it is one of the most important decisions you can make about the
benefits of smoking cessation aid by one of the hardest thing you could
ever try to do something thing . When
you are ready to commit to leave one of the most dangerous habits for
life that we face in the world today that have any positive information
that can be found . Let's review some of the benefits now .
The benefits of quitting are :
Una . to feel better
Back. Your home and property feel much better
Three . You save money , you can use the money you save for a vacation for you and your family
April. You no longer affect the health of others . If you have children and you are a smoker , your children are at risk of side effects from smoking too. It is not just for them. Colds your children and flu symptoms than normal. They cough like smoking. Worst of all is that you teach your children smoking if you smoke in front of them .
It's not a bad mood when you can not get their nicotine . I 'm sure we 've all been desperately wanting a cigarette and we take our frustrations on others. Once you stop smoking and reduce these impulses , your moods will be a thing of the past.
6 . Reduce health problems
a . ) When you smoke, your blood pressure rises , which increases the risk of having a heart attack. About 20 minutes after finishing a cigarette , blood pressure returns to normal .
b . ) If only 24 hours without a rate of carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarettes in blood is greatly reduced by more than half .
c). After a few days , you can see your energy level has increased and breathing becomes easier, you are still able to take in more oxygen
d. ) During the first 6 months , blood circulation improves
e . ) Only a year after quitting , the risk of heart attack will have dropped by half.
f . ) The risk of lung cancer after 10 years falls to half that of a smoker and the risk of return of heart disease in a non- smoking
7 . The skin and improve the overall appearance . I'm sure many of us have seen first-hand advice from a long-term smokers fingers may have a yellow spot them. Not only that, but the effect of smoking on early onset of wrinkles and signs of aging are the disadvantages of smoking is not very pretty. Smoking also stains your teeth and you can now get a teeth whitening treatment artificially , probably a natural smile must be better .
8 . Your sense of taste and smell improve. Smoking dulls the palate and affect the clarity of meaning, even after a few days you will begin to discover the taste that has not had for some time and
9 . You may have developed a " smoker's cough " increased production of mucus is common in smokers . When you stop smoking phlegm levels return to normal
10 . We have reached the ultimate benefit of this article , you may even notice that your field of vision improvement .
You can read also : Smoking Benefits
The benefits of quitting are :
Una . to feel better
Back. Your home and property feel much better
Three . You save money , you can use the money you save for a vacation for you and your family
April. You no longer affect the health of others . If you have children and you are a smoker , your children are at risk of side effects from smoking too. It is not just for them. Colds your children and flu symptoms than normal. They cough like smoking. Worst of all is that you teach your children smoking if you smoke in front of them .
It's not a bad mood when you can not get their nicotine . I 'm sure we 've all been desperately wanting a cigarette and we take our frustrations on others. Once you stop smoking and reduce these impulses , your moods will be a thing of the past.
6 . Reduce health problems
a . ) When you smoke, your blood pressure rises , which increases the risk of having a heart attack. About 20 minutes after finishing a cigarette , blood pressure returns to normal .
b . ) If only 24 hours without a rate of carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarettes in blood is greatly reduced by more than half .
c). After a few days , you can see your energy level has increased and breathing becomes easier, you are still able to take in more oxygen
d. ) During the first 6 months , blood circulation improves
e . ) Only a year after quitting , the risk of heart attack will have dropped by half.
f . ) The risk of lung cancer after 10 years falls to half that of a smoker and the risk of return of heart disease in a non- smoking
7 . The skin and improve the overall appearance . I'm sure many of us have seen first-hand advice from a long-term smokers fingers may have a yellow spot them. Not only that, but the effect of smoking on early onset of wrinkles and signs of aging are the disadvantages of smoking is not very pretty. Smoking also stains your teeth and you can now get a teeth whitening treatment artificially , probably a natural smile must be better .
8 . Your sense of taste and smell improve. Smoking dulls the palate and affect the clarity of meaning, even after a few days you will begin to discover the taste that has not had for some time and
9 . You may have developed a " smoker's cough " increased production of mucus is common in smokers . When you stop smoking phlegm levels return to normal
10 . We have reached the ultimate benefit of this article , you may even notice that your field of vision improvement .
You can read also : Smoking Benefits