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Quit Smoking Effects - A Timeline of What to Expect When You Quit Smoking

Did you know that on any given day, there are millions of smokers who want to quit smoking? But what are the effects of quitting smoking on your body, your health and wellness? How long can you expect to see positive changes? Is it worth the fight? We have created this list of estimated effects on your body and what you should expect:
Here is a brief timeline of what to expect:

Within 20 minutes the blood pressure and a decrease in heart rate and body temperature of the hands and feet increases to normal levels. Carbon monoxide in cigarettes reduces the body's ability to carry oxygen.
In eight short hours, the carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal. Your oxygen level in the blood can now return to normal.
At 24 hours, the risk of having a heart attack begins to decrease.
Stretch for 48 hours, damaged nerve endings and pushes the sense of smell and taste is enhanced. (I bet you missed it!)
The time between two weeks and three months, traffic will greatly improve (This increases the strength and overall fitness) and coughing and wheezing should dissipate. The ability of the lungs to function should be improved now.
In 1-9 months we will be happy to see her coughing, fatigue and shortness of breath as the lungs continue to heal.
In one year, the risk of heart disease and even heart attacks is reduced to half that of a smoker.
In 5-15 years, which have reduced the risk of stroke than someone who has never smoked a stroke.
In 10 years, the risk of lung cancer significantly reduces the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus.
In 15 years, the risk of premature death normalized to levels similar to those of a person who has never smoked.
As you can see, the health benefits of quitting are almost immediate. If you smoke for a while, then you already know that damage to health has been gradual. Expect the same healing process. The longer you stay smoke-free, the better their welfare. Of course, you must first start the process. The effects of quitting smoking on your health is worth it. Where will you start? What are the best methods to quit smoking? What works and what does not? Well, we have you covered there too.