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Consequences of Smoking - 3 Health Risks

Consequences of snuff consumption ranging from health to our social life. Most people who are involved in substance hard as smoking marijuana and cannabis be ignored and isolated , as they are less productive in society.
Most people who smoke have worse health than your body may not be able to fight the disease, since your body has many elements of nicotine in the blood , which affects the circulation of blood throughout the body making have painful ulcers. Even most of them suffering from lung cancer that interferes with your respiratory system. Memory loss is also one of the consequences of smoking hard substance and the victim loses dignity among the family members and the community in general.
Cardiovascular disease
The disease including atherosclerosis or disease of the coronary artery that is caused by deposits in the walls of the arteries , which reduces the ability of blood to flow through them and if the blood is blocked and can get to the part bottom , makes a person have a heart attack, where a lack of oxygen in heart damage and begins to dry , if not treated. This can also cause a stroke or permanent brain damage or even death if blood flow is compromised to reach the brain .
lung diseases
These diseases can be treated if the situation does not worsen as bronchitis lungs where the airways of the lungs become inflamed . Emphysema that damages the air sacs of the lungs and airways causing obstruction of airflow in the lungs during breathing is not curable. The problem of the lungs with deadly smoking is lung cancer , which causes chest pain , and leads a victim to cough up blood and is only a few people who have lung cancer survive for a period of five years .
There are also other related types of cancer associated with smoking and involving the bladder , cervix , esophagus, kidney , leukemia , mouth, pancreas, stomach, and also the victim in danger of death .
Consequences of smoking may also reduce the productivity of a person in terms of having children because it causes a malfunction of the penis and women may temper with them to the point that they can not conceive.
To avoid these consequences of smoking , follow the instructions to avoid premature and preventable diseases in most people can do without smoking death and so most of the snuff industry provides a stark warning to all consumers of snuff .