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How Long to Quit Smoking

NHS stop smoking services "long to quit smoking  England has at least 20 000 smokers quit long- term usual 2010/11 according to a new study * in the British Medical Journal today ( Wednesday), with the number of smoking helped more than tripled during its ten years of operation.long to quit smoking

how long to quit smoking The number of smokers who have used the service and set a date to quit smoking more than tripled , from just over 227,000 in 2001 /02 to almost 788 000 in 2010/11 . The total number of ex-smokers who had not smoked for four weeks increased by a little less than 80000-270000 almost .how long to quit smoking

Smoking cessation services to provide expert advice on how to stop the discussion about the best options when it comes to quit. Smokers followed for at least four weeks after the quit date to help them through the most difficult period .how long to quit smoking

Services until 2013 to leave England were provided by 151 primary care trusts . Since April 2013 , local authorities have the budget . Each region can perform his service as he wants , but are encouraged to follow national long to quit smoking

Alison Cox , how long to quit smoking chief of policy on the snuff of Cancer Research UK, said : " With local authorities now in charge of this area of ​​public health, these results provide assurance that smoking cessation services are effective and provide a value for money by reducing the number of fatal snuff . how long to quit smoking careful monitoring should be kept in the local supply of these services. reducing smoking support would be a very bad outcome NHS restructuring , since it would increase health inequalities , quit smoking long and could ultimately cost lives . "

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The researchers analyzed data from when the service began in earnest in 2001 and 2011 ,quit smoking long and examined the number of people who have successfully quit smoking after long-term use of the service compared to what would be expected if they were receiving a prescription from your doctor for a smoking cessation medicine . how long to quit smoking The researchers used the known relapse rates after four weeks to assess dropout rates among long-term users of services.

The services have also succeeded in reaching disadvantaged smokers to 54 percent of former smokers in 2010/11 to qualify for free prescriptions .quit smoking long

how long to quit smoking While the overall picture is positive , the investigation revealed wide variations between local service with some being more than two times better than the other.quit smoking long

Professor Robert West , quit smoking long director of research of the snuff in the University College London Cancer Research UK led the research, said :how long to quit smoking " The smoking cessation services in England led the world and saved lives more profitable than any other part of the NHS - Real success story . Nevertheless, it is clear room for improvement and the need for less efficient services to match . "how long to quit smoking

quit smoking long Alison Cox added : " The snuff is a deadly product that kills half of all long-term smokers , to help smokers quit smoking is a very important job . The quality of services is a world leader and this research shows the success they have had. "quit smoking long