Respiratory Dear friends , we are pleased to introduce new guidelines to stop smoking !
smoking cessation guidelines European guidelines for smoking cessation and quality standards are the main results of a project carried out by the NPHS to create a consistent and reliable set of guidelines for health professionals working in the field of project smoking cessation . The guidelines provide a range of tools to support smoking cessation strategies .smoking cessation guidelines The work was carried out by the editorial board of seven distinguished faculty and the board of review of the entire European continent and is the first of its kind . Those guidelines are consistent with Article 14 of the Framework Convention Snuff Control (FCTC ) , which states:smoking cessation guidelines
smoking cessation guidelines!!!
Parties should develop and disseminate guidelines for treating dependence snuff worldwide based on the best available scientific evidence and best practices ,smoking cessation guidelines taking into account national circumstances and priorities . These guidelines should include two main components:guidelines smoking cessation ( 1) a national strategy to promote smoking cessation stop and provide treatment for dependence snuff , aimed primarily at those who are responsible for the funding and implementation of policies and and (2) the guidelines on national treatment program aimed primarily at those who will develop , manage and provide support to quit snuff consumers .guidelines smoking cessation