Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

How Do You Get Courage?

Do all of you recall who Winston Churchill was? For those who don't, let me mention that he guided Britain through the Second World War with great courage and majesty. In his younger days-- when he was voted from power and writing great history books-- he said, "Success is not final, nor is failure fatal; it's just courage that counts." (A great thought from a man who fought hand to hand in combat and stood strong before foes-but for the rest of us, courage is what we lack.) Either we've not found it in life, or we've never learned how it's possible to get.

As a former smoker, I think what kept me smoking for so long was simply my lack of courage-or my lack of faith that I could ever come to grips with smoking. But at some point-- by chance or fate-- a combination of events forced me to stop. But let's suppose nothing has brought you to the decision that you must stop smoking. And your courage is still lacking in being able to decide to stop smoking.

The question is: How do you get the courage to allow you to finally stop? Here's my answer: You must prepare yourself to get courage. You can't snap your fingers and expect to stop this habit. Things are not that easy. If you wanted to scale a mountain you'd have to prepare. You would need to practice and buy some equipment. You would need to hire a guide. Your body would have to be gotten into shape. None of this seems unreasonable, does it? Well, the same is true for getting courage.

... "So how do I get it?" You ask. Here is where I can help. THE WIZARD'S OUTRAGEOUS SCHEME FOR STOPPING SMOKING shows you how to build up courage. It's done by using dreams and improving each one of your SEVEN FORCES, Picture those SEVEN FORCES as the offensive line in football. Certainly, we know each one of those line players must work along with the others. If one gets out of line, everyone will suffer. It's the same with Seven Forces. All it takes is one Force to put a giant stake in your attempt to stop smoking. Right now you don't know which one is preventing that. But rest assured-at least one is.

One of the Forces, say: The Feeling Force, might be afraid: if you stop smoking, there may not be a way for that Force to calm itself. So you need to teach it that the truth is smoking doesn't let you calm yourself, it makes you nervous until you quell your nervousness with a shot of nicotine from your cigarette. Once nicotine is removed-when you stop smoking-you'll feel just fine. Or maybe the Sexual Force has relied on smoking as a way of beefing up your macho or alluring fascination to the gender you're attracting. This is hogwash (which you believed as a teenager) which first started you smoking.

You see, all of these weak beliefs need to be broken down, so there's room for courage. This is a big job, which you can complete if you muster the will to just join me. It's not going to be easy, but it will be fun and a unique adventure.Your first act of courage will be to say, "I will try it- and I won't give up quick. I'm determined to get courage!"

Humbler Acts lives and breathes his stop smoking program. He actively works with his dreams and believes the Seven Forces are a basis for improving lifestyle habits.
He is available for speaking engagements as well as for private coaching: