Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Quit Smoking Exercises - 9 Exercises to Help You Quit Smoking

The road to quit smoking is often littered with useful aids, supplements and replacement products as we are told in the media. However, many smokers opt to go 'cold turkey' only to discover that this is a difficult path to a healthier life. Many methods and techniques are at the disposal of smokers to assist them on their endeavor and among this, exercises for quitting smoking can be equally beneficial. Smoking is incompatible with a healthy active life and if you opt not to use a replacement aid or supplement, adopting a few simple exercises can greatly assist you on your path to kicking the habit.

Exercise improves mind and body functioning and well-being and this can be of assistance to beating the withdrawal symptoms of nicotine. Most smokers who decide to quit are often unsuccessful as they are overwhelmed by the craving for nicotine and experience boredom once they quit their daily habit. Exercise can address both these factors by reducing the severity of withdrawal symptoms as well as keeping the mind and body occupied with constructive activity.

A smoker is at risk of cardiovascular disease due to the effects of tar and other harmful chemicals from smoking. Therefore it is essential that a smoker initially undertakes milder physical activity once they start an exercise program.

1. Walking - a brisk walk for 20 to 30 minutes a day will assist a smoker to combat the withdrawal symptoms and boredom without putting excessive strain on the body. It is preferable that walking be done in conjunction with a partner on a scenic route to prevent boredom and monotony setting in.

2. Yoga - yoga revitalizes the mind and body as it provide mild physical exercise with a relaxed mental state. Yoga should be started with the assistance of a suitable instructor who can assist with proper movements and prevent strain or injury to any body part.

3. Golf - all sport is a form of exercise with each having specific pros and cons. Golf has the benefit of limited physical exertion compared to other sports while providing a fun and distracting activity over a long period of time.

4. Swimming - swimming provides an all round physical activity exercising every part of the body. As an exercise, swimming can be altered to the physical ability of the smoker and due to its need for rhythmic breathing, it improves lung function. The effect of water and exercise can often leave one feeling
revitalized both physically and mentally which is ideal in combating the withdrawal symptoms of smoking.

5. Gym - gym provides a range of strength training and cardiovascular exercises in a social setting. This environment provides a range of exercises to prevent boredom from a specific activity while allowing the smoker the opportunity to interact with other active individuals in an exercise conducive environment.

6. Jogging - jogging is a fun and physically demanding exercise that is ideal for a smoker who has is prepared to undertake a more strenuous exercise regimen. Scenic settings and participating with a jogging group can keep a smoker focused on the activity and assist with improving mental and physical well-being.
7. Performance and endurance sports - undertaking a performance or endurance sport like sprinting, weight training or marathon running is ideal for a smoker of a suitable health status. These sports allow you the ideal exercise regimen when training and if a smoker opts to take the sport professional or participate in events and competitions, they have a goal to work towards both mentally and physically.

8. Group sports - participating in a group sport, like soccer, football and basketball can be beneficial to a smoker who is attempting to quit as these sports provide the necessary exercise in a controlled training environment while still allowing social interaction among your team mates.

9. Family activities - exercising by partaking in family activities allows you both a range of fun activities and exercises with the social support of loved ones to assist you in quit smoking.

Any smoker who has attempted to quit smoking will agree that the withdrawal symptoms and boredom experienced by smokers is often the reason for relapse. Adopting a healthy lifestyle with exercise and activity is a useful tool in your battle with smoking. Always consult with your medical practitioner before starting any exercise program.
Look up more helpful resources for helping you quit smoking at Health Exercise Pro [] for a positive tomorrow. Quit smoking and lose weight for a better life.

What's The Best Way To Quit Smoking?

Once you've set your mind on quitting smoking, you have an important decision to make; just how do you plan on going about it? There are plenty of recognized methods out there (along with lots more unconventional ones!) and statistics are a very long way from declaring a clear winner.

To the contrary, an overview of meta-analysis of the methods most commonly employed by wannabe quitters makes depressing reading, with nicotine replacement therapies such as patches and gum scoring from 3 to 17%, and prescription medications averaging just 18%.
Chantix, the drug that not so long ago was being hailed as an industry game-changer, is currently the subject of multiple lawsuits as a result of alleged side effects that include suicidal and delusional thoughts as well as cardiac issues. Personally, I've witnessed a guy become so deeply paranoid that he threatened his family whilst taking this drug, and even though he eventually quit smoking okay, I feel that the means can't always justify the end!

Therapies generally score better, with acupuncture, group counselling sessions, hypnotherapy and workplace meetings all scoring between 25 and 36%. I incline strongly to the opinion that these significantly higher success rates reflect a greater realism amongst the participants - these people have correctly figured out they need psychological support to break their habit, rather than medicine.

Of all the data available, the only studies showing reliably measured success rates above 40% involve patients with heart disease. I guess the subjects were especially highly motivated, seeing as the consequences of failing to quit would, in so many cases, have proven particularly unfortunate?

This raises two extremely important points, namely the significance of statistics and motivation. The highest recorded success rate found by any empirically validated study into smoking cessation is 42%, and yet it's far from difficult to find businesses out there claiming much higher rates, such as 95%!

Well, just try asking these guys which organization independently verified their results? Because any statistics that haven't been confirmed by a follow-up breath test after 12 or 26 weeks simply shouldn't count, and it's pure mischief to presume that every client who doesn't bother to come back and complain was a success story!

Remember that all any therapy can ever do is help you to quit smoking, and so it's hardly an auspicious start if the provider begins by lying to you about his track record!
Having said that, one easy way for any therapist to attain a genuinely high success rate would be to refuse treatment to all but those who are obviously highly motivated to quit - because when it comes to giving up smoking, motivation really is everything.

Anyone who's reached a decision, at the deepest level, that they simply don't want to smoke any more, is going to succeed in quitting, whichever method they happen to employ. And if they choose to work with a therapist, then all he or she needs to do is guide them along the road to success.
Of course, we can hopefully speed up that journey, by helping them avoid some of the bumps along the road - presuming we're any good at our jobs!
Paul R Mather is a certified hypnotherapist and the owner of Cerulean Therapies, a company specializing primarily in helping people to quit smoking. For more information, please visit

Stop Cigarette Smoking Today - The Best Tips to Naturally Quit From a Former Cigarette Smoker!

There are over 50,000,000 cigarette smokers in the United States alone.  Cigarette smoking is a very expensive habit, as well as a very unhealthy habit.  What most people do not realize about cigarette smoking is there are ways to naturally stop smoking cigarettes.  Tons of people can quit the habit of smoking with the snap of finger, but others spend their whole lives trying to stop the addiction.  Here are the BEST tips you can get to quit smoking cigarettes from someone who dropped the habit immediately:

ALWAYS remind yourself that you will quit smoking one day (I know it sounds corny), but it will work, trust me!

If you smoke, never let yourself forget that you will NOT do this forever.  The people who successfully stop smoking are the people who are aware that this is a serious problem and can soon result in lung cancer or heart disease.  Therefore, the number one tip I can give you is never let yourself forget that you SHOULD quit smoking soon, and you WILL quit smoking cigarettes one day.  Forgetting this will be the worst mistake you can make, and almost guarantees a lifelong smoking habit.

If you are in the process of quitting cigarettes, Practice saying NO before you give yourself a chance to think!

The next most effective method of stopping smoking naturally is to avoid contemplating on whether you should smoke a cigarette or not.  If you want to quit, that's all there is to it, say NO if someone offers you a smoke and keep the conversation moving.  By giving yourself time to think about it, you reminisce on the great times you and your trusty pack of cigarettes used to be the best of friends.  ALWAYS say no before you think.  Once you say no, going back on your answer becomes more difficult.

Smoking cigarettes will kill you someday if you continue, THIS IS IMPORTANT.
Guys, the last time I had a cigarette, I promised myself it would be my last, and that time, I actually meant it. If you are actually serious, like I was, and want to quit smoking in the next 38 minutes, click here now. BE SERIOUS!
Otherwise, if you want free information and tons of advice, click here!

Smoking and Cancer of the Lung

Lung Cancer: Diagnosis and Prognosis
The diagnosis of cancer can be devastating. If you smoke and you develop cancer, especially a cancer with a known association with smoking, such as lung cancer or pancreatic cancer, then the diagnosis can be particularly chilling. To realise that your smoking habit has caused a disease which is likely to end your life is a hard lesson to assimilate. Sadly many of the cancers attributed to smoking have a poor prognosis. Prognosis is a means of measuring 'cure' rates for cancer and is often given as a 5 year survival rate after diagnosis. For lung cancer, and for pancreatic cancer, the 5 year survival rate is just 5%. This means that only 5 out of 100 individuals diagnosed with these cancers will be alive after 5 years. Once symptoms of the cancer become apparent it is often too late as cancer cells are prone to spread to other parts of the body.

Beneficial Effects of Quitting
Faced with a grim disease and even grimmer prognosis many smokers are simply overwhelmed. What is the point in quitting? They may feel that it is too late and that stopping smoking after their diagnosis is futile. Dealing with the stress engendered by the diagnosis may make quitting extremely difficult and there is a perception amongst smokers that cigarettes help to soothe and calm ragged nerves. However, recent research suggests that stopping smoking after a diagnosis of lung cancer has beneficial health effects that can be measured. In a recent Canadian study, 43% of smokers diagnosed with lung cancer continued to smoke throughout their treatment. The same study showed that patients who managed to quit prior to treatment showed genuine health benefits as measured by survivability. The researchers found that after 2 years 28% of the non-smokers were still alive compared to only 16% of those patents who continued to smoke. At 5 years 4% of the smokers were still alive in comparison to 9% of non-smokers. Similar positive results have also been seen in patients with head and neck cancers.

Quitting Smoking with Support
It is not clear why smokers, who choose to quit, show enhanced survival rates. However, as smoking reduces blood flow to tissues, it has been postulated that less of the chemotherapeutic drug reaches the tumour. There seems to be a real incentive for smokers to quit before commencement of treatment. Health professionals should counsel cancer patients about the real benefits of quitting. In addition, research has shown that smokers receiving structured support from suitably trained health professionals show enhanced quit rates.

Quitting Smoking for Good
Quitting smoking is never going to be easy. For some, a cancer diagnosis provides the spur and incentive to finally quit. Others wallow in despair. The fact that there are proven positive health benefits for lung cancer suffers, if only they can stop smoking, offers hope and encouragement for the 43% that continue to smoke through this dreaded diagnosis; but only if they quit.
George Davis is a professional scientist with 25 years experience as a Human Geneticist. His passion is helping smokers give up their deadly habit. If you are a smoker and are serious about quitting then visit Tips To Help Stop Smoking for no non-sense help and advice. TipsToHelpStopSmoking
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Dangers of Cigarette Smoking

Smoking is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. About 420,000 deaths occur each year as a result of smoking cigarettes. Individuals who smoke are likely to develop peptic ulcer disease, and are more likely to develop cataracts, as opposed to non-smokers. People, who smoke, are ten times more likely to die from larynx cancer, esophagus, chronic obstructive lung disease, including emphysema. The risk becomes even higher if cigarette smoking is combined with alcohol use or with occupational exposure to certain types of toxic substances, such as asbestos.

Many individuals continue to smoke knowing these dangerous conditions, because they believe that smoking has benefits like stress relief, anxiety, pleasure, or weight maintenance, thinking that quitting smoking is difficult and won’t be an easy task to accomplish. Individuals who quit smoking however have a significantly lower life expectancy than continuing smokers. When smokers can quit at a young age, it is a huge benefit because they are exposing themselves relatively to fewer cigarettes.

Smokers experience symptoms such as persistent coughing, chest pain, and breathlessness. The fear of dying is what leads a lot of people to stop smoking cigarettes. It takes 2 or 3 serious efforts before this mission can be accomplished and sometimes may take even longer. Smoking cessation is usually a learning process in which mistakes made in the first attempt help improve odds of success during the next attempt. It is a slow process, which requires hard work. When the person finally hits the actual “quitting day”, the person stops smoking and it can be called as the final stage.

Many doctors give advice to all ex-smokers to avoid alcohol temporarily after quitting, since drinking alcoholic beverages seems to induce relapses in cigarette smoking. Because smokers use cigarettes to relieve anger, anxiety, and frustrations; quitting often makes it difficult to get through their daily routine. Those people may want to visit a psychologist, who may help them cope with their new problems or concerns.

For more similar articles dealing with smoking and health, visit
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Graduate student at New England Institute of Technology

Guided Meditation to Quit Smoking

According to the World Health Organization, tobacco is a major public health priority and kills more than five million people every year. It plays a role in 10% of preventable deaths in adults and, despite increases in tobacco taxes, advertising limitations and education, almost 20% of adults in the U.S. are current smokers.
In 2010, more than half of all smokers attempted to quit smoking and failed and close to 70% report wanting to quit. So, what's the answer? If you've tried to quit with the nicotine patch, prescription medication from your doctor and the cold turkey approach, it's time to try something different.

It's true that no method to quit smoking works for everyone but guided meditation (or guided imagery) and meditation can be the answer for you. This method is completely safe and proven effective by scientific research and it can also be used with traditional approaches to help you leave smoking behind forever.

Smoking is often a symptom of stress or anxiety, offering you a temporary relief. Meditation and guided imagery work to help you break free from your negative habits by making you more aware of everything you think, feel and do. Using meditation, you will become aware of what the cigarette smoke does as it enters your lungs and instead teach your mind to recognize the fogginess in your mind and nausea, rather than the relief you feel.

After each cigarette is done, you will also notice that the anxiety you were trying to cover is still there. Used daily, guided meditation can help you effectively manage your anxiety and relax.

The interesting thing many people report while using guided imagery to quit smoking is they don't actually need to try to quit but smoking quits them instead. Rather than using your will power to fight your urge, you will cultivate an awareness of the mind and find that you simply don't want or need to smoke anymore.

Most doctors will tell you that getting patients to finally give up smoking is one of their biggest challenges but the field of meditation has been studied extensively. It has been shown effective in the treatment and management of many problems, including chronic pain from migraines or IBS, reducing stress, losing weight, relieving symptoms of cancer and, of course, quitting smoking.

One important study conducted by Dr. Judson Brewer of the Yale School of Medicine found that individuals who have tried to quit in the past and failed can be helped through meditation. In his study, he taught medication to people who had failed to quit in the past with an average of six unsuccessful attempts and he determined that guided meditation can help when nothing else will.

If you feel like you are losing the battle to quit smoking and you're ready for a different approach, guided meditation programs that you can try at home may finally give you the mental strength and clarity you need to win.
The Healing Waterfall has been producing some of the world's best selling guided meditation programs since 1984, including "The Healing Waterfall," one of the best selling guided imagery programs ever produced. The Healing Waterfall offers guided meditation programs for reducing stress, as well as programs for spiritual healing, visualization for success, personal growth or recovery and wellness and healing. Try a free guided meditation program by visiting The Healing Waterfall.

How and Why to Quit Smoking

Why and how you should quit smoking

53 years ago I had a friend and she was a girl.(not an official Girlfriend).

Her mom smoked and worked during the day so daughter used to pinch her smokes and shared them with me. Both my parents smoked as well.

So off and on I got used to smoking; my smoking got a real boost when I became a sailor at the age of 17, because you could buy cigarettes tax-free when you were outside territorial waters.

Over time I started smoking more and more cigarettes and had to get up a couple of times a night to have another nicotine fix.

Life without cigarettes was just not imaginable.

Going on an airline trip was sheer torture because I could not smoke for a couple of hours.
We flew to Singapore once and I had a couple of smokes in the washroom in spite of the fact that airplanes were already putting people in jail for smoking.

Over the years half of my mom's family died of lung cancer.
My dad's only sibling died of lung cancer.

My mom died of a brain tumor-she used to be a heavy smoker.
My dad got lung cancer.

After he got lung cancer he visited me; he was a pathetic skin over bones man now, wearing a corduroy suit, BUT STILL SMOKING IN MY GARAGE.

My brother's wife has breast cancer; my brother still smokes cigars.
I started having coughing spells at night and the vision in my left eye was deteriorating.
Me quitting smoking? Impossible- I have no willpower.

Because I knew I could not quit I never even bothered to buy Nicorette or any other stuff.
So after a whole lifetime of smoking I was going to die of lung cancer too.
BUT WAIT: the story is not finished yet.

On September 4, 2002 I was in Calgary browsing in a bookstore called Brown and Noble and a book jumped out at me.

The book was called "How to stop smoking" and had 385 pages in it.
I glanced at the first couple of pages where the author boasted that this book was the only way to quit smoking without any withdrawal symptoms or without the Patch.

I bought the book because I was curious as to what you could write 385 pages about how to quit smoking.
It took me 9 days to read the book.

On September 13, 2002 at 3 PM I took my last drag and exhaled it through a Kleenex.
That was my last cigarette. I have never even thought about smoking.
People can smoke around me and I don't give it a thought.
The book changes your Mindset.

The book is called "How to stop smoking" by Allan Carr, a British Accountant and is not available in the United States.

I no longer cough at night and the vision in my left eye is fine now.
Frank Vanderlugt
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Reasons Why To Quit Smoking

HEALTH/PHYSICAL REASONS. When it comes to your health and your physical well being, you have great reasons to quit smoking already. The fact that smoking can cause a variety of harmful diseases to your body is no longer new to us. But just to remind you, smoking can definitely cause several types of cancers like lung cancer and cancer of the throat. It destroys the appearance of your lungs and your throat and little by little destroying its functions. Aside from cancer, being a smoker puts you at a greater risk of heart attack and stroke, which is why smoking is one of the major causes of death nowadays. In the physical aspect, smoking can give you black lips, dry skin, foul breath and yellow teeth. In other words, smoking transforms you from the beautiful swan you are into the ugly duckling instead of vice versa unless you decide to quit.

SOCIAL REASONS. Smokers are now considered a social nuisance because of the second hand smoke they emit from their cigarettes. And people are already aware that second hand smoke can also cause more damage to the people inhaling the smoke than to smokers themselves.

FINANCIAL REASONS. To quit smoking is one way to save money. Just compute all the packs of cigarettes you have consumed your entire smoking life and you would realize you could have bought yourself a car you could use for work with that. It's not wrong to throw money for investment as long as you will be gaining something afterwards. But if you will invest even a small sum of money for smoking wherein you are not gaining anything but disease, that is obviously a waste of money; not an investment.

INSURANCE. If you want to get insurance, which is considered the best investment you could put your money into, then you should definitely quit smoking. This is because smokers pay higher insurance rates than non-smokers considering the fact that smokers are high risk clients. There are even chances for you to be denied if you are found to have a disease caused by smoking like lung cancer.

The reason why people find it hard to quit smoking is because they say they have invested enough from smoking already. They don't know that they could get a much better investment opportunity by being a non-smoker. They also say it's hard to quit especially when they experience withdrawal symptoms. Once again, they fail to realize that these withdrawal symptoms don't last forever compared to the ill effects of smoking and there is nothing that determination and willingness cannot achieve for you even to quit smoking.
Looking into these facts and these reasons, you could say that if you have reasons why you can't quit smoking, you have all the more and bigger reasons why you should quit if you love your life and your family, then you would quit smoking before it's too late.

Quit smoking Tip 6 out of 6. Note down your ambition to halt tobacco use

Attemping to halt using tobacco is undoubtedly a particularly long lasting task. This can take an awfully extended period of time such as more than a few years, or alternatively it could turn out to be something a whole lot shorter such as barely a several weeks or months. The specific interval that it usually requires in order to really give up cigarettes can diverge vastly having said that what is key is making certain that you are coming up with a tactic to tackle your desires to smoke a cigarette. At a particular point in your ordeal aiming to give up smoking you're going to stumble upon a scenario where the need to start smoking is absolutely strong. Exactly how you address this particular instance will go a long way towards your eventual triumph. Being geared up for the need to light up will ensure that you have a plan to keep your commitment strong and resume on your course to halt smoking fruitfully.

Tip 1. Take the a little time to identify specifically the instant you frequently start smoking. For illustration, immediately following daily meals, immediately following a jog around the neighborhood, or essentially immediately following your hot shower each and every evening. Bearing in mind the instant you frequently smoke a cigarette likely will fit you in a wonderful position to design a plan of action to tackle the need.

Tip 2. Design a suitable plan of attack. This might possibly be a specific product as undemanding just as a stress ball for your hands, or maybe just a great piece of hard candy to continue to keep your mouth occupied. If it turns out you honestly treasure the flavour coupled with sense related with a clean mouth you could consider brushing your teeth every occasion you intend to smoke a cigarette, or possibly suck on a mint flavored chocolate, which will freshen your breath.

Tip 3. Keep away from the temptations that lurk. Any time you head out to dine, make certain you are undoubtedly sitting down in the no smoking vicinity. Avert venturing into tobacco smoking dealers, and on top of that you should try to controll the percentage of time you are approximate to other cigarette smokers. If you are often close by cigarettes, it definitely will be quite a bit much harder to ignore the temptations.

Tip 4. Cleanse your apartment of all smoking tools. This denotes all ashtrays, lighters, matches and get rid of the aroma pertaining to smokes. Tools similar to Febreeze seem to be amazing for facilitating to get rid of tobacco cigarette stink, which could very well also influence an craving to light up.

Tip 5. In the case you have a spot where you frequently smoke when you are at home, start thinking about rearranging the spot. If you are able to escape the ritual attached to the issue, you will be geared up to ignore the temptation measurably better. This guidance works ideally if you frequently are in the routine of using tobacco in the exact same spot, like a living room watching out a window. If you shift the stool to a uncommon sector of the room, or alternatively refocus the center of the room consequently you can help to escape the temptations to smoke cigarettes just about every time you are seated in the chair gazing out the window.

Tip 6. Note down your ambition to halt tobacco use. This may arise like a little detail but yet in proper truth, it can go a especially long way towards confirming that you forever keep your goal to halt tobacco use at the uppermost of your curriculum. If you simply express to yourself that you intend to halt tobacco use, you are a good deal more inclined to cheat and sooner or later give into the need to light up once again. If you have noted down your ambition, you are going to be significantly more likely to literally adhere to it. This goes for stopping smoking, burning fat, swapping your physical activity routine or nearly anything else.
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How to Stop Cigarettes For Good

Do you really need to discover how to quit smoking cigarettes? How many times have you stated to yourself or somebody else, "I would be smart to give up smoking," just to turn around and light up still another cigarette? Assuming that you are similar to the majority of cigarette smokers, your reply is: "A great deal more times than I can count."

You are certainly not by yourself. Research indicates that above 90% of current cigarette smokers want to kick their nicotine habit. The favoring truth is: By putting forth a little bit of effort and a substantial amount of determination, you can finally find out how to quit smoking and live life more healthfully without using tobacco. If you are serious about quitting, this is a in depth stop smoking guide that will make it easier to give up nicotine and stop smoking tobacco for keeps.

How to Stop Smoking Step 1: Choose to Stop
Just like every important life transition, very little will be able to transpire before a solid decision is made to get going and achieve your objectives. The same is true when learning the best way to stop cigarettes. It's at this junction, though, that quite a few nicotine users find they are defeated, suffering from fearfulness of going through each day with no tobacco.

As a substitute for being scared by committing to quitting immediately, make a decision to commit to complete the work that may help you quit cigarette smoking more effectively. Simply tell yourself, "I will commit to launch my quitting plan with honesty and take part in the tips described in this guide to how to quit smoking."

Doesn't that sound a tiny bit less difficult than making the decision now at this very moment to never again have another cigarette? Without a doubt! A long term commitment of avoiding smoking is too great for some cigarette smokers, but a day-to-day commitment to just work at quitting is fairly imaginable!

Now that you are ready to take the steps toward becoming a non-smoker, why don't we go forward.

How to Quit Smoking Step 2: Make a Note of Your Powerful Reasons to Quit Smoking
Yup! You figured it out! This approach demands some note taking, so get a little paper and a pen and get to work!

Make sure you write down each and every motive for why you desire to give up smoking, provided that each is the real truth. It's useless to list motives that lack importance to you personally. In the event you can easily manage to pay for cigarettes, for instance, the expense of smoking cigarettes may not be a significant enough reason to quit. If you are preoccupied with your lungs' health, however, and you are frightened of becoming a statistic among the annual cases of cigarette-caused Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease resulting in death; your physical condition will be a good reason for you to stop cigarette smoking.

Other motives to give up smoking may include: The well being of your little ones or household pets, the desire to have higher production at work, not wanting to smell like an ashtray to non-smokers, the desire to be a role model for your adolescent children, etc.

Make sure to write down your checklist of reasons to give up smoking on a sheet of paper or in a small-scale notebook you are able to carry with you all the time. You are going to refer to this as inspiration to abide by your plan to quit so you can stay focused on your quit plan.

How to Give Up Smoking Step 3: Determine Your Quitting Date
As you have almost certainly found out as a result of previous attempts to quit smoking, it isn't easy transitioning to from actively smoking one pack of cigarettes or more a day to becoming a non smoker the next. While some recovering smokers were able to quit like this, many simply cannot. Instead of attempting to wake up the following morning as a recovering smoker, make your mind up to wake up the following morning with the goal of smoking a minimum of 1 less cigarette than you did today.

Ultimately, you want to be smoking around ten-fifteen cigarettes a day when you are ready stop smoking for good - whether you quit naturally or with the help of anti-smoking medication. Based upon on how many cigarettes you smoke each day and how many cigarettes you decide to lessen every day, your specific quit date will most likely end up being somewhere between a couple of weeks to a month and a half or so from now.

A simple yet effective plan to lessening your daily cigarette intake consists of reducing the total amount of cigarettes you smoke by only 1 every day or every other day - the decision is in your hands. If you carry numerous reservations about stopping, you may be smart to try cutting back one cigarette every other day so that you are able to slowly work toward your quitting goal.

If you want to stay focused, you should create a smoking tracking chart - again in a small notebook you can carry with you as the days progress. A perfect tracking chart will have 4 primary columns: Time of your cigarette craving, time you acted on your craving, what triggered the craving, and a few things you could have done differently.

It is crucial that you acknowledge each cigarette craving you bypass completely. Once you have cut out one particular ciggie in a day, keep that cigarette off your daily agenda. As an example, if you make your mind up on day 1 to do away with your after lunch smoke and enjoy a walk instead, engage in the same activity each day after lunch instead of smoking. In another day or 2, you can get rid of your smoke during one 15 minute break at your job or in the morning, or on a routine car ride.

Pursuing a program of this structure will offer you beneficial practice not smoking at specified times throughout each twenty-four hour period until your alternative action to smoking has come to be a habit pattern.

How to Stop Cigarettes Step 4: Share Your Desire to Give Up Cigarettes With EVERY PERSON IN YOUR LIFE
For a lot of of us tobacco users, failed attempts to stop smoking can be attributed to a single key factor: We kept our desire to quit smoking top secret. If no one is aware that you are trying to stop smoking cigarettes, nobody is anticipating seeing you going without them. Therefore, you have no embarrassment at risk by not accomplishing your goals. If every one in your social circle knows you're wanting to stop, however, you are more inclined to stick with your quitting plan to avoid the humiliation of failure.

In addition to the fact of preventing embarrassment, it is likely that you will maximize your degree of support by bordering on a recovering cigarette smoker who realizes the importance of your recovery. Relying upon non-smoking associates, kin, and colleagues with whom you are able to relax without the use of cigarettes will undoubtedly be a valuable aid in your quitting plan.

How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Step 5: Brainstorm Your Alternative Activities
Early recovery from smoking dependency is very much about coming up with something different in which to engage besides cigarette smoking. Identifying the difference between self-promoting contrary actions and self-defeating contrary actions will prevent you from 'trading addictive habits' while applying modifications in your life that will bring about your joy living life as an ex nicotine addict.

Discovering how to give up smoking cigarettes is a very personal process. Although there are numerous tips and smoke cessation recovery plans that have produced results for countless smokers, the specifics in every plan are contingent upon each recovering smoker's aspirations. As an example, although some ex smokers may decide to replace their morning cigarette with a substantial breakfast, a tall glass of orange juice, a bath, or morning oral care; others may perhaps make a decision to replace their first smoke with a morning walk, quiet meditation, exercise, or any other health-promoting activity.

For each section of each day, strive to identify alternate actions to smoking cigarettes from which your mind and body can benefit; and as your quitting date draws near, practice implementing them into your life as a way to replace cigarettes. In a very short time you should feel like a completely new person, and you should be more poised to finally quit smoking forever.

How to Give Up Cigarettes Step 6: Become a Part of a Non Smoking Group
There are quite a few nicotine groups both on the web and in the local meeting halls abounding with ex smokers who can lend you support and tips every day on sticking with your quit. The more assistance you find from like-minded people with the same goal of giving up cigarette smoking, the greater your odds become of kicking the habit for life.

It's not hard to figure out how to stop smoking. Quitting is definitely a challenge, but the actions taken in the direction of a clean break from smoking dependence are rather simple in nature. Conquer your worries, and start the process of paying attention to your higher self. Take this guide to how to quit smoking and make the most of it for a healthier, cigarette free life.

Don't wait to learn how to quit cigarette smoking even one more day. For more resources on how to stop smoking, visit!
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Quiting Smoking Techniques

Quitting smoking is not an easy task, there are a lot of smokers out there that are serious about breaking the nicotine habit. But let's be totally up front, we are talking about a very addictive habit. Like any addiction it is never going to be easy to break. That's why many smokers search for answers to the How to Quit Smoking question.

Some techniques for quiting smoking:

The best way to go about it is planning out which strategy you are going to use. Not have some kind of plan is planning to fail. Whichever quitting method you decide to choose you should create a simple organized agenda for it. Nothing should be too difficult to follow.

Acupuncture : Acupuncture's moved on a bit! It can now be done with low-intensity lasers as well as needles. The treatment is performed on the outer rim of your ear and it works to block the neurotransmitters in your brain which cry out for nicotine.

Learn new skills and behavior. Always remember that your goal is to quit smoking, so distract yourself from urges of smoking. Change your routine in your first try of quit smoking program. Do something to reduce your stress such as taking a hot bath, exercise, or reading. Plan something to do enjoyable every day.

Quit smoking help with hypnosis involves consultations and sittings with a hypnotherapist, who generally squeezes out the reasons for one's smoking and the reasons for wanting to quit. Here's five good reasons for quitting the Centers for Disease Control presents to teen smokers.

Have a Date - Come up with a date that you want to quit by. Make sure that you write it down and decide that after this day you'll never smoke again. Having a date really sets it all in stone for you, which is important if you're going to quit.

Avoid thinking that you are 'Quitting' or 'Giving Up' smoking - unfortunately adopting this attitude is as effective as taking one step forward and two steps back. Think of the words ‘quit' and ‘give up' - what do they imply and suggest?

Drink plenty of water and drink plenty of citric fruit juices for the first couple of days. Stop drinking sugary drinks after day 3 or you will put on weight.

Shopping around for the right solution to help you quit smoking can be time consuming. Not to mention the times you would have chosen to quit smoking, just to find that your friend or friends have invited you to go to an outing involving social drinks.

Never use nicotine replacement therapy. There is no way that you can overcome the addiction to nicotine by getting it in another delivery system.

There is cold turkey. This is clearly one of the least effective methods for getting you to quit smoking, but if you do quit smoking using a method without the support of drugs such as NRT, Zyban on Chantix, the evidence suggests you will be a happier long-term non-smoker.

Keep yourself focused on your goal. Focus not on the negatives of smoking, but on the positives of quitting. Remind how good you'll feel - you will breathe easier, your cough will go away, you will smell much sweeter, you'll feel more alive and fit, you will have more energy, your minds will become unfogged and crystal clear, you will save a ton of money, and you can even get a discount on insurance as a non-smoker.
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Stop Smoking - How To Successfully Give Up Smoking And Staying Smoke Free

The problem with smoking is that it can be a nightmare if you are unable to quit it for good. Intermittent smoking is just as much a problem as regular smoking, and consequently, something that you ought to address right away. Hence, don't delay any further if you want to stop smoking, as there are a lot of benefits to doing so. Once you truly realize all the benefits that there might be to giving up this vice, you might really want to go ahead and quit it already. But, sticking to your decision is what you might need to work on.

Hang out with a different crow

Many people become smokers in the first place because of social pressures. You would have noticed someone close to you smoking every now and then and soon enough, you too might want to indulge in the habit. Hence, this is something that you would ideally want to avoid and perhaps to achieve that, stop hanging out with people who smoke regularly. You will not even need to know how to stop smoking, and can easily lead a quality life without requiring the help of nicotine. Maybe your friends too might get inspired and give up the habit as well.

Thinking differently
If you are someone who is actively trying to quit smoking, but are having a terrible time at doing so, perhaps a little thought control could be of help. Every time you have the urge to smoke, think of all the things that could go wrong with that option. You might soon find it easier to refrain from cigarettes every time you associate it with a truly negative image or something of the sort. If you seriously want to stop smoking, you should start thinking about cigarettes as something that you would want to associate with all the things that are wrong with your life.

Invest your money

Whenever you want to smoke, use the money that you would have spent on buying that pack of smokes and put it away in a jar or invest it elsewhere. After a certain point, take a look at how much money you would have saved in the long run. This alone should really motivate you to stop smoking, even if it is once in a while. Cigarettes are quite expensive, and the money that you burn spending on them is simply not justified. You can do so many better things with that money, instead of unnecessarily spending it on smokes and what not.

Hence, all these things should hopefully have you convinced that smoking is definitely not a good thing, not even when you indulge in it once in a while. If you know someone who has a hard time trying to stop smoking, share this information with them. Hopefully, you can motivate them to give up the habit and do something better with their life. It might be perceived as just another bad habit, but there is nothing that can be remotely as dangerous as this particular habit. You are better off quitting this one, than ever considering it as something that is acceptable.
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The Best Way to Quit Smoking - Substitute Hot Peppers For Cigarettes

Are you having problems trying to quit smoking? Have you been able to stop cold turkey only to start up the habit again within weeks? You have tried patches and they proved to be no help. Maybe your mouth is sore from chewing the gum. Even far out things like hypnotherapy have not done the trick. Well I have got the solution for you:

Replace Cigarettes with Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Here are some benefits to this method:

A New Source of Endorphins
Remember how you have felt after a great workout or the feel emotions after a hot session of lovemaking. That's your body's reaction to the release of endorphins. Smoking is so addicting because those same endorphins are released when the brain responds to nicotine found in cigarettes. Those same feelings of pleasure and euphoria can be created by eating hot peppers or a hot spicy dish. Capsicum, which is the active chemical in hot peppers, is responsible for starting that same endorphin rush.

Money Savings
Hot peppers come in all shapes and forms, from the habanero to the Thai chili or America's favorite the jalapeno pepper. They can be easily found all over the world for fairly cheap.
For arguments sake:
  • Let's say the average cost of a pack of cigarettes is five dollars.
  • We will also say that big bottle of hot sauce or a bagful of hot peppers could be purchased for that same amount.
  • We'll also make an aggressive assumption an average person would take one week to finish a bottle of hot sauce.
  • And we will make a modest assumption that someone smokes half a pack a day. That's a spending of $260/year (=$5 x 52) on hot sauce. That's a spending $912.50/ year (=$2.50 x 365 days) on cigarettes. So by substituting cigarettes with hot peppers you would save: $652.5/year = ($912.50 - $260)

Just imagine the mountains of money you would save if you smoke more than half a pack a day.
Better Tasting Food
Think about taking a cigarette and putting it in some bland food. Does it taste better? Now imagine adding some chopped hot peppers to that same food. Now how does it taste? Overcoming addiction to cigarette smoking is easy. When that urge to have a cigarette comes up, just bite a pepper!
One dish I recommend is Somtum an extremely spicy and great tasting green papaya thai salad called Somtum.
Anna Sandpakdee is mother of two, an avid cook and an addict to SomTum.

Free Stop Smoking Ideas That Will Help You

One of the surest ways to stop smoking if you are serious about quitting is to be able to visualize yourself as becoming victorious over the habit. In your bid to quit the destructive habit, you have to more than go through the motions; you have to see the end of it. That's how I did it; I'm pretty certain that you can too.

I have heard of some medications you can take that help you quit smoking. Down a pill or two daily as the doctor instructs and every time you take a drag you will get yourself one hell of a headache. Soon your mind will begin to associate the headaches to smoking, and will begin to not want it.

You can quit smoking if you get yourself the best kind of help that you can. Some psychologists know of ways to make you talk yourself out of the habit, and I think that is an idea that you can explore. And if it doesn't work for you, try something else.

Doctors have various means by which they can help you quit smoking. For some it is not enough to be shown the condition of their lungs via x-ray, but for others it is enough. One they see what damage they are doing to themselves, they cannot bring themselves to do it again. How about that for quitting?

There are as many ways to quit smoking as your imagination can conjure up. Even if you have no outside help, you could keep thinking and trying technique after technique. Even if they would not work for others, they might work for you; otherwise, the mere desire to quit could be the right start.
On Cigarette Herbal Stop Smoking or even Ways Aids to Quit Smoking, click these links to read top SECRET tips now!

Alternative Ways to Stop Smoking

Most smokers by now are familiar with the cold turkey approach to stopping smoking (not recommended), and the many stop-smoking aids available from the high street pharmacy. Sadly, there are some folks who have tried just about every conventional method to quit yet still can't seem to stay stopped. Are these traditional options really failing them, or are the smokers themselves just not serious enough about quitting? Well, if you're here and reading this, then there's a good chance you are serious, but perhaps you're seeking some alternative ways to stop smoking tobacco.

Smoking cessation, just like quitting alcohol, or dieting, does not have a single solution which suits all. This is why there is a variety of both conventional and alternative treatments for managing the physical craving of nicotine and the metal obsession to smoking. Let's start by breaking down some of the common choices first and then we'll take a look at the alternative ways to stop smoking later in the piece.

Cold Turkey: Set a date and just stop completely! Not really recommended simply because the withdrawal symptoms can drive a person nuts and have them reaching for a packet of 20 before the days end. However, younger smokers who have not been in the grip of nicotine for as long as many older smokers, usually have a higher success rate at this somewhat drastic approach.

Cutting Down Gradually: Although this sounds like a good idea in theory, it has little chance of succeeding with most smokers! A typical active smoker is a master at finding justifiable excuses, and the moment a little upheaval happens in their life, they reach for the tobacco. Cutting down is perhaps a method tried by most smokers who have just made a decision to quit, but very few can tell you they managed to stop and stay stopped by gradually cutting down until the desire to smoke was completely lifted.

Quit smoking Products: There are so many of these and they are by far the most successful at helping smokers stop altogether. Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) are perhaps the most successful. These include patches, gums, inhalers and nasal sprays. There are also tablets (Zyban (Bupropion)) which some smokers find effective. However, pills are usually prescription only and can result in some uncomfortable side effects in certain patients.

Alternative Ways to Stop Smoking in 2009
Stop Smoking with Hypnotherapy: Hypnosis to quit smoking is becoming more popular with each passing year. This type of therapy does not come cheap and has little chance of working if the patient is skeptical about the practice. For those who do believe, or are willing to believe in hypnosis, the reports have been very positive. Hypnosis to stop smoking works by changing the attitude of the smoker so that stopping smoking becomes a strong positive thought and diverts the user attitude towards cessation.

Stop Smoking with Acupuncture: Like hypnotherapy, acupuncture is also gaining in popularity for those looking for alternative methods to quit smoking. Acupuncture is based a combination of ear acupuncture points which are said to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms which are often triggered when a smoker is deprived of nicotine.

Stop Smoking with Aromatherapy: This is a gentler, softer approach to giving up smoking. Aromatherapy is more popular among women than men seeking to quit the habit. The special smoking cessation oil is said to be made up of eight essential oils which are intended to provide relief from the discomforts of nicotine withdrawal.

Stop Smoking with Meditation: Meditation is all about finding inner strength and peace. It's said that the habit and addiction of smoking cannot possibly exist in either the mind or the body when a person has achieved that inner peace and newfound strength by practicing meditation techniques. Both the thought of smoking and the act of smoking are negatives, and meditation works by removing, or dismissing harmful thoughts. When negative beliefs are removed or controlled, the desire to persist with the destructive behaviour is gone.

There are more alternative ways to stop smoking than those mentioned in this short piece. Hopefully you now have an insight into a few of the more popular methods used successfully. Those of you looking for less typical ways to kick the smoking habit once and for all, now have a plethora of choices available at your disposal. Whether you opt for conventional or unconventional methods to help you wean off the drug nicotine, the help is out there should you want it. The only thing that can stop you from stopping now is you yourself.

Discover the various ways to quit smoking in 2009, both conventional and alternative. Many ex smokers can and do Stop Smoking by Hypnosis, acupuncture, aromatherapy, and meditation. All this and much more when you visit Addicted To More dot com - Your Independent Guide to Recovering from Addictions.

Successfully Quitting Smoking

Acknowledge that quitting smoking is difficult but without getting discouraged. Withdrawal from nicotine causes many quitters to fail within the first week. Physical withdrawal isn't dangerous, but it can be very unpleasant. Most smokers will be irritable. Even if you didn't cough before, you will once you quit as your lungs take a break and try to clean themselves out. If the days have ever seemed much longer when you weren't smoking, that's because nicotine withdrawal changes the way you perceive time; time does pass more slowly when you first quit smoking! Again, this is not meant to discourage you. Instead, use this knowledge to prepare yourself. It'll be bad, but remember that you only want to go through it once!

Know what your triggers are before you quit. When are you most likely to want a cigarette? While many smokers light up in times of stress, think critically about what causes you stress and whether or not it's just anxiety. You may be using cigarettes to avoid other negative emotions. You won't be able to avoid these feelings when you quit, but being prepared will help you overcome temptation and develop new coping skills before you really need them. Food and drink triggers should also be avoided. Alcohol is especially dangerous for former smokers. Many people feel the urge to smoke when they drink, and alcohol can make you forget how important quitting is to you. Avoid your triggers whenever possible, and you won't do anything you regret.

When you quit, throw out everything related to smoking. Throw out all of your lighters, ashtrays, and any leftover cigarettes. This will make it harder for you to relapse and will help convince you that this time, you mean it! Like all smokers, you'll probably be able to come up with a lot of excuses. You don't need to keep an ashtray for friends who smoke; if they're your friends, they'll understand that they shouldn't be smoking at your place while you're trying to quit. You don't need to keep an "emergency" cigarette or two hidden away.

It's so difficult to quit smoking because it's not just a physical addiction. You're probably used to smoking in the car, smoking while you wait for something, smoking after a meal, and smoking whenever. These habits form a large part of your triggers, and you've probably gotten used to smoking in certain situations. Using nicotine replacement therapy can help you adjust your behavior before having to deal with the physical addiction. No form of nicotine will give you the same feeling as a cigarette, but it will act as a safety net.

 While you gradually lower the amount of nicotine you get each day, work on changing your other habits.
Learn something new! Instead of reaching for food, take up a new hobby. You can go for a walk every time you have the urge to smoke or learn knitting and crochet. Hobbies and crafts that use your hands can be very helpful for some smokers. Keep your hands busy, even if it's just by doing a jigsaw puzzle, and you'll keep yourself from reaching for a cigarette.
Quitting smoking is difficult, but it's not impossible. Just remember to take it one day at a time, and soon you'll be a nonsmoker!

Quitting Smoking By Clarifying Your Reasons

Most smokers who want to quit are conflicted by the prospect. They know all the reasons why, but they still feel connected to cigarettes. To help you quit you need to become very clear about two things.

1. Why do you smoke? This is not a simple question. What exactly is the feeling you are chasing when you light up? Every human behaviour is governed by a desire to feel a certain way. E.g.

A person can buy a functional car but chooses a luxury model to feel a certainly way.

Someone drinks too much alcohol to avoid certain feelings but to experience others. So what feeling are you chasing with cigarettes. The answer may be obvious or take some soul searching to find. But it is critical that you do find it.

The reason you need to do this is because you will have to find another way to get the feeling you chased from smoking.
If you can't work out what feeling you are chasing then maybe you can find what feeling you are avoiding!
Boredom? Or Stress? Can't concentrate? Feel nervous perhaps. Once you can identify what you don't want then you can work out how you will want to feel.
If smoking allowed you to relax and take some time out to clear your mind then its critical that you find a new way to achieve this before you quit.
Boredom is not easily solved. Everyone can get bored, not everyone uses smoking to fill gaps in their lives. Smokers and non smokers alike feel bored at times, it's just life.

2. Be clear on the number one, absolute reason for quitting. What do you want for yourself more than anything else. Vague reasons such as health won't cut it. If it was health related, stating that you want to be 100% healthy when your children have their children is better.

3. Vague reasons won't help you if the going gets tough, if you get tempted or if you become very stressed, but having your reason clearly etched in your mind will.

These two things are important information when using rapid change hypnosis.
Releasing you from your old connections and feelings will set you free from cigarettes and focussing on your core reasons for quitting will further implant the new thoughts you have about yourself. That is that you are a non smoking fresh air breathing person for life.

Three Easy Ways to Fail at Quitting Smoking!

Considering it's an activity that can badly bruise the ego, failing to quit smoking remains a remarkably popular past-time. So for those smokers yet to try them out, here are three of the most popular methods...
1) Identify nicotine as the problem... After all, nicotine is the addictive ingredient found in cigarettes, right? So once you've weaned yourself off that, then you'll never want to smoke again! I mean, why dwell on complicated factors such as the power of habitual behaviour or the relevance of drug delivery mechanisms, when you can simply chew some gum or stick a patch onto your arm instead?

There are solid reasons why independent surveys have shown nicotine replacement therapies to succeed in as few as 3.7% of cases, and why even the manufacturers involved claim success rates significantly below 30% for their products.

The nicotine in a cigarette works by opening the brain's dopamine receptors and exposing the smoker to stimulation within milliseconds, and there's just no way this intense experience can ever be replicated by slowly ingesting the same drug over many minutes or even hours. You might as well drink a cup of (equally addictive) coffee instead!

2) If only I can last (2/3/4 weeks)... Solidly based on the nicotine addiction theory, this equally popular delusion presumes that cigarette cravings get weaker every day you abstain, until you reach a magic number of days when they vanish completely.

If you like failing then you're absolutely going to love this method, as it's a guaranteed road to nowhere! Because cravings are overwhelmingly psychological, so there's no way they're ever going to mysteriously vanish. To the contrary, unless you've taken positive steps to motivate yourself so you really want to quit, then those cravings are going to steadily recur, regardless of how long you manage to abstain. And that's why this method is so popular with those smokers who lack any real intention of quitting, enjoy martyrdom and maybe like to revel in the sympathetic attention of gullible friends and relatives as well!

3) This time, I'm going to try really hard to quit... Whilst weekend golfers try to reach the green, pros decide exactly where on the green they're going to allow the ball to drop! If you're really serious about anything in life, you don't try to do it - you decide exactly how you're going to go about it so you'll succeed. And if this golden rule has some exceptions, then quitting smoking certainly isn't one of them!
Paul R Mather is a certified hypnotherapist and the owner of Cerulean Therapies, a company specializing primarily in helping people to quit smoking. For more information, please visit

How Smokers With Major Stress Issues Can Quit

We all have stress in our lives, and we find various ways of managing it. But how do you make a major change like quitting cigarettes when you have a strong stress.

To just bite the bullet and quit when severely stressed you will reduce your chances of success, in spite of the best methods used. So the solution is to tackle your issues in the right order. The major stress must be managed or reduced before you tackle smoking.

How you handle your stress is your business but in clinic I find EFT, emotional freedom Technique to be very successful in giving people the power and the capacity to manage their lives. EFT works on the principles of Acupuncture, with two benefits. 1. You don't need to be stuck with needles and 2. You can use EFT any time you need to.

Once the stress is reduced then you will be able to tackle your smoking addiction. With the help of Rapid Change Hypnosis you will quickly and simply release the hold that nicotine has over your mind and your body.

If you attempt to quit without addressing your stress then if the stress spikes or overwhelms you it's likely you will return to smoking. I assist clients in this situation in a two step or two consultation process.
  1. Work directly with them using EFT to start the stress reduction process.
  2. Teach them to use it for themselves at home.
  3. Rapid Change Hypnosis to quit smoking.
It's important to note that major stresses from the past can be managed very successfully with EFT, in a reasonable time frame, but ongoing stresses will need to be managed sometimes on a day to day basis. EFT is still the solution.

All ex smokers face the very real prospect of some big stress coming along out of the blue and throwing a difficult challenge at them to remain a non smoker. This is a perfect time for EFT, but if you don't know how to apply it then you must keep your reasons for quitting right in the front of your mind and fight any temptation.

It will pass and if you don't smoke you will feel good about that decision, and you can get on with your life, but if you do give in and light up, then you simply have another problem in your life you have to deal with.
And now for more free info on how to easily and quickly quit cigarettes Ian Newton invites you to go to
Wishing you the best of health
Ian Newton
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How Do You Get Courage?

Do all of you recall who Winston Churchill was? For those who don't, let me mention that he guided Britain through the Second World War with great courage and majesty. In his younger days-- when he was voted from power and writing great history books-- he said, "Success is not final, nor is failure fatal; it's just courage that counts." (A great thought from a man who fought hand to hand in combat and stood strong before foes-but for the rest of us, courage is what we lack.) Either we've not found it in life, or we've never learned how it's possible to get.

As a former smoker, I think what kept me smoking for so long was simply my lack of courage-or my lack of faith that I could ever come to grips with smoking. But at some point-- by chance or fate-- a combination of events forced me to stop. But let's suppose nothing has brought you to the decision that you must stop smoking. And your courage is still lacking in being able to decide to stop smoking.

The question is: How do you get the courage to allow you to finally stop? Here's my answer: You must prepare yourself to get courage. You can't snap your fingers and expect to stop this habit. Things are not that easy. If you wanted to scale a mountain you'd have to prepare. You would need to practice and buy some equipment. You would need to hire a guide. Your body would have to be gotten into shape. None of this seems unreasonable, does it? Well, the same is true for getting courage.

... "So how do I get it?" You ask. Here is where I can help. THE WIZARD'S OUTRAGEOUS SCHEME FOR STOPPING SMOKING shows you how to build up courage. It's done by using dreams and improving each one of your SEVEN FORCES, Picture those SEVEN FORCES as the offensive line in football. Certainly, we know each one of those line players must work along with the others. If one gets out of line, everyone will suffer. It's the same with Seven Forces. All it takes is one Force to put a giant stake in your attempt to stop smoking. Right now you don't know which one is preventing that. But rest assured-at least one is.

One of the Forces, say: The Feeling Force, might be afraid: if you stop smoking, there may not be a way for that Force to calm itself. So you need to teach it that the truth is smoking doesn't let you calm yourself, it makes you nervous until you quell your nervousness with a shot of nicotine from your cigarette. Once nicotine is removed-when you stop smoking-you'll feel just fine. Or maybe the Sexual Force has relied on smoking as a way of beefing up your macho or alluring fascination to the gender you're attracting. This is hogwash (which you believed as a teenager) which first started you smoking.

You see, all of these weak beliefs need to be broken down, so there's room for courage. This is a big job, which you can complete if you muster the will to just join me. It's not going to be easy, but it will be fun and a unique adventure.Your first act of courage will be to say, "I will try it- and I won't give up quick. I'm determined to get courage!"

Humbler Acts lives and breathes his stop smoking program. He actively works with his dreams and believes the Seven Forces are a basis for improving lifestyle habits.
He is available for speaking engagements as well as for private coaching:

The Tobacco Life: Smoking and Insurance

Life has a lot of wonders. Amongst them you can find cigarettes. A cigarette is a wonderful little thing filled with nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide and hundreds of other life-threatening substances. Teens and youngsters love to smoke, because they feel that with a cigarette in their hand they suddenly become rebels. Their cause is to smoke until they finish high-school. And then, until they finish college. And so on and so forth, until smoking kills them. But what can one do? The tobacco industry has to earn a living in one way or another.

This is a former smoker typing. I was a pack-a-day smoker for about four and a half years, and I know how much nicotine has taken its toll on me. I'm still struggling to regain my physical abilities which were tore by smoking (breathing, for example) and all I can do is say thank God that I've finally quit. All smokers known that tobacco usage kills. It's written all over cigarette packages, yet they don't really perceive the message properly because they always live with the illusion of quitting. That's the big hoax of nicotine usage: you dream of quitting, yet you never do if you keep postponing it. The only solution is to quit NOW. Is the message getting through to you? NOW.

On a more practical note, let's think about insurance. If the thought of your respiratory system slowly failing and becoming infected doesn't get through to you, maybe the incredible financial loss you could be the subject to will. As you know, insurance is purchased in order to protect families against financial loss and damage. Once the insured dies, his beneficiaries are entitled to receiving the death benefit: a lump sum of money which has been paid for over the years by the means of insurance premiums.

Here's the ugly part for smokers. The cost of insurance is calculated based on numerous factors such as age, gender, health condition and tobacco usage. Insurance companies are well aware that smoking kills and are ready to protect themselves against the risk of you dying on them and taking their money. That's why you, as an insured smoker, would have to pay premiums almost three times higher than those of a non-smoker. For the same amount of coverage. Pipe smoking, cigar smoking, the occasional puff, nicotine patches - they all count as tobacco usage in the insurance industry, and they will all make a great hole in your pocket.

The best way to drop your rates is to stop smoking. Also, some companies differentiate between social smokers and a pack-a-day smokers. Compare a lot of rates and make sure you buy the most affordable and efficient life insurance policy you can find. Book an appointment with a professional and ask him for further guidance in this direction.
Visit our website! and get hold of useful information about insurance for smokers and free life insurance quotes.

A Few Tips to Stop Smoking

No matter whether you are utilizing Nicotine Replacement Therapy, going Cold Turkey or using Hypnosis, these ways will definitely help you stop smoking. These methods bring certain neurological changes which enable you to quit smoking with ease. However, it totally depends on how you follow these methods to get rid of your smoking habit. It is said that more effort you put into these above mentioned exercises, the easier will it be for you to quit smoking. Here, you will come across some important tips which may help you quit smoking.
The first thing that you should do in order to quit smoking is mark a date on the calendar which indicates which day you will stop smoking. Marking the date will act as a reminder of your commitment. The second thing that you should do in order to reduce smoking is get rid of anything to do with smoking out of your house. Throw out all your ashtrays and smoking things. This will change your mentality. When you will not able to see things elated to smoking in your home, you will not think of smoking.
Another thing that you must do to quit smoking is inform everyone about your plan. If you have made a New Year resolution to quit smoking, tell as many people as you can about your New Year resolution. This will help you ensure that you follow your resolution. Moreover, create a budget that does not include the price of cigarettes. As you have the habit of smoking every day, try to find out how much money you spend on cigarettes every month. Draw a budget without the cost of a cigarette and you will find the amount that you can save easily. Apart from following the above mentioned tips there are several other ways by which one can get rid of their smoking habit. One among them is by taking certain natural herbs.
Before we get into details about these herbs, let us discuss some actions, which when followed, will help you reduce the urge to smoke. If you are a chain smoker, it is next to impossible to quit smoking in one day. There is no need to do so. Take your time and have confidence in yourself. When the urge to smoke is very high and you feel difficulty in convincing your mind to stop smoking, drink a glass of water or orange juice. If you do not find any relief, call a person who does not smoke and chat with them. This will distract your mind towards other things.
If you are not able to quit smoking by any of these methods, go for natural herbs. Aconitum Napellus is one such herb that can help one reduce smoking and also offers several other health benefits like anxiety, pain relief, get rid of chest pain, insomnia etc.
There are many who try Hypnosis to remove their smoking habit. Apart from this, there are several methods by which one can stop smoking.

5 Reasons to Quit Smoking

You probably know that smoking is bad. You see the warning: "Smoking Kills" on every pack that you buy. I know that doesn't scare you. Lung cancer, heart diseases don't scare you because you are young and healthy. However, statistics show that most people quit smoking because they are scared into it by facts. Here are 5 facts that will probably scare you too:
  1. Impotence.
This is meant to frighten men, but their lovers alike. Impotence is 30% more likely to occur if you are a smoker. In order to keep up an erection, blood has to be pumped into your penis. Smoking however narrows the artery which means that a smaller blood quantity can get in. Erectile dysfunction, if it occurs early in a man's life, can have a huge impact on your social life and psychological wellbeing. So, sure, you may look cool now with a cigarette, but it's very likely that "looking cool" is all that you will be able to do.
  1. Saggy breasts, wrinkles and yellow teeth
There are a lot of women who smoke. If you take great pride in your feminine beauty, you may want to consider quitting. Ptosis of the breasts is a natural thing that normally comes with aging. Of course, it can come a lot quicker if you smoke. Wrinkles and yellow teeth are two other things caused by cigarettes that will probably make you less beautiful.
  1. Money!
Let's say an average pack of cigarettes costs 6$ and you smoke a pack per day. This means that in a year you spend 2190$ on something that makes you ugly and horrible in bed. But wait, there's more! Life insurance and health insurance, two essential policies which everybody needs will become a lot more expensive. For life coverage, a smoker has to pay three times the price a non-smoker pays!
  1. Fatigue
If climbing some stairs seems like a tiring physical activity, you should quit smoking. In reality climbing some stairs is an ordinary task which shouldn't leave you out of breath. Smoking however greatly reduces your physical potential. Think of the importance of running! Smokers are more likely to get caught!
  1. You kill your pets (and other people)
If you have a cat or a dog, the smoke from your cigarette can have a negative impact on their life. It works just like second-hand smoking in humans, only that your pets are a lot more vulnerable! So if you love your cat, friend, and other people around you, quit that cigarette!
If you smoke and need life insurance, it is very important to find affordable term life insurance for cigar smokers. Policies can be very expensive for smokers! Visit for more information and quotes!