Recently, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has undertaken a major effort to fight against smoking in 50 states.cdc smoking The objective of the program is to improve public education and to develop a national policy to fight against smoking. In short, the objective is to reduce the number of deaths ( and related diseases ) smoking in the United States .CDC smoking Currently, about 444,000 people die every year from diseases of direct and indirect tobacco .
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Men still dominate the statistics cdc smoking, with about 270,000 deaths per year ( average between 2000 and 2004), female deaths totaled 174,000 during the same period.cdc smoking
cdc smoking This means that for an average period of 10 years, nearly 4.5 million people in the U.S. die prematurely from smoking.cdc smoking
cdc smoking Results worldwide are equally alarming. According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Queensland and the School of Public Health at Harvard , about 5 million people have died from causes related cdc smoking to height in 2000. Men were more likely than women to die from smoking-related diseases . In developing countries , for example, more than 80 percent of the deaths were men.cdc smoking
cdc smoking !!!
Although these figures are impressive , consider creating a time per hour. Using an average of 365.25 days per year (including leap years) cdc smoking , an average year is 8766 hours . This means that about 51 people die every hour of tobacco in the U.S. That's about one person every minute.cdc smoking
Overall cdc smoking, the number of tobacco-related deaths is about 570 people per hour or about 10 people per minute.
Smoking does more than kill cdc smoking , however. Statistics compiled by the American Cancer Society (ACS) and others show that smoking brings many other negative (eg , reduction in quality of life, shorter life expectancy cdc smoking , loss of productivity, increased sick days, an increased risk of heart and lung disease and increased risks associated with pregnancy and childhood diseases ) .cdc smoking
In fact, in 2000,quitting smoking the CDC estimates that about 8.6 million people were suffering from at least one chronic disease due to current or former smoking. Many of these people were actually suffering from more than one report with snuff condition - chronic bronchitis , emphysema , heart attacks, strokes and cancer accidents.quitting smoking
Therefore , efforts to reduce smoking are based on a solid foot health.quitting smoking
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But the fight against smoking CDC offers another view of smoking across the U.S.quitting smoking The use of a " smoking prevalence " index (the percentage of people in each state who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lives and smoked regularly ) , the CDC concluded that the Great Lakes to the Gulf coast of Mississippi - Alabama Appalachian and the Mississippi River have suffered most from West Virginia topped the scales at 26.5 percent. .quitting smoking But Indiana ( 26 percent) , Kentucky (25.2 percent ), Missouri (25 percent) and Texas (24.7 percent) led the nation . Utah (9.3 percent) and California ( 14 percent) quitting smoking had the lowest incidence of smoking .
stop smoking Many of the lower states use one or more smokers to stop / prevent smoking strategies that the CDC has described in the past. These include the rising prices of snuff, enact and enforce laws prohibiting smoking, restrict advertising and promotion of tobacco, the promulgation of media campaigns against snuff , limiting the access to products and snuff encourage and offer help smokers quit .stop smoking
Another testimony to reduce smoking is linked to groups that promote non-smoking as part of their religion.stop smoking Mormons and Seventh-day Adventists have much lower rates of lung cancer and other smoking-related cancers than most other groups
Quitting smoking has reported generous benefits , too. The CDC notes that the risk of most diseases smoking decreases the longer it goes and younger you are when you do not quit. In fact , people who quit smoking at a young age benefit most . Stop 35 removes 90% of the risk associated with tobacco use. However, as the CDC, " The argument that " it is too late to quit smoking because the damage is already done , " not true. "
The message is clear - smoking is dangerous to your life, quitting smoking (or never start ) is the best for you, your family, friends and colleagues.