The part of the brain becomes addicted to nicotine is - the interpeduncular nucleus .smoking withdrawal symptoms This could lead to region-specific therapies and may facilitate the abandonment of snuff .smoking withdrawal symptoms
smoking withdrawal symptoms The area of the brain is the seat of nicotine withdrawal - interpeduncular nucleus - is located deep in the midbrain . The link between this brain region and came again nicotine research in mice.smoking withdrawal symptoms
smoking withdrawal symptoms!!!
To identify the brain region , researchers used light to stimulate GABA neurons in the interpeduncular identify kernel withdrawal symptoms.smoking withdrawal symptoms Nicotine is a powerful parasympathomimetic alkaloid found in certain plants . In the animal body , which acts as a stimulant drug . When a cigarette is smoked , nicotine -rich blood from the lungs to the brain within seven seconds and stimulates the release of many chemical messengers immediately , these chemicals are responsible for stimulating effects.smoking withdrawal symptoms
For the study ,smoking withdrawal symptoms the team used to nicotine in mice by enriching the water with the drug for six weeks. Then , the researchers found that when nicotine was held in these mice , the mice showed the classic symptoms of withdrawal , including excessive scratches and bumps . After further study, the researchers observed increased activity of GABA neurons in the interpeduncular nucleus , which is linked to feelings of anxiety and receives sensory information from various other brain regions .withdrawal symptoms smoking
Andrew Tapper , University of Massachusetts Medical School for research. Speaking at the Melbourne Herald Sun , Dr. Trapper said : " We were surprised to find this population of neurons in a brain region that could actually control the behavior of physical nicotine withdrawal . "
The results were published in the journal Current Biology. The paper is entitled " Activation of GABAergic neurons in the interpeduncular nucleus triggers the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal . "withdrawal symptoms smoking