It is a sad fact that most of the common quit smoking techniques
offered today either do not work at all or they only work for a limited
time. The reason for this failure is that many methods such as patches,
the various pharmaceutical drugs, nicotine gum etc focus solely on the
physical side of the smoking addiction. In reality this is but an
extremely small part of the whole smoking problem, and it is accepted by
many researchers into the smoking problem to be as little as 5% of the
whole issue.
A lot of people try going down this physical product
road and fail to quit smoking and beat themselves up about it saying
things "I am just weak" or "I just don't have enough willpower to stop".
Don't beat yourself up about your failure to stop smoking using these
methods. It is not your fault that you have not succeeded, you have just
not been going about quitting smoking the correct way.
The real
reason why so many people can't stop smoking is not the physical
addiction to nicotine at all, it is actually psychological. The problem
is really caused by a conflict between the two parts of the human mind,
the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. On a conscious level you
want to quit smoking, you have had enough of it, it doesn't fit in with
your lifestyle anymore, you know how detrimental it is to your health,
you don't even enjoy it any more, yet for some reason despite all these
very compelling reasons to stop smoking, you just can't do it, it's too
hard, and you just do not have the willpower. The reason you are unable
to quit smoking is in the subconscious part of the mind.
subconscious part of the mind is the more powerful part of your mind by
far, it is also very stubborn and does not like change. Unfortunately in
this stubborn and dominant part of your mind you have beliefs about
smoking, and those beliefs are that smoking gives you something, a
positive benefit of some kind. The most common perceived benefits that
many smokers can relate too are stress relief, relaxation, relief from
boredom, help to focus, and help to feel more confident socially. Many
smokers also see smoking as a reward, an excuse for some much needed
time out and even as an old friend that is always there for you.
subconsciously you hold one or more commonly a number of these beliefs,
this causes a battle of wills between the two parts of the mind, when
you try and quit smoking. A lot of smokers describe this conflict as
like having a good angel sitting on one shoulder and a little devil
sitting on the other, or like having two conflicting voices having an
argument inside their mind. There is no good or evil involved, this is
simply a battle between your conscious willpower and your subconscious
programming and unfortunately because your subconscious mind is the
dominant of the two minds it will win this battle of wills every time.
what is the solution? Well the only really permanent way to quit
smoking is to effectively reprogram your subconscious mind, and get it
working with you rather than struggling against you, which is what it is
doing currently.
This can be best achieved by a combination of
hypnosis and NLP which if done correctly will eliminate the beliefs from
your subconscious mind which are sabotaging you and effectively
"reprogram" your subconscious thinking so that you "think, act feel and
believe as a non smoker".
The good news is that once you "think,
act, feel and believe as a non smoker" guess what... you are a non
smoker, and when you make change at that core subconscious level those
changes are permanent, and you can get on with your life free of the
smoking habit forever.
The best way to find someone who can assist
you in quitting is to find a trained hypnotherapist who is also a Neuro
Linguistic Programming practitioner. It is this joint skillset that
offers the smoker the best chance of success in quitting smoking
To find out more about how you can quit smoking quickly easily and permanently today visit the author's website at where you will find an excellent resource to help you do this.
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