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The Tobacco Life: Smoking and Insurance

Life has a lot of wonders. Amongst them you can find cigarettes. A cigarette is a wonderful little thing filled with nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide and hundreds of other life-threatening substances. Teens and youngsters love to smoke, because they feel that with a cigarette in their hand they suddenly become rebels. Their cause is to smoke until they finish high-school. And then, until they finish college. And so on and so forth, until smoking kills them. But what can one do? The tobacco industry has to earn a living in one way or another.

This is a former smoker typing. I was a pack-a-day smoker for about four and a half years, and I know how much nicotine has taken its toll on me. I'm still struggling to regain my physical abilities which were tore by smoking (breathing, for example) and all I can do is say thank God that I've finally quit. All smokers known that tobacco usage kills. It's written all over cigarette packages, yet they don't really perceive the message properly because they always live with the illusion of quitting. That's the big hoax of nicotine usage: you dream of quitting, yet you never do if you keep postponing it. The only solution is to quit NOW. Is the message getting through to you? NOW.

On a more practical note, let's think about insurance. If the thought of your respiratory system slowly failing and becoming infected doesn't get through to you, maybe the incredible financial loss you could be the subject to will. As you know, insurance is purchased in order to protect families against financial loss and damage. Once the insured dies, his beneficiaries are entitled to receiving the death benefit: a lump sum of money which has been paid for over the years by the means of insurance premiums.

Here's the ugly part for smokers. The cost of insurance is calculated based on numerous factors such as age, gender, health condition and tobacco usage. Insurance companies are well aware that smoking kills and are ready to protect themselves against the risk of you dying on them and taking their money. That's why you, as an insured smoker, would have to pay premiums almost three times higher than those of a non-smoker. For the same amount of coverage. Pipe smoking, cigar smoking, the occasional puff, nicotine patches - they all count as tobacco usage in the insurance industry, and they will all make a great hole in your pocket.

The best way to drop your rates is to stop smoking. Also, some companies differentiate between social smokers and a pack-a-day smokers. Compare a lot of rates and make sure you buy the most affordable and efficient life insurance policy you can find. Book an appointment with a professional and ask him for further guidance in this direction.
Visit our website! and get hold of useful information about insurance for smokers and free life insurance quotes.