Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Why Do I Heed to Quit Smoking?

Why focus on quitting smoking ? Evidence suggests and start acting

Why should people quit smoking? It is not against the law , which helps relieve stress , relax and calm down. And what about health problems ? Sometimes it seems that nobody cares until it is too late. Yet this is not all. Smokers are physical, psychological , behavioral, social and emotional even addictive. Who scares you, is not it ?

Do your best to stop smoking is that many ex-smokers to show . Sometimes just read one comment to understand that this is not just a habit , but a real problem that affects all parts of your body and all areas of your life. Why should people quit smoking? Firstly because smoking causes health problems , including cancer takes the first place . Inhalation causes bad breath and stained teeth , leads to gum disease and loss of permanent teeth.

And the cost ? Cigarettes affect your wallet too. The average cost is about $ 6 for a package , and if a person smokes 20 to 30 cigarettes a day will spend about $ 80 per week, which has a negative impact on banks' balance sheets .

Quit earning rewards! All smokers are selfish. Sounds strange , but true. They may be indifferent to their own health, but what about the people around them at work and at home? Mothers who smoke give birth to children with asthma and other respiratory disorders. Quitting smoking improves both their own health and that of their children, born and unborn .

And finally, just a few hours later to say no to smoking , the body becomes a little more healthy, the risk of heart disease decreases and an ex-smoker has the opportunity to live a longer and happier. I do not understand why people should stop smoking and how to find someone to quit smoking?

Health risks are not anything that triggers a smoker. According to the latest research from the AACAP , additional risks include changes in the mental level , when a person uses the gun, fight and look for problems with legal consequences . Experimentation with tobacco , many teenagers decide to experiment with other drugs. Why should people quit smoking? Nicotine is a gateway drug that affects the ability of the mind , health and feelings. So , everyone must decide where is the best: not live a normal life and do not smoke.

How to Quit Smoking Step by Step

We are all aware of the dangers of nicotine addiction is to our health and can cause lung cancer , stroke , heart disease and death. If you are a smoker and want to quit, try the simple steps that we will present in this short article .

Step One - Decide on a time and the number of cigarettes smoked per day . You can not leave one day because you are likely to want for it. For example, if you smoke 15 to 20 cigarettes per day , you should decide to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke. It will be good to fight against their addiction to cigarettes because it has a very realistic approach. Let's say you decide to smoke about 10 cigarettes a day for a week. At the end of the week , reward yourself for a job well done.

Step Two - Find a support group . If the second or third week , it is very difficult to smoke less , tell your family and friends about your plan. Make sure you tell them everything that you can support all the way. If you wish, you can also choose to join a local group for people whose goal is to stop smoking. Together, they can motivate and share tips on how to quit smoking.

Step Three - Keep a journal of your progress. It is good to see how you are. If you do not do well on a given day, it will be evident in his diary . You should also take note of what triggers smoking more . This journal will be your guide on what are the reasons why you smoke, and when the time you want to smoke .

Last step - Prepare the withdrawal because of its dependence on the height and all forms of addiction definitely has withdrawal symptoms. You must be ready for it. This last few weeks. All you have to do is not to give in to your desires.

Putting an end to your smoking addiction may not be an easy task , and sometimes you may have to leave a couple of times before finally succeeding , remember that you do this for you to have better health. Focus on the health benefits keep you motivated. When you feel like giving up , do not be discouraged and do not forget the price that awaits you - better health.

How and Why to Quit Smoking

Why and how you should quit smoking

53 years ago I had a friend and she was a girl.(not an official Girlfriend).

Her mom smoked and worked during the day so daughter used to pinch her smokes and shared them with me. Both my parents smoked as well.

So off and on I got used to smoking; my smoking got a real boost when I became a sailor at the age of 17, because you could buy cigarettes tax-free when you were outside territorial waters.

Over time I started smoking more and more cigarettes and had to get up a couple of times a night to have another nicotine fix.

Life without cigarettes was just not imaginable.

Going on an airline trip was sheer torture because I could not smoke for a couple of hours.

We flew to Singapore once and I had a couple of smokes in the washroom in spite of the fact that airplanes were already putting people in jail for smoking.

Over the years half of my mom's family died of lung cancer.

My dad's only sibling died of lung cancer.

My mom died of a brain tumor-she used to be a heavy smoker.

My dad got lung cancer.

After he got lung cancer he visited me; he was a pathetic skin over bones man now, wearing a corduroy suit, BUT STILL SMOKING IN MY GARAGE.

My brother's wife has breast cancer; my brother still smokes cigars.

I started having coughing spells at night and the vision in my left eye was deteriorating.

Me quitting smoking? Impossible- I have no willpower.

Because I knew I could not quit I never even bothered to buy Nicorette or any other stuff.

So after a whole lifetime of smoking I was going to die of lung cancer too.

BUT WAIT: the story is not finished yet.

On September 4, 2002 I was in Calgary browsing in a bookstore called Brown and Noble and a book jumped out at me.

The book was called "How to stop smoking" and had 385 pages in it.

I glanced at the first couple of pages where the author boasted that this book was the only way to quit smoking without any withdrawal symptoms or without the Patch.

I bought the book because I was curious as to what you could write 385 pages about how to quit smoking.

It took me 9 days to read the book.

On September 13, 2002 at 3 PM I took my last drag and exhaled it through a Kleenex.

That was my last cigarette. I have never even thought about smoking.
People can smoke around me and I don't give it a thought.

The book changes your Mindset.

The book is called "How to stop smoking" by Allan Carr, a British Accountant and is not available in the United States.

I no longer cough at night and the vision in my left eye is fine now.

Frank Vanderlugt


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Learn How To Quit Smoking

What do I mean by LEARN, shouldn't I be telling you to go buy some nicotine gum or some quit smoking NRT products. Hey! It's not that hard for anyone to stop smoking and NO you don't really need a pill, potion, patch or gum. As a matter of fact I believe you only need one thing to help you quit smoking and that's Knowledge, because knowledge is power.

Some historians claim that tobacco has been apart of our history since around 6000BC, however a little closer to our end of the time line in the pre- Columbian Americas the native Americans cultivated tobacco for ceremonial pipe smoking. Explorers like Christopher Columbus, Sir Walter Raleigh and France's Jean Nicot after whom nicotine was named began to popularize the use of tobacco as the new fashion throughout Europe. The process of smoking was learnt back in the early 16th century and it's still learnt the same way today. In the US every day 3000 new non-smoker kids become smokers! Each and every person has had to learn how to smoke.

You LEARNT how to become a smoker in the first place. You practised the draw-back and various smoking techniques over and over, including all those body image traits until you finally achieved that great `smoker status' . You convinced yourself how good and cool it was - right! You just taught yourself how to be a smoker even when the first few cigarettes nearly made you vomit.

You may be asking yourself right now, how can I learn how to stop smoking. The answer is easy, if you want to become a non-smoker, then you need to learn how to THINK as non-smoker. The reality is that gums, patches or NRT's won't change your smoker mindsets, knowledge and understanding is the key!

Listen ...'If you think the way you always thought, you'll have what you always had.'

Answer this... Who talks to you the most? Your partner? your boss? your neighbour? your friends? your dog or cat?

Nicotine Addiction is approximately 20% physiological and 80% psychological. Think about it, the chemical affect of the drug doesn't have to work very hard to keep you addicted because you will reinforce your perceived satisfaction with just about every cigarette through your thoughts and words.

I can show you a quit smoking process that will change your life forever. Your only problem will be deciding what to do with all that extra cash. Imagine the freedom of waking up every morning and thinking "I'm a non-smoker" now that's cool!

The bottom line is this - the nicotine addiction IS NOT your friend or buddy, it's a lying parasite that basically wants to kill you. Have you ever wanted to quit smoking?

To learn more please visit

Colin R. Williams is a Quit Smoking Personal Coach, Seminar Presenter and the author of Quit Smoking…NOW - It’s Easier Than You Think! Colin is passionate about helping people to stop smoking and break the chains of nicotine addiction – forever. He teaches a powerful principle that can’t fail. The Step-by-Step Quit Smoking Program outlined has no pills, potions, patches, gums, hypnosis, Zyban or NRT’s. It’s easy, proven, and it works!

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Different Ways to Overcome Nicotine Addiction

If you will search the term "how to stop smoking" or "how to quit smoking" in Google, Yahoo, Bing, or any other search engine online - you will be appalled by the results. It just means that there are really so many smokers out there who are trying to break free from their nicotine addiction. Nicotine and the sugar content in the cigarette are the main chemical compounds that are making each stick so addictive. But, nothing is impossible. If others have stopped smoking, then so can you.

Here are simple ways on how you can overcome your smoking addiction:

Group Support - Just in case you don't belong to the 5% of smokers who can successfully break free from the nicotine addiction, there are many support groups right now for smokers. If you live in a community where there are none, you can always go online. That is right, there are online support groups for those people who want to become totally smoke free. It feels really good to be with like-minded people from whose experiences you can learn from.

Hypnotherapy for Smokers - Yes, you read it right. There is indeed hypnotherapy for smokers now. Hypnosis is a very powerful way to overcome different psychological problems and this includes eating problems, trauma, and all forms of addiction, especially nicotine addiction. You might want to purchase the video and audio programs that will allow you to listen to the self-hypnosis that will help you completely stop smoking. These type of programs are also sold online. Right now, there is no need for you to actually approach a psychologist or a hypnotherapist. You can save time, money and effort with the online hypnosis programs that you can find on the Internet.

Nicotine Replacement Therapies - Of course, these are the most common among all of the stop nicotine addiction that are available right now. You always have the choice between the over the counter and the prescribed ones. There are different medications that will help you stop smoking and overcome the withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking. If you like, you can begin using the nicotine patch or the nicotine gum first since these are the most common among the non-prescription nicotine replacement products.

If you still think that you need the help of your physician, then have a check-up and consultation. Your physician knows which medication is best for your nicotine addiction. You then will have a better feeling knowing that your doctor is guiding you step by step on your path to being nicotine free. Remember, a healthier life is better. Smoking will only give you more trouble - stay out of it now!

For more resources regarding nicotine addiction, click on the following link:

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How Bad Friends Remind Me Of How Cigarettes Are

Is there a soul out there who has never had a bad friend? "Oxymoron!" you say. "How can a friend be a bad friend?" Well, from experience I can tell you something:

Once upon a time when quite young there was an older guy who was quite colorful. He was funny and always liked the excitement of a trick he'd play on someone. I wasn't an angel myself, and his expertise at doing mischievous things really impressed me like no one.

So all through childhood we became infrequent pals. My path was much straighter than his. He went to various schools for behavior; but whenever I'd see him, we would pal around.

But looking back, he had me on a failure track in that I did things too early... Rather than stick with my own age, I'd elect to be with him and his escapades.

It took me years--maybe sixty--before I clearly saw that our friendship in youth was not healthy as I grew up. I am sure several things I didn't do well came in part from being his friend.

I do not see him now. If I did, I would be cordial. I don't begrudge our youth. But I would be wary of his friendship right now.

The same is true of someone else. This second guy was more of an intellectual, and I thought of him as a cool mentor on topics that I knew little about. But knowing him deprived me of recognizing the truth about how I should live. However, I do respect him for what he's done in life, But I would not want to be involved with him for my sake.

Cigarette smoking is so much like these bad friends. On the surface they're something cool. They make us feel as if we've been transported to a better realm in our lifestyle. Life is more exciting. We feel a lot older (when we're quite young) and in the 'know' about aspects of life that others might not share.

Our cigarettes give us a new camaraderie with other folks who smoke, too. We're like a band of cool rebels-recognizing life's deal and escaping it some.

We really cannot perceive the truth of cigarette smokes. How could they be so bad?... There is always a 'drunk uncle' who lived to be ninety, And didn't he smoke, too? And that guy down the street: he has a cigarette-in-mouth every time we see him. He looks as fit as a fiddle.

There is an old saying: "For every prejudice there is a lie someone swears by"- and just like some bad friends cigarettes can make you lie to yourself about their worth.

The funny thing is, that once you swear off bad friends, you sense a new freedom in life. Suddenly, you are the true master of your realm.

I hasten to add candidly: cigarettes will get by just fine without your love... just as my bad friends don't miss me. There are always others to whom they can befriend... And the world goes around and 'round...

Humbler Acts, the creator of THE WIZARD'S OUTRAGEOUS SCHEME FOR STOPPING SMOKING, teaches you how you cn learn to stop smoking thoroughly by applying his plan of recording dreams and linking them to Seven Forces. Oxford educated, Humbler lives in St. Louis, MO-in retirement-with his wife of fity years.
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The Ordeal Of Quitting The Smoking Habit

Quitting the smoking habit not only extends the life-span of a smoker, greatly improving their health on many levels, but it also increases happiness and instills a sense of pride and accomplishment for those who can truly stop. There are so many reasons a smoker should quit. The mortality ratio for ex-smokers decreases substantially after they quit, and the numbers don't lie. This fact alone should be enough to motivate most smokers to give it up and live longer. Unfortunately, it doesn't, and the warning label printed on the side of each cigarette pack doesn't seem to have much impact as well. So there has to be more to smoking than apparently social pressure, common sense and good judgment can control.

Most smokers want to quit, but they become so habituated to smoking that it is very hard for them to change their routine. They smoke when having a cup of coffee, after sex, after eating, when they drink a beer, or talk on the phone, and they smoke when they get stressed or while driving in traffic. For some, smoking is a tranquilizer. The act of smoking becomes so intertwined with other familiar activities that it becomes engrained as an unconscious behavior so linked to these other actions that it is inseparable.

More than being just a bad habit, however, smoking has been found to be a serious addiction. Pound-for-pound, nicotine is more addictive than heroin, so a smoker usually can't just put their cigarettes down and walk away. It is often one of the hardest things a person can do in life.

Those that can stop find rich rewards. Their relationships improve, loved-ones don't mind kissing them again, their breath smells better, their teeth get whiter, the yellow on their finger tips disappear, and their house and cars smell fresher. Most dramatically, ex-smokers notice more money in their budgets. Most ex-smokers also start to notice dramatic changes in their overall health and vitality, almost immediately. They sleep better, sex is better, their appetites improve, food tastes better, their sense of smell returns, and they can climb stairs without shortness of breath, and even sing longer in the shower.

Each smoker has their own individual reason for doing it and derives their own sense of pleasure or satisfaction from it. It is up to each individual, therefore, to assess their own smoking behavior, and their lifestyle, and find a way of quitting that best works for them.

Because smoking is so addictive, over eighty percent of all smokers who quit often experience some form of withdrawal symptoms such as nervousness, restlessness, headaches, dizziness, nausea, insomnia, diarrhea, chest pains, and of course, coughing. Many ex-smokers experience some psychological issues as well, including short-term depression, lack of concentration, anxiety, irritability, and increased appetite. Some people chew gum or over-eat to help manage their cravings. Some lose their energy, drive, and focus, and want to sleep more, while others experience a surge of energy.

Most severe symptoms wear off after just two or three days, and certainly after about two weeks. Even the most extreme symptoms eventually disappear after a month or more. Those who can stay the course find that they have more energy and feel much better about themselves. Anyone who can stop smoking performs one of the greatest individual accomplishments they will ever achieve in their life.

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Top 10 Ways to Reduce Stress Associated With Quitting Smoking

People who think that smoking helps them relax are simply fooling themselves, experts say. Nicotine withdrawal produces several symptoms including anxiety and restlessness, which most people confuse with the feeling of stress. This is why they prefer to light another cigarette after the other. Basically, smoking makes them feel 'better' as they feed their body with another dose of nicotine.

Stress is the major reason why many smokers fail in their attempts to quit. The good news is - there are several ways to reduce the 'stress' associated with quitting smoking. Following these steps will make quitting as easy and smooth as possible.

1. Understand that it's natural to feel stressed.
Knowing that anxiety and stress are natural symptoms of nicotine withdrawal helps condition your mind to the challenges that come with quitting smoking. Recognize that you're going to experience stress and accept it. But, you have to be optimistic. Develop a 'can-do' attitude. This will motivate you to resist the stressful period of smoking cessation.

2. Resolve stressful issues that can aggravate your condition
Before you start quitting, take away all those petty stressors. No matter how small they are, they can make you feel sick as they pile up. You can't fix all the stressful issues that bugging you but at least, do something to lessen the burden.

3. Know your stressors
When you know what makes you feel anxious, you can find ways to avoid them. Recognizing your stressors allows you to deal with quitting smoking easier. For instance, if feeling hungry makes you feel anxious, then you need to make sure you eat on time.

4. Ignore long-term problems (for now)
The smoking cessation period isn't going to last your entire life. To avoid suffering from too much stress, you want to set aside the things that have been worrying you for so long. It could be your goal of getting a job promotion, buying a car, etc. Set them aside just now and focus on quitting smoking.

5. Keep moving
Many studies have shown that exercising boost the production of chemicals in the brain that are responsible for the feeling of well being. Some studies reveal that exercising reduces depression by up to 80%. Give yourself time for some physical exercises. Go to the gym on weekends, jog in the morning, walk your dog, and keep moving.

6. Learn some relaxation techniques
When you're in the middle of a stressful event, practicing some relaxation techniques can greatly help. They include deep breathing, guided imagery, mindfulness meditation, yoga, and more.

7. Call a friend
Social support plays a vital role in the success of a person trying to quit. Having someone who listens and understands what you're going through can help alleviate the stress and anxiety you feel during the smoking cessation period.

8. Be patient
Whenever you feel excessively overwhelmed on some things, always remind yourself that smoking cessation is only temporary. The nicotine within your body gets weaker and weaker each day. And eventually, it won't make you feel stressed.

9. Forget that you're stressed
If you think of stress every now and then, it will worsen your condition. Distracting yourself by doing things that you find enjoyable is one way to forget about the stress associated with quitting smoking. Dine out. Visit the spa, shop, and sooth yourself in a warm bath, get some massage - pamper yourself. You deserve it after all.

10. Keep a healthy diet
While eating vegetables and fruits don't directly affect how you feel, they can make your body stronger, preventing the onset of health problems that can just make you feel more stressed.


Dr Antonio Howell, MD. Help to Quit Smoking Today.

Visit Help to Quit Smoking at

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Top 9 Medical Methods to Quit Smoking

If you're among those people who tried to quit smoking, you'll probably know that willpower alone is not sufficient enough to get you through. The withdrawal period and the symptoms that go with it can overwhelm the unprepared. While it is true that proper mindset is important, medical intervention can also plays an important role in helping you get through the rough times.

1. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) (patches, nicotine gum, etc).
With NRT, nicotine is directly delivered into your system usually through your skin. NRT gums, patches, and lozenges contain lower dosage of nicotine compared to cigarettes. The problem with NRT is that you're substituting nicotine with nicotine, only that you don't smoke it. However, you can still get addicted with nicotine gum just like your addiction to cigarettes therefore NRT is not a good solution in my humble opinion.

2. Chantix (Varenicline)
Varenicline creates a sort of barricade between nicotine and your brain so that your body does not feel any physical gratification every time you smoke. However side effects are noted among its users. The most reported side effects include headache, nausea, and insomnia, and in worst cases suicidal tendencies have been recorded.

3. Bupropion (Zyban)
Bupropion Hydrochloride creates "feel good" chemicals identical to what you feel when you smoke. A 36% success rate has been reported from clinical trials. However, like varenicline, side effects like headaches, insomnia, nausea, and dry mouth are experienced. Seizures are also experienced by some users.

4. Acupuncture and Acupressure
Acupuncture uses needles to restore your energy flow. Needles are inserted in different energy point. Acupressure uses the same concept as acupuncture, only that it uses hands and pressure. However, there is no concrete study to support the success of these methods.

5. Laser Treatment
This is among the most expensive smoking cessation therapies. The process involve in this method is identical to that of acupressure and acupuncture, only that it uses laser lights.

6. Lobelia
In effect, lobelia fools your body and makes it believe that it's getting the same sensation that of nicotine. However, because of the high toxicity of this herb, it is not commercially sold. Low doses of lobelia can speed up your pulse and respiration, high doses on the other hand slows them down. Sweating, heart palpitations and dizziness are the known side effects of this drug. Extreme caution is recommended.

7. Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy has been a practice for centuries, however its success as smoking cessation therapy greatly depends whether you believe it to work or not. When combined with other forms of therapies, it shows improvements for smokers with the right mindset.

8. Bioresonance
Like laser treatment, bioresonance is not readily available and very expensive treatment. It electronically changes your body's energy frequencies. However, further research is needed to support its effectiveness in smoking cessation.

9. Other Herbal Alternatives
Peppermint and cinnamon bark are among the known beneficial alternative herbs to help smokers quit. There are a lot of herbal medicines available online through different health stores. Just be very extra cautious when buying these alternative medicines.


Dr Antonio Howell, MD. Help to Quit Smoking Today.

Visit Help to Quit Smoking at

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Increase Your Happiness by at Least 25%!

Research has shown that this one thing can make you 25% happier. It can improve your health, make you immune to anger, improve your relationships, even increase your success. It is not something you can buy, but is instead something that you must practice --every day. What is it you ask?

GRATITUDE -the simple act of being grateful for all you have. If you are a student of the Law of Attraction (the belief that your thoughts determine what you experience) you know that gratitude plays a huge role in creating abundance of all kinds in our life. But in order for gratitude to make a significant impact in your world, it is not enough just to say thank you when someone gives you a gift, or holds the door for you, or compliments you. True gratitude recognizes all kinds of things in your life from the very small to the very large, from being grateful that an awesome pair of shoes came in your size to being grateful for the beautiful children you just sent off to school.

It is so unfortunate how much time people spend complaining! They complain about their job, spouse, weight, money, the weather, the traffic, their co-workers, their parents, the list goes on and on. They are so stressed and hurried they rarely, if ever, take the time to just STOP. To breathe. To quietly think about the many wonderful things in their lives. And its amazing what happens to you mentally, emotionally, and physiologically when you begin to tally all that you're grateful for. Your whole outlook changes, your feel better, you approach situations from a more positive, caring place and what a ripple effect that has!

Imagine starting each day listing 10 things you're grateful for. They can be anything at all. Acknowledge the small things; from the perfect omelette to a quick commute to having your umbrella with you when it unexpectedly starts to rain. Acknowledge the big things, from the blessings of a healthy family to coming home to a warm house. But try for 10 different things for at least 10 days. SImply write down what comes to mind each morning, At the end of the 10 days you'll have 100 wonderful things in your life that you're grateful for and 100 things that you can look back on when you're feeling not so wonderful yourself. A simple "thank you" can change you day but practicing gratitude can change your life.

As a Professional Organizer and Certified Life Coach, I work with my clients to create a clutter-free environment and lifestyle. Because of the relationship between one's physical environment and one's habits, behaviors and state of mind I encourage my clients to continue our relationship beyond the physical organizing process through Coaching, providing the support they need to achieve the lifestyle they want. For additional information please visit my website

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Smoking Etiquette: Celebrate Courteously in the Spirit of Giving

As more and more cities enforce non-smoking by-laws, it is getting more and more difficult for a cigarette smoker to find a place to light up. Yes, smoking has become a dirty word in Canada, the US and in many other countries. And as increasingly more non-smokers speak up, smoking has become a touchy subject for all. This becomes even more apparent when family and friends gather together indoors for winter celebrations. In the spirit of the season, consider the following guidelines for smoking etiquette:

- When in public or private buildings, only smoke in areas designated for smoking, or in areas where others go to smoke. Do what you can to ensure that the smoke does not drift in the direction of others.
- If ashtrays are not made available, assume that smoking is not permitted and do not request an ashtray.
- Refrain from smoking in the vicinity of pregnant women, infants and the elderly.
- If smoking is permitted in the venue, refrain from smoking in the presence of those who are eating. (In a group situation, wait until after dessert to light up if you are having a meal.)
- Do not smoke in someone else's car, as there is no escape for the other person.
- If you have a non-smoking guest in your car, it is respectful to ask, "Do you mind if I smoke?(Though the best thing would be to refrain, as the other person may not be comfortable asking you not to smoke in your own car.)
- If you visit the home of someone who does not smoke, only smoke outdoors.
- A smoker who has a non-smoking houseguest may choose to refrain from smoking in the presence of that person. It is considerate to ensure that the guest's room is free of the odour of smoke.

- If you are entertaining and smokers are attending, arrange for a comfortable smoking area outside if you prefer not to have smoke in the house. Everyone deserves to feel welcome. Have comfortable chairs, appropriate lighting and ashtrays available.
- Do not tell an acquaintance or business colleague that they should quit smoking in the interest of their health. This is considered intrusive, very personal and likely none of your business. Non-smokers should respect a smoker's right to smoke, as long as it is not done at a site designated as non-smoking.
- Many people are allergic to smoke or have health problems like asthma. If you wish for someone in a public place to stop smoking, ask them very politely to discontinue - explaining the reason. When the individual extinguishes their cigarette, thank them sincerely.

During this festive season, whether you smoke or don't, please consider those around you in this season's spirit of giving.

Happy Holidays!

Kimberly Law, AICI CIP is a certified professional image consultant and founder of Personal Impact Image Management since 1999. She works with companies, men and women helping them refine their look from head to toe and enhancing professional communication, increasing confidence and personal effectiveness. In other words she shows you how to look and act your very best... always!

Kimberly currently serves as President-Elect on the Association of Image Consultants International, Board of Directors.

Need help refining or enhancing your image? Email Kimberly at or call her at 604-298-7228.

Or visit our website for more information about our services and fabulous resources at

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Could You Could You Quit Smoking With Confidence?

Could you be a confident quitter and just not know it yet? Plenty of people are, judging by all the ex-smokers who look back and figure it was really no big deal! But then, I guess that even the highest mountain poses no challenge to those who've already conquered it?

How you feel about quitting smoking is of course terribly important, because success or failure is going to be decided entirely in your mind. And in my experience, the greatest harbinger of doom is the word 'last'.

"If I can only last until... " I hear these words all too frequently, from the lips of individuals who have absolutely no chance of successfully quitting smoking this side of a huge psychological reappraisal.

As things stand, they have doomed themselves to failure! And why? Because they have pinned all their hopes on the surprisingly common misconception that their cravings for cigarettes are a purely physical phenomenon, which will eventually disappear, if only they can 'last' long enough...

In actual fact, nicotine withdrawal symptoms are just tiny twitches that you may occasionally feel pulsing around your body. On their own, they cause so little bother that they're hardly even worth noting, and many smokers go through life failing to notice them completely!

It's the special sense of deprivation they trigger, deep inside the mind, that drives smokers to carry on lighting up - and that's something that by no means depends upon them. A thousand other situations can trigger it as well.

Smoking is a form of habitual behaviour, and a smoker will feel driven to light a cigarette in many situations where the body isn't actually demanding nicotine. If this were not the case, then nicotine replacement therapies such as patches would be 100 percent successful, and quitting would be no more arduous than taking a stroll through the park!

To quit confidently, one needs to understand that the challenge is entirely psychological, and that physical withdrawal symptoms simply aren't the enemy - the enemy is within one's own mind!

The great news is that, once this reality sinks in, the whole process of giving up smoking becomes a whole lot easier! Because, just think about it - so long as you're in the right place psychologically on day one, there's no need to worry about how you'll 'last' - you're already there!

So if you're positively looking forward to treating those first, precious moments after you've discarded your final cigarette as the beginning of a new dawn, then congratulations! Because you've already beaten smoking, and what's more you know it. Of course, you're aware there'll be minor challenges ahead, such as not getting too carried away with your ravenous new appetite and piling on pounds, but all in all, you're already in a great new place. You are a confident quitter, whose success is guaranteed.

But if you're reading this with serious doubts - if something's niggling you, especially concerning all that 'lasting' business - then why not take some time out to seriously appraise your approach, question your values and be honest about your motivation?

In the end, nothing pays dividends quite like getting into the right frame of mind before you try and quit!

Paul R Mather is a certified hypnotherapist and the owner of Cerulean Therapies, a company specializing primarily in helping people to quit smoking. For more information, please visit

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Shocking Statistics on Smoking

Smoking - a common sight in our society. Even though shunned by the puritans as an evil and harmful habit, it acquires a considerable fan following. Let us have a statistical overview of the various aspects of this tantalizing art.

Smoking consumes the lungs of almost one-third of the population worldwide.
Out of the 15 billion cigarettes that become the leading cause every day to promote lung cancer, 10 million get sold every minute.
Head west to the Pacific region and you will find one in three cigarettes getting consumed.
The Chinese market is known as one of the most profit-making businesses all over the globe. It is followed by the American, Japanese and British conglomerates.
Eight seconds can be precious if you are smoking for it has been estimated that a person dies every 8 seconds due to use of tobacco
One in 10 adults worldwide die because they smoke because they never paid attention to what that warning on a cigarette packet said. If you live till 2030, be sure you wouldn't want to be one in six.

These are certainly some staggering figures. Shows how largely spread the habit is and also that it kills!

Teens find it so cool that you will find one in the age group of 13-15 out of 5 smokers spread across age groups.
Advertising does have an influence on teens and in South Asia, movies and superstars have had a big influence.
If you are a chain smoker, then maybe you started it in your teens because it is highly probably you belong to 50% of the chain smokers.
Kids trying to find room for themselves in their peer groups are starting smoking and this number has gone up to 3000 a day in the United States and this figure remains at around 100,000 a day worldwide.

You lose 11 minutes of your precious life every minute you finish off with your last puff.
One simple cigarette can inhibit your blood supply to your skin for more than an hour.
If you have pale skin and have developed wrinkles during your youth, maybe you smoke because smoking reduces the levels of Vitamin A and inhibits the blood supply to the skin.
Blood pressure can lead to heart attacks and smoking increases blood pressure manifold.
Smokers might be with impotency for all their life for with every smoke, the tendency of erectile dysfunction increases.
It is possible for smokers to lose their sight.
If you thought that radioactive materials were the only source of cancer, then you are absolutely right because even cigarettes have their share of such materials - polonium and lead.
If there is a future world war, maybe cigarettes might be used for they have hydrogen cyanide which was used in the Second World War as a chemical weapon.
More than 90% cases of lung cases reported every year happen because they smoke.
One billion lives have already been claimed by smoking. The question is -
Do you want more?

Smoking kills - Believe it or not!

Lindsay is an anti-smoking advocate and expert. She has helped hundreds of people quit smoking and improve their lifestyle. "One of the best methods I use to help people quit smoking is by using the latest and most advanced smoking alternative devices. It works 90 percent of the time".

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You Won't Be Happy, Until You're Happy

I was having a conversation with a coaching client the other day, she was talking about how she is really excited because she is going through and organizing all the disorganized areas of her home.

I remembered having a similar conversation with her a few years back when she lived in a different home, and the similarities made me wonder if there was a pattern we should look at together, so I asked her if she remembered us having a very similar conversation a few years ago.

She did remember and said, "oh yeah, I've had this focus for years - to go through all my stuff and get it organized and taken care of."

I said, "That's interesting that you feel like it has always been your thing, let me ask you this, does it seem like there is always more stuff to go through?"

She said, "YES! And I can't figure out when I'm going to finally be done, but I can't wait."

I said, "Why? What's going to happen when you are finally done?"

And she said, "I'll be happy."

I said, "When you're happy, you'll be happy."

There was silence over the phone line and then she quietly said, "huh?"

I said, "You won't be happy, until you are happy. It isn't about when you finally go through all your stuff - because there will always be more stuff. Being happy happens when you be happy."

More silence - and then she said, "Whoa - wow - that just hit me like a ton of bricks."

Let me explain further...

So many people think they will be happy when something specific happens - and they want to be happy (because happiness is the actual feeling we all desire) - so they put all of there energy on that something happening and little to no energy on being happy.

The opportunity for happiness is NOW, not tomorrow - not when this thing or that thing happens - but now. You won't be happy, until you are happy. And that's okay - in fact it's great news, because you can be happy in any moment - you have that power.

So what does this mean to you? Well, it means you get to free yourself from the pressure you have assigned to whatever thing you have assigned happiness to, and you just get to be happy.

Does that mean my client shouldn't organize her stuff anymore - NO, that's not what I'm saying at all - but, she can focus on being happy first. AND when she does organize her stuff, she can remove all the pressure that she had put on it, so that she is simply organizing her stuff and creating a harmonious environment. Do you see the difference? More importantly, do you FEEL the difference?

I want to help you with this, so let's do an exercise right now to help you stop chasing happy and instead start BEING happy.

I want you to do is write down the thing or things that you have assigned happiness to. Some common things I hear are:

• When my huge list of 'things I have to do' is finally done

• When I finally have 1 million dollars

• When I finally finish organizing my life

• When I finally lose 20 pounds

• When I finally get my dream job

• When I finally finish writing my book

• When I finally find my soul mate

You get the idea. And if you are having any trouble figuring out what it is for you, try filling in the blanks on this question...

When I FINALLY _________________ I will be happy!

Now, I suggest you see how many times you can fill in that blank, because that will reveal how many outcomes you have assigned happiness to.

This is so important for a couple of reasons...

1. When you assign happiness to one or more outcomes, you are chasing something that will never resolve and here's why, when you are chasing happiness, instead of being happy first, you will just shift the outcome. What I mean by that is this...

• There will always be more things to put on your list of things to do.

• When you have a million dollars you will want 2 million.

• There will always be more organizing you can do, etc.

Let me explain why. It is our nature to want to continue to grow, so we naturally want to raise ourselves to new levels and achieve new outcomes. As I said, that's natural and you can embrace that, BUT when you have assigned happiness to a specific outcome, then you are setting yourself up to chase for your whole life.

2. The other reason this is so important is because it puts WAY TOO MUCH pressure on the things you desire which can often delay those things unnecessarily. Think about the difference for my client between organizing to achieve happiness and organizing to create a beautiful, harmonious home. Which of those outcomes do you think is more likely to occur? The 2nd one, of course, because it doesn't carry with it the pressure of 'making her happy' - because she can already choose happy.

Do this exercise today, find out which outcomes you have attached happiness to, and take the pressure off. Be happy now - you can choose it, 1 moment at a time. And one of the best ways to do that is to ask yourself this question...

What can I be happy about right now?

Once you answer that question, let that happiness fill you up and radiate out from you. I promise you, there is ALWAYS something you can be happy about - in every single moment - it is up to you to choose to focus on it and feel it. Once you do, once you feel happy filling you and radiating out from you, you can do anything you want - you can organize, or go to the gym, or work on your business, or give attention to your relationship - and the most amazing thing will happen, because you have removed the pressure of happy, and because you are already happy, you will automatically notice an ease and flow and harmony that may not have been there before.

FREE Guide: 5 steps to make the Law of Attraction work for you... Click Here Now

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13 Conflicts Smokers Have When Quitting Cigarettes

You want to quit, you need to quit but you like to smoke and it seems so hard. The good news is that smokers can manage to win the fight with themselves. Your conscious mind makes all the decisions, such as eat dinner, go to work, avoid chocolate or quit smoking. Then your unconscious mind goes out and makes it happen.

Your conscious mind makes all the decisions, such as eat dinner, go to work, avoid chocolate or quit smoking. Then your unconscious mind goes out and makes it happen.

Chances are that you won't have too much of a fight about going to work. After all you have to pay the bills. You will go even if you hate it and you have to drag yourself out the door. Eating dinner is rarely a challenge either.

But chocolate can win the war more often than not, after all you may gain some weight but the world won't stop because you eat a whole bar of chocolate.

But when it comes to smoking there are many conflicts.
You want to quit but you like smoking
It will take years to affect you, apart from your fitness, and your breathing, and your skin, your hair, etc
You are conditioned to use cigarettes to relax. Yet you know they only increase your anxiety.
Everyone says how hard it is to quit.
Your friends smoke, but not all of them of course, and all having lung cancer is no way to bond.
Cigarettes are your friend, but they can only harm you.
You know it will seriously harm you at some time, but we all have to die sometime.
You smell like an ashtray. But you try to hide it.
You are wasting thousands of dollars every year. But you argue it's not about the money.
You smoke to relax yet you smoke to get you going in the morning, how can this be so.
You are convinced that you need to smoke, yet you can sleep all night or manage long flights, just fine.
Smoking helps you to think, but how can 4000 toxic chemicals in your blood stream and 200 of those in your brain make any decision easier?
You enjoy the taste of good food and drink, but you then stick a burning stick of toxicity in your mouth.

I'm sure you can recognise many of these conflicts in your own life. But don't give up not for a minute, hypnosis is the fastest way to quit smoking, the most successful and quickest way to regain control of your life.

and now if you would like to discover the missing key to weight loss Ian Newton invites you to go to

Keep healthy and happy

Ian Newton

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Quit Smoking Today With These Methods

Are you addicted to cigarettes, can can't seem to find a way to quit them? This is a very common problem nowadays since so many health complications have been found to be associated with smoking. Not only is it detrimental to your health, but smoking also causes a lot of extraneous hassles, such as yellowing of the skin and teeth, a decrease in energy levels, a constant smoky smell, etc. Many people are also beginning to avoid smokers at all costs, so it could damage relationships that are important to you. Second-hand smoke is also very unhealthy, so you could be hurting the people around you, and you could even be hurting beloved family members. There are so many cons that outweigh any pros to smoking, so you should do everything in your power to quit this dangerous habit! Here, you can learn about a few effective ways to quit smoking for good.

Going Cold Turkey

This is a rather unpopular method used for quitting smoking, as it is very hard for people to stick with it. If you have a strong will and a lot of motivation to quit smoking, then you should try quitting cold turkey. This means that you do not use any supplements of any kind, and only use your sheer willpower to quit smoking. You stop picking up cigarettes immediately and permanently, and eventually the drive to smoke will fade away. This method is used because it is obviously inexpensive, so if you have a low budget and a high amount of willpower, then try it out! Put down your cigarette, throw away all the ones you have, and put them out of your mind. Eventually your craving will die down, and you can stop wasting money on the health hazard.


This method is often ignored by many people, because it involves needles. However, acupuncture is not meant to hurt, because it actually eases pain since it is a relaxation method. Needles are placed in the body at strategic pinpoints, and this is all done by trained professionals. There have been studies that have proven acupuncture to be an effective method for curing the cravings for a cigarette, so you should give it a try! If it doesn't work, just don't do it again. If it does, then congratulations, you no longer want to smoke!

Nicotine Patches

The addicting quality of a cigarette is the nicotine inside, and if you use a nicotine patch that will supply nicotine to your body, then you don't have to pick up a cigarette to ease your addiction. The great thing about nicotine patches is that there is no smoke, so your lungs are not being filled with harmful chemicals and people around you won't scurry away at the smell. The drawback from nicotine patches is that they are around $30.00 per pack, and when you run out you have to buy more. This can turn out to be costly, unless your habit starts to slowly edge away. If the habit goes away, you would save a lot of money in the long run.

Start Today!

You should try any one of these methods if you are struggling with a smoking addiction. Smoking can cause a lot of detrimental health complications in the near and far future, so stopping as soon as you can is the best idea for your own life.

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Smoking: Invite Your Slow Death

A white stick barely three inches long, brown at one end and a menace to mankind. For years cigarette has been one of mankind's deadliest foes. Millions lose their lives yearly across the globe owing to the ill-effects of cigarette smoking. Cigarette if defined technically, are small finely cut tobacco leaves rolled in thin paper. It is this tobacco in cigarette which causes ample harm not just to the active smoker but also to the passive smoker. Tobacco contains Germacrene, Anabasine and most importantly nicotine which is solely responsible for its addictive nature. When smoked nicotine, a psychoactive, drug enters the lungs and is quickly absorbed by the blood stream and travels to the brain causing addiction to it like that of drugs like heroin and cocaine. Moreover when smoked hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide and ammonia are one of the 7000 chemicals that are produced. Amongst these chemicals, 25069 are carcinogenic. The carcinogenic chemicals in tobacco smoke include arsenic, benzene, beryllium, 1-3 butadiene, cadmium etc.

The World Health organisation (WHO) has put up an estimate that tobacco smoking alone caused 5.4 million deaths around the globe in 2004 and 100 million deaths over the course of the 20th century. A direct connection has been established between tobacco smoking and cancer in human beings. And smoking induced cancers are not just confined to the lungs. Smoking affects each and every part of the human body and has the power to induce cancer in any part of the human body. There are many types of cancers which can be caused by tobacco smoking. Blood cancer, lung cancer, and pancreatic cancer are just to name a few. Apart from these smoking can accelerate the growth of liver cancer and skin cancer and is also being linked with breast cancer and prostate cancer. Moreover nearly 2/3 of the children who are born to women who smoked during their pregnancy are found to have genetic defects which adversely affect their normal growth and development during the later years of their life.

So, how does cigarette smoking kill?

Well, carcinogen laden cigarette smoke causes cell mutation and results in the breakdown of the normal human DNA sequence, which results in tumor formation which more often than not are malignant.

The target group for the most damage done by cigarette is the adolescent, the young adults group. Peer pressure, a strong attraction towards rebellion, an attempt to appear cool... all these factors add up to lead men into smoking at a young age. More often children who have parents who smoke take up smoking at a younger age than those who do not. Family and society have a collective influence on this practice of smoking.

If one has to reduce the number of deaths around the world resulting from the ill-effects of both active and passive smoking a strict ban needs to be imposed on the sale of all the tobacco products specially cigarette because how long will the customary picture of a damaged human lung on cigarette packets keep men from this deadly weapon of death?

Lindsay is an anti-smoking advocate and expert. She has helped hundreds of people quit smoking and improve their lifestyle. "One of the best methods I use to help people quit smoking is by using the latest and most advanced smoking alternative devices. It works 90 percent of the time," says Lindsay during an interview.

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Quit Smoking and Save Your Life

There are lots of people from all over the world who smoke. Smoking is a fashion in the current time. But people do not understand the ill effect of smoking. It can really kill you. Your life span can come down by 5 to 15 years based on how many times you smoke each day. It is very important that you quit smoking as soon as you can. But it is not that easy. Hence it is important that you understand how to quit smoking. There are lots of products in the market which can help you quit smoking over a period of time.

Smoking Can Kill you Fast.

It is a generally known fact that smoking is a bad, risky and dangerous habit, with very painful result in the end, not only for an individual but also for the immediate family and friends. As still a lot of people are into this dreadful habit, and many want to opt out of it, but the craving keeps taking them back. The end result of a smoker can be heart disease, blood pressure, cancer or a stroke. The irony of all this is that the person is spending money to buy disease and death, where as all the hard earned money should go to buy a healthy life. If you do not love your family then you can continue with smoking which could be a killer. Always try to quit smoking at any cost.

Smoking is Very Addictive.

We all know it's very easy to pick a habit, but quitting is another challenge. Cigarette has dried tobacco leaf in it, which in turn has nicotine, and this is highly addictive, that's why a person keeps turning back for more. There are some great humans who have been able to quit outright. But most cannot take that route. So then take the steady way out. Start by buying less, for example for those who buy a carton, they should cut down to a pack. The guy on a pack should try to do with a cigarette at a time. Also raise your tolerance and whenever the craving starts, delay lighting one by as much as possible. Make access difficult, don't have an odd one stashed somewhere, just in case. It's a big effort, but many have done it before now, and so can you if you really set your mind to it.

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Quit Smoking - Hypnosis, A Sneaky Way To Quit Cigarettes

Hypnosis is known as the most successful way to quit smoking, and it is also the sneakiest way. Some people are concerned about hypnosis because they fear that their minds will be controlled. The only experience most people have with hypnosis is on television or stage shows.

Simply put you can't be made to do something that you morally object to. If a suggestion was made to steel it would only be carried out by someone who was OK with steeling.

As far as smoking is concerned, you are only given suggestions that you are in agreement with, that is to stop smoking.

Back to the sneaky part. Your subconscious mind has taken on the belief that smoking is serving a positive purpose. In order to change that belief we need to subtly approach the subconscious so that it doesn't throw up a wall of resistance.

Firstly you need to relax progressively, then strategies such as stories are used to re-direct the mind, while simple solutions are introduced. Next a series of techniques such as nested loops are used to create a state of mild confusion.

It is at this moment that the suggestions for positive change will successfully be introduced into the subconscious.

This entire process is completely safe, relaxing and gentle. Positive ideas in are presented over and over in various ways, so that they are embedded securely into your subconscious. In addition post hypnotic suggestions will be made, such as whenever you walk through a doorway you will take a deep breath and feel good about being a non smoker for life.

Or a key word may be established, such as breathe, which would be emotionally connected to feelings of health and wellness or perhaps happiness. Once installed anytime that word is used intentionally or in conversation would elicit those positive feelings.

There are many strategies which can be used in hypnosis, to keep you on track as a non smoker. Rapid change hypnosis uses methods from all the great hypnosis traditions, blending them seamlessly to address all your triggers, beliefs and concerns about smoking and quitting.

The entire process is relaxing, and completely safe. Afterwards about 1/3 of clients will feel as if they have never had a cigarette in their life, another 1/3 may have passing thoughts, such as when they make a coffee, but it quickly passes.

The remaining third will face the occasional challenge, especially where lots of alcohol is involved. If your lifestyle includes heavy drinking discuss this with your practitioner.

And now for more free info on how to easily and quickly quit cigarettes Ian Newton invites you to go to

Wishing you the best of health
Ian Newton

Best Way to Quit Smoking

If you really are looking for the best way, quit smoking websites can force you to spend hours going in circles. Many of them are promoting several different things, and while many people have probably quit successfully with each of those methods, I used to find it very confusing, which advice was I supposed to follow?

Basically, I ended up trying a different method each time. I think I even adopted the philosophy "Well, I'll try method A first, then move on to method B." - Talk about setting yourself up to fail!

I tried Nicotine Replacement Therapy first, things such as nicotine inhalers, gum, patches, all of that. This was basically because I believed I was fully addicted to nicotine and nothing else. I started off with the gum, thinking that it would be less embarrassing and I could even chew it indoors, but I got 0 satisfaction from it whatsoever and smoked again after 3 days, it didn't even seem to alleviate my withdrawal pangs. I then moved on to the inhaler, thinking that it was the "smoking action" that I missed, but although it seemed better than the gum, it failed me within a few days as well, all it seemed to do really was remind me of cigarettes and make me constantly think about them. It turned out that Nicotine Replacement Therapy doesn't work, so I needed to move on and try something else.

Next I tried cutting down, I figured if I could get down to 10 a day, and then down to 5 a day, I could eventually stop. Even if it took me a long time, I would be smoking less, so that was good right? Well, no, again, all it did was remind me of smoking, and it even made me wish my life away, willing the clock to go faster so I could have my next cigarette.

Moving on, I tried cold-turkey, lasted a few hours, didn't know what to do, gave up. By this point, I had quit 5 times ( I used the inhaler on several different occasions) and had decided that I was too weak willed to quit, or that I just needed to have a health scare or something equally ridiculous to make me quit.

Not being able to quit is one of the most depressing things in the world. You hate yourself for smoking, but you can't give it up. It's terrible. I was basically resigned to "dreaming" about giving up smoking instead of actually trying it, until a friend recommended Allen Carr's book to me.

I read it once, and never smoked again. I was so surprised that just reading a book over the course of a few weeks (I wanted to take my time to absorb it, but it's not particularly heavy reading) could make me stop, after failing with so many other things. Not only that, it was EASY. It didn't use scare tactics or health risks to make me quit, it just told me how easy it should be to quit smoking, told me why (I won't go into it here), and I read along and followed the advice and hey, smoke free for over a year.

It is simple psychology, but what is great about it is that it explains to you why you smoke, not why you should stop, and it focuses on the psychological, mental addiction, almost ignoring the nicotine addiction (which he made me realize was nominal)

Allen Carr's Easy Way to stop smoking is the number one selling book in the stop smoking industry, with over 9 million copies sold at the time of writing. If you are looking for the best way, quit smoking with Allen Carr and millions of other people! This book enjoys are 90% success rate, and I'm glad to say that I am one of them. You could be too.

Dominic Wells

Further reading:

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How To Quit Smoking - Top 11 Tips To Help You Quit

1. Making a list of strategies

Make a list of strategies to help you quit. Taking the time to sit down and customize your own list to your own personality, is an excellent method of quitting. Everyone will find the techniques that work best for them. Discovering what will work best for your particular circumstances is crucial. This is accomplished when you create your own list.

2. Make shorter term goals

If you want to stop smoking forever, stop thinking about forever. Don't think about quitting forever; instead focus on today. If you take things in a shorter time frame, it is often easier to cope with the stress. Once you start becoming comfortable with your commitment to stop smoking, you can start to make longer term goals.

3. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

Many report gaining weight during or after the time that they quit smoking, so you may want to start eating those fruits and vegetables now. You will minimize your weight gain when you do this. Feed your cravings with only the healthiest foods, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

4. Start on a workout routine

Add exercise to your weekly routine to replace smoking. Smoking wreaks havoc on the body, and as you rid yourself of these ill effects, you will notice an increase in energy and better lung capacity for your workouts. As your body becomes stronger and more fit, you will be hesitant to undo all of that hard work by smoking a cigarette.

5. Seek counseling help

Counseling can help you in your mission to quit smoking. There may be an emotional reason which makes you want to smoke. If that is addressed, the need to smoke may go away. Your doctor can help direct you to a counselor.

6. Distract yourself

When you feel an urge to smoke and can't resist, at least put it off till later. Take a long walk, do the dishes or put away the laundry before permitting yourself to smoke. You may find that diverting your attention to something else will delay and ultimately overcome that desire to smoke. If you still choose to smoke, you won't be smoking as much because your time will be spent doing something different.

7. Stick with the plan

Once you have made the decision to stop smoking, you need to try your best to stick with the plan. Most who stop smoking for good have made several attempts in the past before they were finally successful. If you experience a setback, determine what went wrong; then pick yourself up and start again.

8. Change your outlook and attitude

People who are successful at becoming nonsmokers without using cessation products are able to do so because they change their outlook and attitude. For example, if you can see moving to a non-smoking lifestyle as a day-at-a-time change, you'll be more successful. You can use cognitive behavioral therapy or gradual changes to your daily life to get rid of your bond with tobacco.

9. Find an alternative relaxing technique

It is very easy to use smoking as a kind of crutch during stressful situations. If you do this, it will really help to find some good relaxation techniques to use when you are feeling stress start to build up. Meditation, music and yoga are some good ideas to try. They can reduce the severity of your cravings for a cigarette and help to reduce stress.

10. Hypnosis to quit smoking

Hypnosis might be something you should try if you desire to quit smoking. Many smokers have had a good success rate with the help of a licensed hypnotist. The hypnotist puts you into a trance, giving your mind positive affirmations which stay with you. This helps to reduce the appeal of cigarettes.

11. Use nicotine replacement aids

Nicotine replacement aids are useful for anyone working to quit smoking. Such techniques have been shown to increase your likelihood of quitting by double, if used in conjunction with behavior modification. Examples of replacement therapies include nicotine patches, lozenges and gum. But you should consult your doctor, and only use these products after you stop smoking.

It is tough to stop smoking because it is easy to become addicted to the nicotine contained in cigarettes. Stopping could be difficult for people, both emotionally and physically. Use the 11 quit smoking tips found here to make things a little more manageable for yourself. With these useful tips, and your long term commitment and dedication, you can finally stop smoking, for good.

Click here for more tips to help quit smoking

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Stop Smoking for Love


Most men, confronted by the threat of being separated from their wives and children, siblings or parents for good, would do anything for that not to happen. They would lie, steal and kill for these people; such is their love, loyalty and devotion. Why, then, would these heroes- fathers, brothers and sisters and sons wish on themselves a slow and painful death by smoking? Why not stop, in order to live longer?

Joe, a forty- two year old man who started smoking at eighteen, summed it up; "As the father of a ten-year old boy, I would give anything to be at his side through life, watch him get married and start a family of his own. My smoking habit destroys my body and my dream to see him through life. That's why I decided to stop. Love and devotion did it". Like Joe, most people quit smoking this way. They put other's needs before their own. They feel guilty every time they light up. With time, they are successfully able to get rid of the habit.

A huge percentage gives up smoking for their spouses. A smoker's partner undoubtedly suffers the most exposure to the vice. Young people wishing to marry today are increasingly asking for non-smoking companions. A young woman will reject a suitor she genuinely loves (who smokes) and end up marrying a non-smoker she doesn't love as much.

Jill, 48 and a nurse at a top New York hospice, always fights with her son, Julian, over his smoking habit. He is a respectful and obedient son, and cannot understand what the fuss is all about. The young man interprets this as her mother's attempt to control his life, and is resentful. Jill's only motive here is love. She cannot imagine life without her son, who she has raised singlehandedly. Her job involves taking care of cancer patients living out their last days in excruciating pain. She sees her son's smoking as a willful attempt to commit suicide, albeit slowly. Julian loves his mother too, and has begun to realize how much he has been hurting her, and is willing to stop if only to show her mother how much he cares for her.

Most people are unable to completely commit themselves to quitting smoking because the consequences are mostly not immediate. For the lucky, one is able to live for years without any sign that the daily abuse is taking its toll on one's internal organs. They only think of quitting when the pain starts. By then, it's probably too late. They wish they had listened to their loved ones and acted on their advice.

Quitting smoking is one of the most difficult things to do, almost as hard as quitting drinking. However, unlike alcohol, a smoker is able to discharge his duties effectively, and exhibits no anti-social behavior. This makes it difficult for an employer, for example, to censure an employee who smokes. Love and support from family and friends has been found to work where other methods have failed.

Many people are unaware of the exact damage caused by cigarette smoke to their bodies. The lucky stop. The rest need all the help they can get, especially from family and friends.

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How Your Skin Will Improve After Quitting Smoking

If you are someone who wants to know if your skin will improve after quitting smoking, then I am 70% sure that you have not made up your mind of quitting smoking yet.

To help you finally make that decision, probably one of the best decisions that you are supposed to make in your life, I am going to show you how my skin improved after quitting smoking smoking on this page.

Color of the Skin

The first indicator that my skin improved after giving up smoking is the disappearing dark eye circles.

Before I stopped smoking, every time I craved for nicotine or cigarettes, I felt tired in my eyes. My eyes needed more nutrition and refreshment.

That is when I realized the eyes are sharing forcefully the oxygen that goes to the skin below them.

Whenever this happens, I couldn't help rubbing and squinching the eyes, which wrinkled the skin around them in the long term.

As a guy, I should not worry about if the eyecircles are dark. But when things became visible and you can not help noticing, you have got to worry, not to mentions women.

Gloss of the skin

Before I quit smoking, the skin looked terrible. This was not noticed until I quit and the skin freshed up a little bit.

Scientists tell us that the chemicals released from the cigarettes would impact the blood flow in the dermis, making it look bad.

After quitting, the blood flow gets back and the skin gets what it needs, oxygen and vitamins. With that, the renewal mechanism gets back to work. As a result, the skin becomes clearer.

Wrinkles on the Skin

As mentioned earlier, the wrinkles may occur if you wink and squeeze your eyes a lot, which is one of the complications of being addicted to cigarette smoking.

And it is also observed that the muscular movement the mouth makes during smoking a cigarette can also cause wrinkles around the mouth and the cheeks.

After Quitting Smoking

From my own experience, the skin will not get back to where it was when you were a kid. Damages that have already been made will not be eliminated completely.

However, quitting smoking will slow the damages down. You know what, after quitting for over 3 years, people don't think I am older than my age now.

It's never to late to make things right. If you quit today, you are going to get years back for your skin.

Want to quit smoking cigarettes and get your baby skin back without willpower and pains?

I read this easy quit book and succeeded in giving smoking up before I finished reading it. So can you. Click here now!

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People Died of Smoking

Recent surveys suggest that about 80,000 to 100,000 kids smoke everyday. It has been found that about one quarter of children presently residing in the Western Pacific Region will die of smoking in the coming years. The global smoking statistics presented by the World Health Organization are quite daunting as they clearly depict the health of the future generation. The surveys suggest that about one third of the male adult population present globally smokes cigarettes.

Smoking related diseases kill about one in ten adults all over the world. To be more precise smoking related diseases cause four million deaths each year and it has been predicted that if these trends continue, smoking will kill about six billion people all over the world. If the number of smokers keep increasing like this, the number of people died of smoking will be quite less than the ones who are facing serious health ailments due to smoking.

The surveys suggest that the number of smokers among the Americans have failed in the past three decades falling to about 23% in adults. About 15 cigarettes are sold everyday, which comes to about 10 million cigarettes every day. About 12 times more British people died of smoking as compared to the number of those who died of Second World War. Cigarettes are at present causing more than one in five American deaths and these numbers have now made the people bring about changes in their life habits.

Among the youngsters, about one in five smokers die every few minutes. Evidences have shown that around 50% of those who start smoking at teen age years ago go on to smoke for 15 to 20 years. Talking of the young people died of smoking, about quarter of a youth alive all over the world are going to add to the numbers in a quick span of time.

Get more tips on quit smoking at Health Online Review [] and How to Quit Smoking

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How Many People Die an Hour Smoking?

Recently, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has undertaken a major effort to fight against smoking in 50 states.cdc smoking The objective of the program is to improve public education and to develop a national policy to fight against smoking. In short, the objective is to reduce the number of deaths ( and related diseases ) smoking in the United States .CDC smoking Currently, about 444,000 people die every year from diseases of direct and indirect tobacco .

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Men still dominate the statistics cdc smoking, with about 270,000 deaths per year ( average between 2000 and 2004), female deaths totaled 174,000 during the same period.cdc smoking

cdc smoking This means that for an average period of 10 years, nearly 4.5 million people in the U.S. die prematurely from smoking.cdc smoking

cdc smoking Results worldwide are equally alarming. According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Queensland and the School of Public Health at Harvard , about 5 million people have died from causes related cdc smoking to height in 2000. Men were more likely than women to die from smoking-related diseases . In developing countries , for example, more than 80 percent of the deaths were men.cdc smoking

cdc smoking !!!
Although these figures are impressive , consider creating a time per hour. Using an average of 365.25 days per year (including leap years) cdc smoking , an average year is 8766 hours . This means that about 51 people die every hour of tobacco in the U.S. That's about one person every minute.cdc smoking

Overall cdc smoking, the number of tobacco-related deaths is about 570 people per hour or about 10 people per minute.

Smoking does more than kill cdc smoking , however. Statistics compiled by the American Cancer Society (ACS) and others show that smoking brings many other negative (eg , reduction in quality of life, shorter life expectancy cdc smoking , loss of productivity, increased sick days, an increased risk of heart and lung disease and increased risks associated with pregnancy and childhood diseases ) .cdc smoking

In fact, in 2000,quitting smoking the CDC estimates that about 8.6 million people were suffering from at least one chronic disease due to current or former smoking. Many of these people were actually suffering from more than one report with snuff condition - chronic bronchitis , emphysema , heart attacks, strokes and cancer accidents.quitting smoking

Therefore , efforts to reduce smoking are based on a solid foot health.quitting smoking

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But the fight against smoking CDC offers another view of smoking across the U.S.quitting smoking The use of a " smoking prevalence " index (the percentage of people in each state who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lives and smoked regularly ) , the CDC concluded that the Great Lakes to the Gulf coast of Mississippi - Alabama Appalachian and the Mississippi River have suffered most from West Virginia topped the scales at 26.5 percent. .quitting smoking But Indiana ( 26 percent) , Kentucky (25.2 percent ), Missouri (25 percent) and Texas (24.7 percent) led the nation . Utah (9.3 percent) and California ( 14 percent) quitting smoking had the lowest incidence of smoking .

stop smoking Many of the lower states use one or more smokers to stop / prevent smoking strategies that the CDC has described in the past. These include the rising prices of snuff, enact and enforce laws prohibiting smoking, restrict advertising and promotion of tobacco, the promulgation of media campaigns against snuff , limiting the access to products and snuff encourage and offer help smokers quit .stop smoking

Another testimony to reduce smoking is linked to groups that promote non-smoking as part of their religion.stop smoking Mormons and Seventh-day Adventists have much lower rates of lung cancer and other smoking-related cancers than most other groups

Quitting smoking has reported generous benefits , too. The CDC notes that the risk of most diseases smoking decreases the longer it goes and younger you are when you do not quit. In fact , people who quit smoking at a young age benefit most . Stop 35 removes 90% of the risk associated with tobacco use. However, as the CDC, " The argument that " it is too late to quit smoking because the damage is already done , " not true. "

The message is clear - smoking is dangerous to your life, quitting smoking (or never start ) is the best for you, your family, friends and colleagues.

Quit Smoking Calculator

Once you have decided it is time to stop smoking, you must have a set date note Exit to yourself. Many times ,Quit Smoking Calculator people will throw their cigarettes , lighters, ashtrays and other smoking accessories a night or two before the effective date of termination . In addition,Quit Smoking Calculator it may be a good idea to store any type of nicotine replacement - useful articles that you can try for their efforts to quit smoking , such as nicotine gum , lozenges or nasal sprays .Quit Smoking Calculator

The best way to stop smoking is to realize that you really need to change their behavior in the things you do.Quit Smoking Calculator Make a list of all the reasons why you smoke , or trouble when when you go with friends, or even after eating or drinking something you 're tired and on the computer a lot. If you can , Quit Smoking Calculator try to avoid these things for the first few weeks of quitting .

Quit Smoking Calculator how to?
On his first day without smoking ,Quit Smoking Calculator no smoking ! These means not even a puff on his cigarette disappointed colleague is smoking! Try to do something active to keep your mind off smoking. This will also help to establish a new behavior of his old - where you used to sit and smoke, you can now make a habit of walking and fitness ! Just think ,Quit Smoking Calculator you can actually lose a few pants sizes - just because you quit smoking ! If you 're not ready for an extracurricular activity then try your hand at some crafts.stop smoking aids Make your son a bunk bed with a desktop computer to play in the garage, or teach you to knit or crochet bed. . . anything you can do to keep your hands -a- cigarettes - concern -want- cellar Quit wasting your day!Quit Smoking Calculator

Drink plenty of fluids as they help you feel full ,quit smoking timeline give you something to correct oral and discard impurities from your system faster. Try one of the nicotine replacements , I decided .stop smoking aids Do yourself a favor and read the instructions! ( Nicotine gum is not intended to be chewed like gum ! At the end of pitting and held between the teeth for a few seconds , then rolled around the mouth , bitten again , Sharp, etc. ).Quit Smoking Calculator

quit smoking timeline !!!
In addition, it are many different levels of consumption of tobacco nicotine replacement Quit Smoking Calculator . What I did - how much you smoked,quit smoking timeline and - if there is a higher than a level - then choose the highest level! You will not believe how many times we try to play tricks on ourselves - especially when it comes to say, "Oh , I do not really need much - I do not smoke enough "quit smoking timeline

quit smoking timeline Think about what your daily routine . If you smoke in your car, and generally have a finished cigarette when it came out so and so street, then consider changing routes . Human beings are creatures of routine habit there. However, quit smoking timeline we can also learn to change these habits!

Quit Smoking - Solutions

Most people try and fail to stop smoking again and again before they succeed . If you have tried and failed in the past , the most important thing to do is keep trying . While people site many reasons for failures, you read here are among the most common. One of them may seem familiar if you've tried to quit. Sections also include solutions to these common problems. They have helped many people to become ex-smokers .


Insomnia or sleep disorders is a common problem that usually occurs in the first or second day of quitting . Since sleep disorders are not something someone is looking good, is one of the main reasons people give to try to quit almost immediately.

There are natural supplements on the market that can help prevent this problem. If you have trouble falling asleep after leaving , then you can not be tempted to smoke .

Herbs and nutrients that help support natural sleep include:

Valerian root extract
Rosemary extract
· Extract Hawthorn
Chamomile Extract

Valerian root alone may be enough to do the trick. But it does not help all the other issues listed below. If you have ( or expect to have ) more than one problem , consider a good multi- nutritional supplement and a special supplement for one or more of these problems.

The nutritional status and overall health have been damaged in recent years by cigarette smoke . Your body will eventually repair the damage. A good dietary supplement supports the ability to repair the damage of the body and should help you get healthier faster.


Nicotine is a stimulant, but carbon monoxide is a nervous system depressant . Finally , smoking causes fatigue. When you stop smoking, the sudden increase of energy can make you feel restless.

Regular exercise is the best solution to the problem. You can also avoid caffeine as a stimulant can make you feel even more anxious and also because the consumption of coffee or tea is often a trigger that makes people want to smoke .


Depression is not known by everyone who quits. If you quit and found that depression lasts more than a month , you may want to consult your doctor . Alternatively, you can choose a dietary supplement containing nutrients that work well for many people who had experienced depression in the past.

These nutrients and support the ability of your brain to produce chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin natural ingredients. These chemicals regulate mood , appetite and ability to sleep . It is believed that the depression experienced by people trying to quit smoking is directly related to dopamine.

Nicotine causes dopamine release . If you smoke for a long time , the production of dopamine in the brain may have been damaged by the constant stimulation.

Natural ingredients to fight against depression include :

· Vitamin B complex
· SAMe
· 5 -HTP
· Gingko biloba

Some of the best specialty supplements contain all these ingredients in the right quantities of people suffering from depression. You might consider taking the supplement for a week or two before trying to quit smoking. You might find that you allow the consumption of snuff cultural stop at the approach of day. Reduce slowly can reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal .


Impatience is another symptom that many people experience while trying to quit smoking. Symptoms often makes people around you "want " it start smoking . It is important to discuss the symptoms of this kind with family members , friends, colleagues , etc. before trying to quit smoking. They can help you to support you to be patient with you, even when you are impatient with them.

Impatience is often a problem for former smokers , as they are used to "light up" during downtime while waiting to do something else. If you realize that you may experience this problem, you can plan ahead . Come up with something else to do while waiting . Read a book or newspaper. Do something that requires both hands to keep you busy.

It is also a good idea to avoid waiting in places where smoking is allowed. Even if you do not smoke , you may be tempted to burn a peak when craving . Most cravings only last a few minutes. Look at the clock and you should see that the feelings begin to disappear.

Exercise is another thing that reduces impatience, as it does with the concern . Planning a program of fitness to start the day can help you avoid impatience and restlessness. Regular physical activity also helps you sleep better .

other problems

These are not the only problems faced by people trying to quit smoking. Some of the most common . You can learn more about other issues by clicking on the link below to stop solutions.

Managing Your Stress

There are many reasons why you might want not to leave a job, even if you feel that your lack of work and life makes you lose more exhaustion. After all, everyone can not simply abandon their way of life and all income and start a new career without financial and emotional impact. In this case , it is time to do some assessment and evaluation of your life. It may also mean that you have to make tough decisions . Ultimately , however, adjust the balance between working life you want will be more than its own reward.

The first step in managing stress is to determine where it comes from . It is one thing to say : "My job stresses me . " It may be a true statement , the only sure way to solve the problem would be to leave work , which may be more likely to increase their level of stress otherwise. Since you've already established that n ' is not the route you want to take, it's time to dig a little deeper . After all, you can not solve a problem without defining it first.

Try to find some quiet time to sit and really determine how their work is causing a lot of stress . Get more work than one person could reasonably be expected to do ? Are you facing unrealistic deadlines ? Another possibility is that the conditions are reasonable, but you've been putting off and causing you stress . Take your questions to the next level and ask why you are procrastinating . Are you intimidated by a project? Bored with it? Maybe you feel a general lack of motivation lately. By examining the different work situations like this , you better be able to identify exactly what leads to burnout.

Did you know?

Among the main causes of stress at work include:

The interaction between colleagues
Lack of time to perform tasks
The long hours and overtime
Low wages
Physically unhealthy environments

Of course, the next step in stress management is to determine how to solve the problems it has identified. In some cases, you might discover that you simply discover the cause of the problem is enough to help you through it. In other cases , you'll need to tackle the problem , if it is a lack of internal motivation or conflict with a colleague.

Although it may be uncomfortable to face a problem that is causing the stress at work, keep in mind that affects their health, social life, and how you interact with your family. Ultimately , each of them is more important than avoiding an uncomfortable situation indeed lead to problem solving .

There are several methods that can be used to prevent stress at work, and many of them can be adapted to help with the stress in your life not - work, too.

A . Learn to say "no."

We all want to impress our bosses and our families to please , but many times end up doing at our expense. If you are asked to take on an additional project and you do not really have time to do things , then you should consider saying "no." It is very difficult to control for many people skill , and it seems particularly difficult for women. Practice saying "no" to the demands of small and work your way from there .

If you say "no" is difficult for you , you need to adjust the way you perceive yourself and your time. Imagine your day is apple pie . Every time you say "yes" to a person or a project, it takes a piece of this cake to be eaten by someone or something. You can not get it back once it has been eaten , if you want for yourself or give a loved one. Say "yes" too many times , and it is likely that either have nothing to give , or pieces become so small that they are virtually useless , only serves to whet the appetite of those around you . You should be aware that their work to feed the first priority in your life - whether it's your spouse, your children, or your current project , and then worry about the rest split .

Ultimately , the refusal to assume additional responsibility does not have negative consequences for you , especially if you do it in a funny way . Instead of just saying "no" when a friend asks you to join a committee of peer review , for example, that if you enjoy what they think of you for the job, you really have to focus in a project / task / special situation and simply would not be able to give the Board the attention it deserves at the moment .

Two . Prioritize .

It is difficult not to feel overwhelmed by the tasks when they come to you in a confused mass stamped "Urgent" and "ASAP " The fact of the matter is that all tasks are not created equal. One of the best ways to manage stress is to remove some of the chaos of his life. Start by making a list of things you physical "need" to do. This may include items related to work and home life . Once you have all the items listed , passing and scoring in order of priority . Perhaps elements of three stars to do today, both items of a star to do this week , and the elements of a star to do this month .

Once you realize that everything on your to-do list immediately , some may feel the tension dissipate. In addition, the creation of a list of this type can also show that you are just totally overwhelmed. In this case, it may be time to make decisions about how much you can really do . Taking too always lead to an inability to do a good job , whether at work or at home.

Three . Create a schedule .

Once you 've made a list of your priorities , you may discover that you could avoid a lot of stress , just make a schedule . Some activities, such as grocery reports or presentation , are in progress, so why not put aside some time each week to take care of them ? Starting with recurring activities , you will be able to see where you have pockets of time that will accommodate your other tasks.

Having a schedule will also help you try to say "no" . If someone asks you to do something and your calendar clearly shows that you do not have time, it is much less likely that you get in a bad position. You can simply take a look at your calendar and say, " Sorry, but I do not have time to do it for you . "

When you do your program, do not forget to add in the time for the things you love. You run all day will create a horrible stress can lead to burnout. Take some personal one of these recurring activities that are planned around other things time . That you take the time to exercise, read a book or take a long hot shower , it is important to get some time for yourself . Also, make sure you have time to do fun things with designated friends or family.

Reconciliation has to do with ensuring that the two aspects of your life getting the attention they deserve , but also to make you happy .