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Pregnancy and Smoking Effects - Protect Your Baby and Quit Smoking During Pregnancy

Peanut butter and jelly , bacon and eggs , macaroni and cheese , what are these examples? The answer is that things go well together. The pregnancy and the effects of smoking ? Certainly not belong in this list. These are two things that should never go together. If you are pregnant and still smoking , it's time to stop. Let me tell you why and how.
It's bad enough that smokers who are not pregnant still blowing, even though they know that smoking is dangerous to your health , but pregnant women who continue to smoke , not only to present the dangers of smoking. They also put their babies at risk innocent .
What risks are we talking about here ? They are many and can be very serious . The most serious threat Smoking causes the fetus are:

Prematurity , smoking can greatly increase the chances that the baby is born early , before they are fully developed.
The low birth weight , smoking can cause your baby to be born with low birth weight leads to health problems.
Placenta damage -Smoking damages the placenta. Since the placenta , which supplies nutrients to the fetus , placenta damage directly effects and harm your unborn baby .
As a pregnant woman , I am sure you have already developed a bond of love for the baby growing inside of you and want to protect them and ensure they are safe . Quitting smoking is the most important thing you can do to protect your baby and make sure they are born healthy .
You can do it with the right help . Do not go it alone, your chances of successfully quitting "cold turkey " are very low. It needs to stop smoking that is designed specifically for pregnant women .
Try to find one that is all natural. You want to avoid the use of drugs or nicotine replacement therapies ( like the patch ) as it can be harmful to the baby . You also want works faster than time is of the essence.
The effects of pregnancy and smoking go together like dogs and cats. Making the decision to stop smoking if you are pregnant and get help. Choose a method to quit smoking that is appropriate for a pregnant woman.