Recently, the Centers for Disease Control ( CDC ) have launched a major effort of 50 state anti - snuff . The program's goal is to improve public awareness and the development of a national policy to combat smoking. In short , the aim is to reduce the number of deaths ( and related diseases ) Smoking in the United States. Currently, about 444,000 people die each year from diseases directly and indirectly snuff .
still dominate the statistics with about 270,000 deaths per year ( on
average between 2000 and 2004 ) , female deaths rose to 174,000 in the
same period.
means that for an average period of 10 years , about 4.5 million people
in the United States alone die prematurely because of snuff .
The overall results are equally alarming . According
to a study by researchers at the University of Queensland and the
School of Public Health at Harvard , about 5 million people have died
from causes related to snuff in 2000. Men were more likely than women to succumb to smoking-related diseases . In developing countries , for example , over 80 percent of the deaths occurred in males .
While these numbers are impressive , consider setting a period of time. With an average of 365.25 days per year ( including leap year ) , an average of 8766 hours a year. This means that about 51 people die from smoking every hour in the U.S. This is one person every minute .
In general , the number of deaths related to snuff is approximately 570 people per hour , or about 10 people per minute .
Smoking not only kills , though. Statistics
compiled by the American Cancer Society ( ACS ) and others show that
smoking brings many other negative (eg , reduced quality of life , life
expectancy is reduced, productivity loss , increased day disease , an increased risk of heart disease and lung and increased risks associated with pregnancy and childhood diseases ) .
fact , in 2000 , the CDC estimates that about 8.6 million people have
at least one chronic disease due to current or former smoking . Many
of these people actually suffer more from a smoking-related disease -
chronic bronchitis, emphysema , heart attacks , strokes and cancer.
Thus , efforts to control smoking are based on solid foot health .
anti-smoking effort CDC provides additional information on the
consumption of snuff in the United States with an index of " smoking
prevalence " ( the percentage of people in each state who have smoked
less than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime and regular smoking ) , CDC found that Great Lakes Gulf Coast of Mississippi, Alabama and the Appalachians to the Mississippi River was the most affected . West Virginia topped the scales at 26.5 percent. But Indiana ( 26 percent ), Texas (25.2 percent) , Missouri ( 25 percent) and Texas ( 24.7 percent) led the nation. Utah ( 9.3 percent) and California ( 14 percent) had the lowest incidence of smoking.
Most of the lowest states snuff consumption is one or more strategies to quit smoking / prevent the CDC said in the past. These
include increased prices of snuff products , adopt and enforce laws
restricting advertising and promotion of snuff snuff , the adoption of
media campaigns against snuff , limiting access to snuff products and promoting and assisting smokers to quit.
Further evidence of reduced smoking is linked to groups that promote non-smoking as part of their religion . Mormons and Seventh-day Adventists have a much lower rate of lung cancer and other smoking-related cancer than most other groups
Stop paying generous dividends , too. The CDC notes that the risk of most diseases smoking reduces the resignations longer and younger when they quit . In fact , people who quit smoking at an early age to get the most benefits. Quitting smoking at age 35 eliminates 90 % of the risks of using snuff . However, as noted by the CDC , " The argument that " it's too late to quit smoking because the damage is done "not true " .
message is clear - smoking is dangerous to your life , quitting smoking
(or never start ) is better for you, your family , friends and