disappear.

This is a crucial moment, as many people smoke "one cigarette" after this period, just to see how it is. The little monster called nicotine spreads in the body, and there you are, a smoker again. You will have to remember that there is no such thing as "one cigarette". You will have to educate your brain to think "non-smoking", as the body would be easily used with the new situation this way. The best way is to shift the focus from smoking to some other activity. First of all, restrict the visiting of smoking places and hide all the stuff related to smoking. Than, find the activity that will substitute smoking, e.g. start 3-month fitness program with the goal to loose some weight or achieve some personal record. Once your brain is switched, you will find it a lot easier to live without cigarettes.

 There are also a lot of supportive tips and tricks that can make easier your way to the non-smoker status. Do not forget to drink a lot of water, have something to keep your mouth and hands busy as well as help yourself with some medication or nicotine chewing gum.
Find regularly updated collection of stop smoking tips in my blog - 1001 ways to quit smoking.

Quit Cigarette Smoking Today

Are you looking to give up smoking? Want to know when the best time is? Now of course! Studies show that people who quit on the spot are more successful than people who plan it. Makes sense I suppose. But with more & more smoking bans happening around the world there is no better time to give it up.

So what's the best way to go about it? There are so many methods available; it's easy to get confused! Hypnotherapy, patches, willpower and gum are all good methods and all have worked well for people but everyone's different. The first rule is to decide on a technique and stick to it. Willpower obviously is one of the biggest components. If you have willpower you can do anything. Apparently!

Then there are books. Loads of them are being written, claiming that you read them once then never want to smoke again. Does it work though? Yes! Apparently the psychological attachments to smoking are far more powerful than the addiction. So if you remove the idea that you enjoy smoking from your brain it is far, far easier to succeed. This is the theory that books are based on. And surprisingly, in my opinion it is the best method.

In 1972 half of all adults in the UK smoked. By 1990 the amount of people had fallen to a third. At present just under a quarter of UK adults smoke. Less than half the amount as in 1972! And the number is falling now more dramatically than ever. Smokers may not know that giving up does more than lessen your chances of lung and heart disease. It has many more benefits. It can make you feel more energetic and healthier, improve your blood circulation, improve your sexual health and fertility and make you look and even feel a lot younger! Then there's the worry of passive smoking. Did you know that 17,000 children under five years old are admitted to hospital each year, due to illness caused by there parents or people in the house smoking?
Do you want to give up smoking? Are you worried that it will be too hard? Learn how to give up smoking today, forever, without any cravings or displeasure. Go to

Quit Smoking Tips and Advice

Smoking in Decline?

Smoking rates have declined in the developed world to an all time low of about 20%. Unfortunately, smoking rates continue to rise in many of the developing nations. People smoke because they are addicted to nicotine but although nicotine has a negative impact on health, it is the other chemicals present in tobacco that are really harmful. The end result of nicotine addiction and tobacco consumption is cancer, heart attack and strokes. The great thing about quitting is that the health benefits are almost immediate. There is no doubt that quitting smoking is really hard. The fact is, most smokers would like to quit, but nicotine is a difficult drug to give up and doesn't let go without a fight..

Factors Involved in Quitting Smoking
There are two important factors that will decide whether you can quit and remain smoke free forever. You must have a strong desire to stop smoking and the will power to carry you through to remain a non-smoker. It is essential to have the correct mind set. Formulate a quit smoking plan and follow it through. A quit smoking plan can be broken down into six simple stages geared toward returning you to the healthy state of a non-smoker. The first step is always the hardest- you need to think about quitting smoking. Data suggests that 15 million smokers try to quit each year in the USA, although only 5% will be successful 12 months later. Most successful quitters have had more than one attempt before finally quitting for good. Don't despair if you fail, but never give up trying. For the second stage you need to consider the health effects of continuing to smoke. There is no way escaping the fact that hard medical evidence shows that smoking is extremely hazardous to health. The statistics don't lie. On average smokers will reduce their lifespan by 14 years. Understand how smoking undermines your health. You need to be aware of the diseases and conditions directly caused by smoking tobacco. Some of the health consequences of smoking you will be aware of however, others are less well known but still deadly all the same. Stage 3 is about preparing to quit. Success is all about preparation and planning. Set goals and list all the reasons why you want to quit.4: Knowledge is power. Research your enemy, nicotine. Why is it such an addictive chemical? Come to terms with the real reason why you smoke. Acknowledge that you are a drug addict and addicted to the most addictive drug there is. Stage 5: Getting help. Giving up smoking is hard but not impossible. There are numerous products and aids designed to help you quit. Not all products are effective and some are just designed to take your hard earned cash. Review each in turn examining their advantages and disadvantages so that you can decide which, if any, is the best product for you. Stage 6: Staying long term smoke free. Quitting is easy. Staying long term smoke free is the really hard part. Most people relapse because nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms become unbearable. You must learn how to control nicotine cravings. Though intense, the urges don't last long. The trick is to resist these powerful, but short lived pangs. Deep breathing techniques and exercise help some.

Making Life Changing Decisions
Research indicates that the first three months are critical and most quitters will relapse during this crucial period. Quitting smoking is a life changing decision and remains the single most important thing you can do to significantly improve your health and welfare. Hopefully you can break free from nicotine addiction to achieve your ultimate goal of becoming and remaining a non-smoker.
George Davis is a professional scientist with 25 years experience as a Human Geneticist. His passion is helping smokers give up their deadly habit. If you are a smoker and are serious about quitting then visit Tips To Help Stop Smoking for no non-sense help and advice. TipsToHelpStopSmoking

10 Tips to Quit Smoking Naturally

There are literally dozens of tips to quit smoking naturally. There isn't one clear natural method or pattern for quitting smoking naturally but rather a number of short tips to try in hopes that one or more will help you kick the nicotine habit.

(1) Think in a positive manner. This is not an unattainable goal.
(2) Don't give up when you have a bad day or backslide. You can still quit!
(3) Make a list of the reasons that you want to quit smoking. Post copies of this list everywhere you spend time. Put the list at various places in your home, at work, in your car and carry one with you.
(4) Replace your cigarette break with an orange juice break, or to smoke only those you really want. Don't just light that cigarette out of habit.
(5) You may experience some withdrawal symptoms when you are trying to quit smoking. Be prepared and have a game plan.
(6) If you become irritable be ready with some ideas that may make you less irritable. Consider meditation, yoga or a dance or exercise class.
(7) Carry hard candy or gum with you. These things can help if your mouth becomes dry.
(8) Form a support group or join one that is already in existence. A group of people who are also trying to quit smoking can be very supportive and you will be able to share tips.
(9) Celebrate each milestone. Treat yourself to a movie, a night out with friends or a walk in the park.
(10) Start noticing the benefits of a smokeless life. It won't be long before you are breathing easier and thinking more clearly. Your clothing, home and car will no longer smell like smoke. You will be much more pleasant to kiss.
Follow these tips to quit smoking naturally and you will be able to kiss those butts goodbye forever.
For more instructions on quitting smoking, please visit

Some Tips to Quit Smoking

Research shows that smoking is the most common preventable cause of death. Millions of smokers all over the world die because of a smoking related death. It is important for your health that you quit smoking and start living a healthy life. Quitting also helps you keep many health conditions and problems at bay. When you quit smoking, the circulation of blood in your body improves by leaps and bounds and your blood pressure becomes normal again. When you stop smoking, your sense of smell and taste also return and you become a healthier person. Quitting smoking is a good thing and breathing also becomes easier when you do so.

You can avoid the risk of cancer in the long term and quitting can help you live a better and longer life. There are various reasons why people smoke, but you can also find alternatives for it too. If you think that smoking gives you peace of mind, freedom from stress or anything else, you should substitute that behaviour with something positive. If you think smoking provides you relaxation and reduces stress, you should try deep breathing, meditation and exercise. This will help you grow spiritually, mentally and physically. When you are at peace with yourself, life will become easier too.

If you think smoking helps you kill boredom and loneliness, you should keep yourself involved in music, art and literature. Many people feel that a meal is incomplete if they do not smoke. In such cases, you should pamper yourself with a delicious dessert after your meal. If this does not work, you can take help of smoking cessation treatment options that are available on the market. Medications such as Champix can give you additional support if you want to quit smoking. If you are really serious about quitting, you should write down all the reasons why you want to quit.

Making a personal smoking cessation plan will be a lot more helpful than the one you will find on the internet. This will also help you understand yourself in a better manner. Write down your plan about how you want to quit smoking. You can either quit smoking cold turkey or give it up slowly. Quitting cold turkey is not easy. Many smokers quit at least 5-6 times before they give it up forever. When you quit smoking, withdrawal symptoms of this problem are high and you need to manage your cravings.

When you stop smoking, you will experience restlessness, fatigue, sleeplessness, frustration and anger. This is when Champix can help you quit smoking and stay with your decision of not smoking again in your life. Quitting can be tough but you can do it if you are ready to change your life for better. The trick is to always stay motivated, and determined. The more focused you are, the easier it is for you to give up this habit. Keep your eyes on the goal and ensure that you stay strong in spite of the temptation to smoke.
Written by Adelisa Neumark, webmaster and content writer at, a leading online clinic in Ireland. If you think smoking helps you kill boredom and loneliness, you should keep yourself involved in music, art and literature. Champix tablets can help you quit smoking.

Quit Smoking Today With These Methods

Are you addicted to cigarettes, can can't seem to find a way to quit them? This is a very common problem nowadays since so many health complications have been found to be associated with smoking. Not only is it detrimental to your health, but smoking also causes a lot of extraneous hassles, such as yellowing of the skin and teeth, a decrease in energy levels, a constant smoky smell, etc. Many people are also beginning to avoid smokers at all costs, so it could damage relationships that are important to you. Second-hand smoke is also very unhealthy, so you could be hurting the people around you, and you could even be hurting beloved family members. There are so many cons that outweigh any pros to smoking, so you should do everything in your power to quit this dangerous habit! Here, you can learn about a few effective ways to quit smoking for good.
Going Cold Turkey

This is a rather unpopular method used for quitting smoking, as it is very hard for people to stick with it. If you have a strong will and a lot of motivation to quit smoking, then you should try quitting cold turkey. This means that you do not use any supplements of any kind, and only use your sheer willpower to quit smoking. You stop picking up cigarettes immediately and permanently, and eventually the drive to smoke will fade away. This method is used because it is obviously inexpensive, so if you have a low budget and a high amount of willpower, then try it out! Put down your cigarette, throw away all the ones you have, and put them out of your mind. Eventually your craving will die down, and you can stop wasting money on the health hazard.

This method is often ignored by many people, because it involves needles. However, acupuncture is not meant to hurt, because it actually eases pain since it is a relaxation method. Needles are placed in the body at strategic pinpoints, and this is all done by trained professionals. There have been studies that have proven acupuncture to be an effective method for curing the cravings for a cigarette, so you should give it a try! If it doesn't work, just don't do it again. If it does, then congratulations, you no longer want to smoke!

Nicotine Patches
The addicting quality of a cigarette is the nicotine inside, and if you use a nicotine patch that will supply nicotine to your body, then you don't have to pick up a cigarette to ease your addiction. The great thing about nicotine patches is that there is no smoke, so your lungs are not being filled with harmful chemicals and people around you won't scurry away at the smell. The drawback from nicotine patches is that they are around $30.00 per pack, and when you run out you have to buy more. This can turn out to be costly, unless your habit starts to slowly edge away. If the habit goes away, you would save a lot of money in the long run.
Start Today!
You should try any one of these methods if you are struggling with a smoking addiction. Smoking can cause a lot of detrimental health complications in the near and far future, so stopping as soon as you can is the best idea for your own life.

How To Quit Smoking Easily and Permanently.

It is a sad fact that most of the common quit smoking techniques offered today either do not work at all or they only work for a limited time. The reason for this failure is that many methods such as patches, the various pharmaceutical drugs, nicotine gum etc focus solely on the physical side of the smoking addiction. In reality this is but an extremely small part of the whole smoking problem, and it is accepted by many researchers into the smoking problem to be as little as 5% of the whole issue.

A lot of people try going down this physical product road and fail to quit smoking and beat themselves up about it saying things "I am just weak" or "I just don't have enough willpower to stop". Don't beat yourself up about your failure to stop smoking using these methods. It is not your fault that you have not succeeded, you have just not been going about quitting smoking the correct way.

The real reason why so many people can't stop smoking is not the physical addiction to nicotine at all, it is actually psychological. The problem is really caused by a conflict between the two parts of the human mind, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. On a conscious level you want to quit smoking, you have had enough of it, it doesn't fit in with your lifestyle anymore, you know how detrimental it is to your health, you don't even enjoy it any more, yet for some reason despite all these very compelling reasons to stop smoking, you just can't do it, it's too hard, and you just do not have the willpower. The reason you are unable to quit smoking is in the subconscious part of the mind.

The subconscious part of the mind is the more powerful part of your mind by far, it is also very stubborn and does not like change. Unfortunately in this stubborn and dominant part of your mind you have beliefs about smoking, and those beliefs are that smoking gives you something, a positive benefit of some kind. The most common perceived benefits that many smokers can relate too are stress relief, relaxation, relief from boredom, help to focus, and help to feel more confident socially. Many smokers also see smoking as a reward, an excuse for some much needed time out and even as an old friend that is always there for you.

Because subconsciously you hold one or more commonly a number of these beliefs, this causes a battle of wills between the two parts of the mind, when you try and quit smoking. A lot of smokers describe this conflict as like having a good angel sitting on one shoulder and a little devil sitting on the other, or like having two conflicting voices having an argument inside their mind. There is no good or evil involved, this is simply a battle between your conscious willpower and your subconscious programming and unfortunately because your subconscious mind is the dominant of the two minds it will win this battle of wills every time.
So what is the solution? Well the only really permanent way to quit smoking is to effectively reprogram your subconscious mind, and get it working with you rather than struggling against you, which is what it is doing currently.

This can be best achieved by a combination of hypnosis and NLP which if done correctly will eliminate the beliefs from your subconscious mind which are sabotaging you and effectively "reprogram" your subconscious thinking so that you "think, act feel and believe as a non smoker".

The good news is that once you "think, act, feel and believe as a non smoker" guess what... you are a non smoker, and when you make change at that core subconscious level those changes are permanent, and you can get on with your life free of the smoking habit forever.

The best way to find someone who can assist you in quitting is to find a trained hypnotherapist who is also a Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioner. It is this joint skillset that offers the smoker the best chance of success in quitting smoking permanently.
To find out more about how you can quit smoking quickly easily and permanently today visit the author's website at where you will find an excellent resource to help you do this.

Simple Tips to Help Quit Smoking

Smoking is the main cause for all kinds of health problems and illnesses. The best way to quit smoking is by first all understanding what it does to your body. Before we proceed to the tips on how you can quit smoking, I would like to mention few things. Did you know that smoking causes cancer and more importantly it can make you impotent?

Imagine yourself being in such a situation. I'm sure you wouldn't want to have that situation. Cancer is not a curable disease for many people. In many cases even after the treatments are done, the complications still linger on for many years. The main reason for that urge to smoke is because of the nicotine that is present in the cigarette.

Nicotine is a harmful substance that causes your brain to get addicted to it. Once you get addicted to it, you find it difficult to leave the habit. It is more like you getting addicted to nicotine than smoking. When you get the urge, you tend to smoke and get a feeling of relaxation in your mind, which unfortunately is not true.
I think by now you have understood the seriousness of this harmful habit. Let us have a look at few tips that can help you quit smoking:

I quit: Sadly that is the first way to quit smoking. You must have heard from someone, that you can quit this habit slowly. Where does that lead you to? You still smoke. When will that day come where you don't touch the cigarette? When you still keep on smoking, you can't leave that habit. It keeps haunting you as you want to smoke.

It is like you see a cake. Your mind tells you nothing wrong in having a small bite. So you go ahead and take a bite. You continue doing that till you finish the whole cake. You want to quit smoking, quit it completely.
Have gums handy: Once you are a smoker, you feel the urge to smoke quite often in a day. Keep chewing the gum till you leave the urge. A friend of mine got rid of this habit with this method. Whenever he felt like smoking, he put a gum in his mouth. Yes it was a difficult process, but he finally succeeded.

Select friends who don't smoke: It is a good idea to have friends who don't smoke. When you have the wrong company, you tend to do that same as them. It is human nature. If your friends smoke during the break time, try to politely stay away from them during that time. You need to also remember that the smell can trigger you to have a puff and you are back to where you started.

Have support: It is good to have support from someone who encourages you to stop smoking. You also need to be motivated and determined to leave this habit. That person can be your spouse, your friend, or even relative. This step is very effective, mind you. You can try it out.

Reward yourself: It is a good idea to reward yourself once you reach a target. To reach a target you can set goal. For example tell yourself that you won't smoke for at least couple of weeks. Once you complete that period, you can reward yourself.
Friends I strongly advise you to leave this dangerous habit. You are doing yourself a favor.
Hi, I'm Sumith an Internet Marketing Expert who likes to write articles during my free time.

How To Stop Smoking- Understanding the Truth Behind the Myths

There are 55 million smokers in America, and chances are, every one of them has tried at some point to quit. Regardless of the reason that people start smoking, their reasons for being unable to quit are usually the same. Lack of willpower, don't want to gain weight, they will try again on Monday. Sometimes all three. Well, the fact is, you are stronger than you could ever imagine. By using one of the many smoking cessation programs that are available, and breaking down some of the myths that surround smoking, you can be looking at going smoke free soon.

I don't have the willpower to quit smoking forever.
That's okay. Fortunately you only have to have the willpower to quit today. Often times, when we think that we are setting goals, we are instead creating obstacles. Never imagine yourself struggling with this smoking addiction ten years down the road. Each day starts fresh. At the times that you most want a cigarette, put it off. Not forever, not even for the day. Just tell yourself that you can wait 15 minutes.
Brush your teeth, pop a mint, or pick up a book. Anything to distract your hands and mind. If after 15 minutes, you still feel tempted, know that you are strong enough to delay yourself again. The important point is to never look at smoking cessation as an all or nothing proposition. You will have good days and bad days, but stick with it. With perseverance, you will find that the good days begin to out number the bad days.

I don't want to gain weight.
Not many of us want to gain weight, so this is an understandable fear. Over the years, the weight gain- stop smoking connection has been greatly exaggerated. Not everyone that quits smoking will gain weight, and even the people that do average a gain of only ten pounds. If even ten pounds is enough to make you hesitate, you should realize that stopping the cigarette habit does not mysteriously cause weight gain. People that gain weight when they quit smoking do so for two reasons. They eat more and they are less active.
Regardless of what type of smoking cessation program you use, mindless eating is likely to sneak up on you. This probably has less to do with chemical withdrawal than it does the need to keep your hands busy. As far as the lack of activity goes, without having to make those trips outside the office building to smoke, you are probably a much more productive employee, which is good, but you probably spend a lot more time in your chair. Take a few breaks during the day, even a few brisk trips up and down the hall will help, but consider heading outside once or twice a day as well. There is no reason smokers should have all the fun, right?

I'll try again Monday.
Sure you will, we all will. In the mean time, you will probably smoke more than normal over the weekend, as you prepare to quit. The trouble is, unless you change your behavior, you are no more likely to make it through Monday as you are today. To quit smoking, you cannot think in terms of success and failure. If you slip, no need to wait for another day, week, or month. So, you messed up, big deal, stub out the cig and go on with your life.

Top Stop Smoking Products
Some people respond well to stop-smoking products. If you'd like to find the ones that have really worked for people, visit The products here are ranked and reviewed by ex-smokers. Never give up and keep trying different strategies until you find what works for you. Good luck! helps people find products that "really work" by operating a network of internet sites designed to faciliate communication between consumers. Find the top stop-smoking products at

Stop Smoking Tips - 8 Things You Can Do to Make it Easier

Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking. It is a very positive change that you bring to your life and you will be amazed at the quality of life you will be able to enjoy without your dependence on nicotine.

However, nicotine is a very addictive symptom and can make quitting smoking difficult. It is important for you to know what to expect when you quit smoking so that you are able to handle it effectively. Don't be surprised if you suffer from withdrawal symptoms for up to 10 days after you quit. It is normal for you to feel the symptoms of flu, upset stomach, etc. when you quit smoking. You are also likely to be irritable, anxious, angry and even depressed soon after you quit smoking. These symptoms will pass. You may want to consult a doctor if you are concerned about the effects of these symptoms on your health.

There are a number of quit smoking aids available that can help you give up your smoking habit. These aids include nicotine patches, hypnosis, counseling, herbal and non herbal medication. You may want to consult your physician and choose one of the aids that suit you the best.
Here are some tips to help you quit smoking:

1. Select a date and stick to it.

2. Talk to your family and friends about quitting and get their support. They are the ones who should understand best and respect your decision the most. So if your behavior changes a little bit due to anxiety or stress, they will know why.

3. Find someone else who want to quit smoking (or convince one !). You can be each other's support structure. Exchange your experience and tips.

4. Take up another habit to substitute the habit of smoking. It can be simply to replace the oral fixation with sugar free chewing gums, or an activity of your choice.

5. Start exercising. This will help channel the excess energy you feel and make you fit as well. This should also lead you to drink some water, that is a great cleanser for your body.

6. Stay busy. This will help you keep your mind off smoking and getting tired by the end of the day will help you sleep better. There are countless activities if you take the time to think about them. What can you do at home ? What can you do outside ? Even the smallest task needs focus, and you are not thinking about smoking during this time.

7. Get some stop smoking products. These may be an additional help, and every help is good to take in your quest to quit.
Bonus Tip!
8. Reward yourself. What can you buy if you save the money you usually spent on cigarettes? In one week, one month, one year ? Find potential rewards that can be used as your goals.
More stop smoking tips and information are available at It's extremely important for you to know how to quit before you start to stop!

Two Easy Ways to Quit Smoking

I know how is it like when you are on that border when you either make one step more and stop smoking or your procrastinate a bit longer. I used to smoke and know that I prayed to God to offer me some easy ways to quit smoking, and I can tell you that there actually are easy ways, but easy does not necessarily mean that you will not need to do something after all. You will indeed need to do more than you think, but it will be much easier to quit smoking as a result of your efforts.

#1 First of all, you need to make up your mind that you will quit smoking, and that's it. You must make that decision, because as long as you procrastinate and try to find all kind of excuses and try to lower the amount of cigarette smoke that you consume each day, you will not get anywhere. Quit smoking means to QUIT the habit. It means that you are no longer IN the habit. And if you are no longer in the habit, there is no excuse as to why you would light a cigarette again.

#2 When you finally make that decision, start looking for the next steps. You first need to throw away your cigarette boxes if there are still any left and then you are ready to overcome the habit. Now, what happens when you don't smoke anymore is the same thing that happens when we detract any kind of addendum from our mind.

Our mind needs every little thing it is conditioned to do in order to feel satisfied. And the moment that something starts missing, we start to feel dissatisfied. The easy way to quit smoking is to give our mind something else to do whenever it needs a cigarette.

Your best option is to direct all your concentration and energy to create something that will benefit you. You might want to start your own online business and put all your free time into it. You might use your time to write amazing articles and publish them on your very own blog for the whole world to see. You can have your own blog set up for free or for a very low cost.

Use your own imagination and creativity to create something great. You will be very thankful to make that step as you will actually be able to direct your life in the direction that you have always wanted it to go. And trust me, when you quit smoking, you will see that you have hold yourself back a big time and that you can actually achieve great things if you keep your mind strong. Averting from smoking and purposefully using that time for other things will make you quite strong to move your life ahead.
This was just an example of few things that you can do to quit smoking. Do you want to learn some of the best ways to stop smoking? Then you should read the full article about easy ways to quit smoking and wake up in a new day as a non-smoker.

'Help Me Stop Smoking' - How Hypnosis Can Help You

Knowing how powerful hypnosis can be to help someone quit cigarettes once and for all, it's a real shame that many people out there will never consider it simply because of the misconceptions they have about hypnosis, what it is and how it works.

My goal here is to share some information with you. It's the exact thing I tell people when I meet a smoker, I tell them what I do and then immediately they say to me "help me stop smoking!"

So how does hypnosis help people quit this horrible habit? It's quite simple really. It just takes away that huge overwhelming URGE TO SMOKE. At the end of the day, once you have decided to quit, you wouldn't smoke if you didn't feel like a cigarette would you? Of course not and this is exactly what hypnosis can do for you. It allows you to experience a state (NATURALLY), that gives YOU a sense of control to go without a cigarette no matter what situations you might find yourself in which would have previously been huge triggers for you.

This is the real secret to helping people quit cigarettes with hypnosis. What people are really asking for when they say 'help me stop smoking' is this 'Please give me the control to easily go without a cigarette'. This is exactly what hypnosis does for you.

Of course there is no treatment in the world, this one included, that will ever guarantee that you won't decide to reach out, pick up a cigarette and light it up. It's for this very reason that I offer 2 FREE back up sessions any time in your lifetime. However, what I almost always find is that at the moment of that first puff after seeing me, it wasn't a craving or urge that made them have a cigarette, it was a decision to have one. Either after a few drinks or during some stressful situation.

When people are saying 'help me stop smoking', they are not saying 'take away my ability and free will to make a decision to smoke', they are saying 'take away the craving and the urge so I can be in control to make the decision NOT to have a cigarette'. That is exactly what I help smokers with.

The mindset before hypnosis is so crucially important. Want to know why? Because the actual hypnosis itself is SO easy, so simple and so enjoyable, but the mindset going into the hypnosis will make or break your feeling and level of control after the session.

So in a nutshell, here's a breakdown of what hypnosis IS and IS NOT:
It's a normal natural state that you drift in and out of through the day all the time. You label these times as 'being in the zone', or 'zoned out', or 'a million miles away'

It's a state of focussed, relaxed, attention. You are always in control to either 'go with the flow' of the suggestions or not. You're not going to fall asleep, you'll be aware of everything going on around at every moment. Hypnosis will never make you do something you don't already WANT to do.

As a quit cigarettes specialist in Sydney, Nick has already helped many people quit smoking permanently using a proven sixty minute hypnosis session.
Find out more about his system to quit smoking natural (quit cigarettes in sixty minutes guaranteed) in a safe, natural and proven way without patches, pills, gum or medication. He is so confident in this system he offers a unique 100% lifetime guarantee.
All you need to get started is to call Nick at 0403-819-681.