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Simple Tips to Help Quit Smoking

Smoking is the main cause for all kinds of health problems and illnesses. The best way to quit smoking is by first all understanding what it does to your body. Before we proceed to the tips on how you can quit smoking, I would like to mention few things. Did you know that smoking causes cancer and more importantly it can make you impotent?

Imagine yourself being in such a situation. I'm sure you wouldn't want to have that situation. Cancer is not a curable disease for many people. In many cases even after the treatments are done, the complications still linger on for many years. The main reason for that urge to smoke is because of the nicotine that is present in the cigarette.

Nicotine is a harmful substance that causes your brain to get addicted to it. Once you get addicted to it, you find it difficult to leave the habit. It is more like you getting addicted to nicotine than smoking. When you get the urge, you tend to smoke and get a feeling of relaxation in your mind, which unfortunately is not true.
I think by now you have understood the seriousness of this harmful habit. Let us have a look at few tips that can help you quit smoking:

I quit: Sadly that is the first way to quit smoking. You must have heard from someone, that you can quit this habit slowly. Where does that lead you to? You still smoke. When will that day come where you don't touch the cigarette? When you still keep on smoking, you can't leave that habit. It keeps haunting you as you want to smoke.

It is like you see a cake. Your mind tells you nothing wrong in having a small bite. So you go ahead and take a bite. You continue doing that till you finish the whole cake. You want to quit smoking, quit it completely.
Have gums handy: Once you are a smoker, you feel the urge to smoke quite often in a day. Keep chewing the gum till you leave the urge. A friend of mine got rid of this habit with this method. Whenever he felt like smoking, he put a gum in his mouth. Yes it was a difficult process, but he finally succeeded.

Select friends who don't smoke: It is a good idea to have friends who don't smoke. When you have the wrong company, you tend to do that same as them. It is human nature. If your friends smoke during the break time, try to politely stay away from them during that time. You need to also remember that the smell can trigger you to have a puff and you are back to where you started.

Have support: It is good to have support from someone who encourages you to stop smoking. You also need to be motivated and determined to leave this habit. That person can be your spouse, your friend, or even relative. This step is very effective, mind you. You can try it out.

Reward yourself: It is a good idea to reward yourself once you reach a target. To reach a target you can set goal. For example tell yourself that you won't smoke for at least couple of weeks. Once you complete that period, you can reward yourself.
Friends I strongly advise you to leave this dangerous habit. You are doing yourself a favor.
Hi, I'm Sumith an Internet Marketing Expert who likes to write articles during my free time.