A new study from Denmark shows that women who quit smoking before or shortly after conception give birth to babies of similar birth weight ,pregnancy smoking on average, than nonsmokers .pregnancy smoking and
smoking pregnancy and pregnancy smoking Babies whose mothers continue to smoke during pregnancy are more likely to be underweight .smoking pregnancy and
" The most important thing to come out of this study is that quitting smoking during early pregnancy is also useful in relation to the birth weight of your baby as if you had never smoked during pregnancy , " Dr. Samuel Amber , a health expert maternal Fetal Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine at Emory University in Atlanta ,pregnancy smoking said he was not involved in the study.smoking pregnancy and
" I think this may be a source of inspiration for moms who are looking to make a change in their lives . "pregnancy smoking
Babies born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy or after three to four times more likely to die of SIDS sudden infant death , or "crib death . " Children exposed to secondhand smoke also have more ear infections , pneumonia , bronchitis pregnancy smoking, asthma and other health problems smoking pregnancy and
smoking pregnancy and The new study included 1,774 women who participated made in Copenhagenpregnancy smoking " smoke baby without " study in Denmark between 1996 and 1999 .
Twice during pregnancy ,pregnancy smoking the researchers asked women about their consumption of snuff . Their saliva has also been tested for cotinine - created when nicotine is broken down in the body.smoking pregnancy and
About 38 percent of the participants were smokers before pregnancy , and half of them left just before or shortly after ,pregnancy smoking according to Dr. Rode hospital Line and colleagues at the University of Copenhagen.smoking pregnancy and
During pregnancy , nonsmokers have gained about 30 pounds on average , smokers have gained 29 pounds and gained 35 pounds former smokers .pregnancy smoking
smoking pregnancy and Among women who quit smoking , 8 percent had babies born below the 10th percentile for birth weight , based on the general documentation Scandinavian , compared to 22 percent of babies of smokers.pregnancy smoking
Babies with low birth weight have an increased risk of infections , respiratory and respiratory tract , delayed growth and social development and learning disorders .
One year after delivery , half of former smokers have managed to stay quit. Non-smokers and former smokers relapse gained between 1.5 and 2 pounds after pregnancy , former smokers increased smoking in 7 pounds and lost about half a pound, according to findings published in obstetrics and gynecology.pregnancy smoking
" One of the strengths of the study is that it has tried to discover whether women who reported having quit actually do not stop ," said Samuel .
On the other hand , said that these results do not apply to the current U.S. population . " There were very few obese women in this study there," said Samuel .
He added that most of the women in this study did not gain enough weight to offset the long-term benefits of not smoking.
Samuel also said it was not possible to identify when a woman has to quit in order to see the benefits for the baby , because the researchers did not analyze the results in terms of time , exactly , women stop smoking.