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How Smokers With Major Stress Issues Can Quit

We all have stress in our lives, and we find various ways of managing it. But how do you make a major change like quitting cigarettes when you have a strong stress.

To just bite the bullet and quit when severely stressed you will reduce your chances of success, in spite of the best methods used. So the solution is to tackle your issues in the right order. The major stress must be managed or reduced before you tackle smoking.

How you handle your stress is your business but in clinic I find EFT, emotional freedom Technique to be very successful in giving people the power and the capacity to manage their lives. EFT works on the principles of Acupuncture, with two benefits. 1. You don't need to be stuck with needles and 2. You can use EFT any time you need to.

Once the stress is reduced then you will be able to tackle your smoking addiction. With the help of Rapid Change Hypnosis you will quickly and simply release the hold that nicotine has over your mind and your body.

If you attempt to quit without addressing your stress then if the stress spikes or overwhelms you it's likely you will return to smoking. I assist clients in this situation in a two step or two consultation process.
  1. Work directly with them using EFT to start the stress reduction process.
  2. Teach them to use it for themselves at home.
  3. Rapid Change Hypnosis to quit smoking.
It's important to note that major stresses from the past can be managed very successfully with EFT, in a reasonable time frame, but ongoing stresses will need to be managed sometimes on a day to day basis. EFT is still the solution.

All ex smokers face the very real prospect of some big stress coming along out of the blue and throwing a difficult challenge at them to remain a non smoker. This is a perfect time for EFT, but if you don't know how to apply it then you must keep your reasons for quitting right in the front of your mind and fight any temptation.

It will pass and if you don't smoke you will feel good about that decision, and you can get on with your life, but if you do give in and light up, then you simply have another problem in your life you have to deal with.
And now for more free info on how to easily and quickly quit cigarettes Ian Newton invites you to go to
Wishing you the best of health
Ian Newton
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