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How To Stop Smoking Easily Now!

I stopped smoking 7 years ago after a pack a day habit that lasted a long time. I have also read and written much on the topic as well as researched it by meeting and talking with many ex-smokers. I can tell you that there are about as many ways to stop smoking as there are ex-smokers.

Some people like a structure and a timetable and require a "quit date"; others say that they were better off without the pressure of a deadline. Some used nicotine replacement therapies; other did it "cold turkey". Some people unfortunately complain of tremendous physical and mental side-effects to quitting cigarettes whereas others happily report no reaction at all!
However, amidst all this contradictory information there is some advice that rings true for all people.

It may be an idea for smokers to take a trip to their doctor if they are considering quitting cigarettes. A doctor may be able to give advice as well as warn the patient of any potential dangers there may be.

The Psychology of New Habits
The best thing about giving up smoking is that, despite any withdrawal systems, people will always feel better after a few months living smoke free.
So, as the smoker will be experiencing a lifestyle change when they give up, it is a great idea to include another positive change at the same time to counteract the loss of the other habit and distract feelings of loss.
It may be an idea to find a hobby that involves using the hands as smokers who are giving up often find themselves fidgeting and at a loss with what to do with them.
But another great hobby to take up at this time would be one that involved exercise. Exercise releases endorphins into the body that produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being. A connection between a feeling of well-being, giving up smoking and exercising to improve the physical body provides the ex-smoker with an extremely powerful reason to keep going.
Again, a doctor can be consulted about a new fitness regime.

Families can be extremely important for smokers who want to give up. Smokers who have children are provided with an excellent reason to give up. But families should be cautious not to pressure the smoker too much into giving up as this can be counter-productive.
One smoker put passport photos of his wife and kids in the packet of cigarettes in order to deter him against taking one out.
At the end of the day the family will be a great support mechanism against relapse and a smoker should ask for encouragement and support.

Another trick I heard about, which is a little extreme, is that one smoker put his cigarettes in the household trash first and left them there for a while before putting them back in the packet. This way he could be sure that he would be disgusted with himself if he put one in his mouth! This is may not be recommended but shows the inventiveness of some smokers when faced with the challenge of stopping.

Self-hypnosis / Meditation
The best way to stop smoking is by meditating quietly every day and, when very relaxed, internalizing affirmations to oneself of health and well-being. Smokers are advised to sit quietly on their own and concentrate on their breathing for five minutes. Breathing in, breathing out. When they find their mind wondering, which it will inevitably do, they should observe the thought and put their attention back to breathing the clean air.
Once more and more relaxed, the smoker will enjoy the feeling of inhaling the pure oxygen which gives life to their body and exhaling the pollutants. Repeated sessions of meditation combined with self-hypnosis can lead to a stress-free smoking cessation period within weeks.

Giving up smoking doesn't have to be the most difficult thing in the world as it is commonly thought to be. There are many people who report having just given up one day without any side-effects. However, one thing is for sure, the body will start repairing itself almost immediately and the ex-smoker will feel the benefits more and more as the months go by.
After stopping smoking in 2004 I set up a website with regular articles about how to stop smoking called in order to help other people quit cigarettes.