Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

The Easy Way To Stop Smoking

Is There an Easy Way to Stop Smoking?

Are some methods of quitting smoking easier than others? Is there an easy way to stop smoking and if there is, which method is it? It's obvious that all methods of stopping smoking work for some people but not for all people. However, no matter which method the successful quitter uses the reason it is successful for them is that during the process they begin to think in a different way.

Therefore, without realising it, they mimic the way hypnosis works. Hypnosis to quit smoking works by focusing the mind on a successful outcome and by guiding the quitter to imagine themselves as a non-smoker. The practised hypnotist, knowing how mind works, can facilitate a process that some people stumble upon accidentally.

In each case of successful quitting smoking the credit may be given to the placebo, the patches, the nicotine replacement therapy, the imitation cigarette or even willpower but the actual reason is a change of direction of mind. Sometimes stopping smoking is hard while for others quitting is so easy it can seem as if a miracle has happened.

When stopping smoking seems like hard work and a struggle you can guarantee the quitter is using willpower. Willpower can work and often does but even willpower has to be used in a certain way to become 100% successful. When used incorrectly the willpower method can make matters even worse and may mean the quitter will spend years still wanting a cigarette and still wishing they could smoke.

Hypnosis as a stop smoking method overcomes all the normal problems associated with stopping smoking and that is why it is often called the, 'the easy way to stop smoking.' It is true that hypnosis to quit smoking has a failure rate; it doesn't work for everyone but there are valid reasons for failure.

If the client is mentally arguing with, disagreeing with or has a dislike of the hypnotherapist or the consulting rooms the therapy can fail. If the client is uncomfortable; too hot or too cold or the consulting rooms are too noisy the therapy can also fail.

However, the most common source of failure is due to the clients mental state directly prior to therapy. If you choose to succeed it is vital that you prepare yourself mentally prior to the therapy. Whether you choose one to one therapy or a CD mental preparation is the key to success. Before you begin take some time to decide what you want as an outcome of the therapy, your success or failure depends on it.

If you focus on the things you don't want you'll get them. The following statements or any like them will create failure:
  • "I hope it's not a waste of money."
  • "What if it doesn't work?"
  • "What if I can't be hypnotised?"
  • "What if I still want a cigarette when it's over?"
  • "I hope it's not a waste of time."
If you want to stop successfully use the following statements:
  • "I hope it's money well spent."
  • "If it's worked for others it can work for me."
  • "I reckon I can be hypnotised."
  • "I wonder what it'll be like to be free?"
  • "I reckon this will be time well spent."
Think positively if you expect positive results. Talk only about what you want to have happen. Take the advice I was given just before I stopped smoking (after years of struggle). "If you really want to stop you will, there's nothing so sure as that. All you have to do is keep wanting, keep trying and it's inevitable that one day you will." I took that advice and I did stop very soon afterwards.
Some people who choose the hypnosis method to quit stop successfully while listening to a CD while others benefit from one to one therapy. Whichever method of hypnosis you use to stop smoking I wish you all the success you deserve.
Christine Wesson
Christine Wesson of Making Positive Changes is a Clinical Hypnotherapist working Metaphysically. A student of the mind Christine uses her skills ot help people to stop smoking. Stop smoking the easy way

Quit Smoking Weight Gain

Weight gain after quitting smoking is a major concern for many smokers. Recent research has found that smokers earn about 8-9 pounds in the first 12 months after quitting. quit smoking weight gain They gain more weight during the first three months of the suspension period quit smoking weight gain.

quit smoking weight gain

Scientists have discovered the causes of weight gain among smokers when they give up their smoking habit. Nicotine, the major component of cigarette acts as an appetite suppressant. Stimulates brain cells generally report people when full. quit smoking weight gain Therefore, smokers often feel hungry after smoking cessation. This causes increased appetite eat that eventually leads to weight gain. However, quit smoking weight gain research suggests that eating habits are back to normal in the long run.

quit smoking weight gain Once you stop smoking, weight gain of 5-6 pounds in the first three months of the end is normal. If your diet has continued the same as when smoked, so you can easily lose some weight as a 20-30 minute walk every day active. quit smoking weight gain The best way to lose weight is to focus on staying healthy techniques rather than weight control strategies.

weight gain quit smoking Include at least one physical activity in your daily routine. Exercise regularly to not only reduce your weight but also help relieve withdrawal symptoms. Add vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Always eat in small portions. Stay away from alcohol, as it is rich in calories. weight gain quit smoking Limit sweets and unhealthy snacks and processed foods quit smoking weight gain.

It can be very difficult to quit smoking and control weight gain at the same time, as both activities are commitment and effort. So it's better to focus primarily on smoking cessation. Exercise regularly, include healthy foods and getting enough sleep and rest.  weight gain quit smoking Consult your nutritionist for advice, if weight gain is a problem.

Top Tips to Help You to Quit Smoking

Trying to Quit Smoking? Finding it difficult?

Here are some tips which should help you to quit easily and effectively.
I, personally, quit smoking using hypnotherapy years ago and it worked wonders for me. I've been smoke free now for the last 15 years and, believe me, it was very little effort at all.
Since that time, I have qualified as a hypnotherapist myself and have helped dozens of people to quit the habit.
Here are a few things that you may find useful:-

O Find a reason to quit. It may be that you want to be able to be a better athlete, run a marathon or just be able to play energetically with your kids. Focus on the reason you want to quit and not on the fact that you are not having a cigarette.

O Find a substitute. Whether it is drinking a glass of water or chewing gum, replacing the habit of reaching for a cigarette with something else will help you to get over the conditioned response part of the smoking habit.

O Take Vitamin B12 daily. Your first couple of weeks are usually the most difficult and can create mood swings and bad tempers. Vitamin B12 helps to calm the nerves and can help you through this difficult patch.

O Take a concentrated Vitamin C pill. When you first quit smoking, it can play havoc with your immune system leaving you open to colds and viruses. Taking a daily Vitamin C pill for the first couple of weeks can help to build up your immune system and help to defend against these illnesses.

O Drink grapefruit juice. If you really do get a heavy craving for a cigarette, try drinking a glass of grapefruit juice before lighting up. The taste of the grapefruit juice will make any immediate cigarette you smoke afterwards taste foul.

O Having heavy cravings? Try this TFT technique to help you to reduce them. It may seem a bit silly, but the techniques are used to employ the left and right side of your brain in order to reset the settings of your anxiety.

1. Rate your craving on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being the weakest and 10 being the strongest.

2. Whilst concentrating on the craving start to tap gently under your eye with two fingers ten times.

3. Still concentrating on your craving, tap on your collarbone ten times

4. Now tap under your eye ten times.

5. Now tap on the side of your hand (the karate chop point) ten times

6. Now start to tap on the back of your hand between the pinkie and third finger.

7. Still tapping this point, hum or whistle "Happy Birthday"

8. Still tapping this point count from 1 to 5.

9. Still tapping this point, hum or whistle "Happy Birthday" again.

10. Still tapping this point look down and to the right. Then look down and to the left.

11. Still tapping this point, roll your eyes around in a big circle as if looking around a giant clockface.

12. Still tapping this point, close your eyes, and then open your eyes.

Ok, now rate your craving from 1 to 10 again. You should find that your craving has been reduced. If you want to reduce it some more, try repeating the technique again.
I wish you all the very best with your desire to quit smoking and if there is any other way that I can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to get in contact.
If you are interested in getting holof my Stop Smoking For Good Hypnosis Download, please visit
Mark Roberts D. Hyp.
Resource Box - Mark Roberts (2008) Mark Roberts D.Hyp. MAEPH is a fully qualified hypnotherapist from the UK. His website contains recordings to help in all areas of your life including weight loss, sports improvement increased confidence and many more.

I Want Quit Smoking Guides to Work

Here's what I want: quit smoking guides to recommend the same methods as me. This is because I have seen many quit smoking guides, and I feel that they are focusing on the wrong thing. You always see websites talking about the best ways to quit smoking, and then they recommend the same thing as everyone else, and often recommend many different ways.

Quitting smoking can be easy if you know the right method. Before I explain this, I'd like to go into what I feel are the wrong methods.

One of the biggest quit smoking methods out there, is known as Nicotine Replacement Therapy, the act of using gum, an inhaler, patches, even tablets, which gives you the nicotine you crave so much without having to smoke. Sure, there are great health benefits to using these methods, but in my own experience, and that of many others, they do not deal with the real smoking problem and even those who do manage to quit using these methods often end up smoking again. Nicotine withdrawal pangs are not as bad as people assume them to be, in fact they are very mild and half the time you don't even realize you are experiencing them. More on this later.

Cold Turkey is another wrong method, also known as The Willpower Method. Most people are afraid of this method as they feel they need to use something to replace cigarettes, hence the popularity of NRT. I personally barely lasted 3 days using this method even though I was telling myself constantly "I need to quit smoking," so I understand how difficult it is. The belief that smoking is hard to quit causes us to think that it is an almost impossible task, so therefore we are setting ourselves up to fail before we have even begun.

So what is the right method? Well, simply put, anything that deals with the psychological aspect of smoking. As I mentioned earlier, nicotine withdrawal pangs are very mild, and only last a few days, they aren't even strong enough to wake you up when you are sleeping. So why does it seem so hard to go without cigarettes? This is because our perception of smoking is that it is a great crutch and gives us pleasure, along with the aforementioned belief that it is very difficult to give up.

Stop kidding yourselves! Smoking does nothing for you except trick your brain into thinking it does. If you don't believe me, ask yourself why some cigarettes "taste" better (or less bad) than others, ask yourself why a cigarette can relax some people, while helping others focus, and ask yourself why it is so hard to cope without something that is just poisoning your body. Surely it is only water and food that your body can't cope without?

My recommendation to most people is to really research and understand what smoking is doing to you. Reassess your perception of smoking, and learn that it really is easy to stop. I think if more websites and quit smoking methods worked on psychology, people would be better informed to quit.
Additional information about quitting smoking and the psychological aspects of nicotine addiction can be found here:

Quit Smoking uk

quit smoking huckstering University Professor Linda Auld has been involved in the development of new public health policy to reduce harm related to snuff when people feel unable to stop smoking in one step.quit smoking UK

The guide, want quit smoking published today (June 5) by the National Institute for Health and Excellence (NICE), is the first in the world to recommend that licensed products containing nicotine can be used to help people to reduce the consumption of snuff,quit smoking UK especially those who are addicted to nicotine want quit smoking.

quit smoking unprofessed Auld, chairman of NICE guideline development, and professor of health policy at the University of Stir ling, said: quit smoking UK"This guide provides an important opportunity to reduce the harm associated with the consumption of snuff want quit smoking.

want quit smoking"The cost to the NHS in the UK for the treatment of diseases related to snuff is more than 3 million pounds a year. quit smoking U.K.% of adults 16 and older in the United Kingdom are current smokers and about two thirds of smokers say they would like to quit smoking.quit smoking UK

want quit smoking "Nice public health Tips does not apply to Scotland, I want quit smoking is considered by the Scottish Government and health in Scotland. quit smoking impervious All Nice smoking guidance has been adopted in Scotland in any form want quit smoking.

quit smoking UK"Scotland has a higher than elsewhere in the smoking rate in the UK,quit smoking UK especially in disadvantaged communities, where seniors four out of ten smokers. Therefore, it is particularly important to keep looking for new ways to reduce smoking rates quit smoking UK.

want quit smoking"The implementation of this approach in Scotland would be a very positive step forward, and expand options for smokers who find it difficult to stop using current methods."quit smoking UK
The new Directive recognizes, want quit smoking while the best way to reduce the harm from smoking is to stop smoking completely in one step, for people who could not stop using the standard method, other approaches can help want quit smoking.

quit smoking Ute guide could also encourage more smokers to consider reducing the amount they smoke, with support from licensed products containing nicotine want quit smoking(Beg, nicotine replacement therapy (NT) patches and gum) and advisory services to stop smoking,quit smoking UK which have proven effective.

Professor Auld said: "People who are struggling to quit smoking in one step are more likely to quit smoking in the long run if they fall, and are more likely to quit successfully if they use NT when slaughter.

"Harm reduction approaches also provide an alternative for those who are not currently interested in quitting. quit smoking awhile the evidence is not clear on the benefits of reducing smoking, for some people, this reduction may start a gradual change in behavior that eventually leads to quitting, want quit smoking especially when using licensed products containing nicotine. "quit smoking UK

quit smoking Duke added: "People should ideally do this with the support services to stop smoking, but there are also options to reduce damage to non-use services. quit smoking Ute key is to take action to reduce the harm caused by the consumption of snuff, and this orientation gives people new options on how to do it. "want quit smoking

quit smoking unprofessed Mike Kelly, director of the Center for Public Health Nice, said: "This is the first time in the world to adopt national orientation of smoking reduction using nicotine products under license, such as patches or gum, quit smoking Lukas a way to help reduce the damage caused by snuff.want quit smoking

"Simply put, people smoke for nicotine, but die from tar in the snuff. Yet consumption snuff inhaled nicotine is highly addictive, quit smoking nuthatch is why people find it so difficult to quit smoking.

quit smoking UK"This guide recommends harm reduction as a new additional option, especially for those who are highly dependent smokers want to quit, quit smoking Ubuntu can not stop suddenly."

NICE recommendations are:

quit smoking Ute organizations involved in the fight against the consumption of snuff, such as stop smoking services and local authorities must provide public information which states that licensed products containing nicotine are an effective way to reduce the damage to snuff smoking person and those around them.

Quit smoking and advisors health professionals should advise people to stop smoking in one step, but for those who are unwilling or unable to stop in one step, to propose a review of an approach to reduction Damage Counselors and health professionals should offer all kinds of licensed products containing nicotine for smokers, as part of a harm reduction strategy, quit smoking neither alone or in combination, quit smoking keening on the preference of the person and the level dependency. For example, patches could be offered with gum or lozenges. quit smoking kit is more likely to be successful in particular for smokers more addicted to advise people to use more than one product quit smoking UK

How quit smoking UK
quit smoking mucous should discuss reduction strategies, quit smoking unhitch might include increasing the time interval between cigarettes, quit smoking underlaying the first cigarette of the day or choose periods during the day or on special occasions, quit smoking kWh you do not smoke. Appointments to review progress should also be offered quit smoking UK

why quit smoking UK
Snuff retailers and retailers licensed products containing nicotine license must demonstrate a nicotine products in stores and supermarkets, quit smoking Auckland on sites that sell cigarettes and snuff products Health professionals and counselors should explain to people how to use licensed products containing nicotine cravings adequately control, quit smoking supervening of want quit smoking compensatory smoking when trying to quit or reduce consumption of snuff. quit smoking buyout must also ensure that it is preferable to use these products and reduce the consumption of snuff to continue at its current level Directors must inform people who smoke some products containing nicotine (Beg, electronic cigarettes and topical gels) are not currently regulated by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency so its efficacy, quit smoking unsafely and quality can not be guaranteed . He also advised that these products tend to be less harmful than cigarettes.

How To Stop Smoking Easily Now!

I stopped smoking 7 years ago after a pack a day habit that lasted a long time. I have also read and written much on the topic as well as researched it by meeting and talking with many ex-smokers. I can tell you that there are about as many ways to stop smoking as there are ex-smokers.

Some people like a structure and a timetable and require a "quit date"; others say that they were better off without the pressure of a deadline. Some used nicotine replacement therapies; other did it "cold turkey". Some people unfortunately complain of tremendous physical and mental side-effects to quitting cigarettes whereas others happily report no reaction at all!
However, amidst all this contradictory information there is some advice that rings true for all people.

It may be an idea for smokers to take a trip to their doctor if they are considering quitting cigarettes. A doctor may be able to give advice as well as warn the patient of any potential dangers there may be.

The Psychology of New Habits
The best thing about giving up smoking is that, despite any withdrawal systems, people will always feel better after a few months living smoke free.
So, as the smoker will be experiencing a lifestyle change when they give up, it is a great idea to include another positive change at the same time to counteract the loss of the other habit and distract feelings of loss.
It may be an idea to find a hobby that involves using the hands as smokers who are giving up often find themselves fidgeting and at a loss with what to do with them.
But another great hobby to take up at this time would be one that involved exercise. Exercise releases endorphins into the body that produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being. A connection between a feeling of well-being, giving up smoking and exercising to improve the physical body provides the ex-smoker with an extremely powerful reason to keep going.
Again, a doctor can be consulted about a new fitness regime.

Families can be extremely important for smokers who want to give up. Smokers who have children are provided with an excellent reason to give up. But families should be cautious not to pressure the smoker too much into giving up as this can be counter-productive.
One smoker put passport photos of his wife and kids in the packet of cigarettes in order to deter him against taking one out.
At the end of the day the family will be a great support mechanism against relapse and a smoker should ask for encouragement and support.

Another trick I heard about, which is a little extreme, is that one smoker put his cigarettes in the household trash first and left them there for a while before putting them back in the packet. This way he could be sure that he would be disgusted with himself if he put one in his mouth! This is may not be recommended but shows the inventiveness of some smokers when faced with the challenge of stopping.

Self-hypnosis / Meditation
The best way to stop smoking is by meditating quietly every day and, when very relaxed, internalizing affirmations to oneself of health and well-being. Smokers are advised to sit quietly on their own and concentrate on their breathing for five minutes. Breathing in, breathing out. When they find their mind wondering, which it will inevitably do, they should observe the thought and put their attention back to breathing the clean air.
Once more and more relaxed, the smoker will enjoy the feeling of inhaling the pure oxygen which gives life to their body and exhaling the pollutants. Repeated sessions of meditation combined with self-hypnosis can lead to a stress-free smoking cessation period within weeks.

Giving up smoking doesn't have to be the most difficult thing in the world as it is commonly thought to be. There are many people who report having just given up one day without any side-effects. However, one thing is for sure, the body will start repairing itself almost immediately and the ex-smoker will feel the benefits more and more as the months go by.
After stopping smoking in 2004 I set up a website with regular articles about how to stop smoking called in order to help other people quit cigarettes.

The Happy Life After Cigarettes

It is very difficult to quit smoking, but there is no doubt that you'll be glad about it. You'll realize that life as a non-smoker is far better on a variety of counts. The most obvious advantage of quitting smoking is that you can bring down your risk of getting various diseases, mostly of the heart and lungs. In fact, you can increase your life expectancy by getting rid of this habit as early as possible since smoking is one of the leading causes of death in adults. This itself ought to motivate you to get rid of this habit. However, what you'll also notice is a market improvement in your overall quality of life.

Reduced stress: Once you get over the initial stress brought upon by nicotine withdrawal, you will see a marked reduction in your overall stress levels. Your blood pressure levels will also normalize very quickly.
Improved appearance: Like many people, you might fear that you will put on weight once you quit smoking, but what other people actually notice about you is that you look a lot better.

- For one, you will no longer be frowning or squinting because of pulling on a cigarette for long periods.
- Further, your skin tone will improve dramatically because your body will now get plenty of oxygen instead of toxic cigarette smoke.

- The other cosmetic benefit of quitting smoking is that you will not be exposing your skin to toxic smoke.
- Your teeth stop yellowing once you quit exposing them to tar (you'll need to go to a dentist to brighten them well).

- You will smell better since your breath and clothes will no longer have a whiff of smoke.
More money: If you are a regular smoker then you are probably already spending hundreds of dollars every month because of your addiction. All this money will be yours the day you are able to quit smoking. Further, you will also notice that your doctors' bills come down since you will be a lot healthier than before. Even medical insurance policies will come to you cheaper if you are a non-smoker.

As you can see, the advantages of quitting smoking are too numerous and powerful to be ignored. Since life after smoking is clearly happier for you, you need to take efforts to quit this habit at the earliest. If you use the right method and get plenty of support then you will be able to stop smoking easily.

Lindsay is an anti-smoking advocate and expert. She has helped hundreds of people quit smoking and improve their lifestyle. "One of the best methods I use to help people quit smoking is by using the latest and most advanced smoking alternative devices. It works 90 percent of the time," says Lindsay during an interview.

Want to Quit Smoking Cigarettes? Try These Three Strategies For How to Stop Smoking For Good

Want to quit smoking? Cigarettes are terrible for your health, yet they're hard to let go of. Yet read on for some strategies and tools that can help you quit smoking for good.
First of all, if want to stop smoking cigarettes, give yourself a big pat on the back. This is probably the single most important improvement you can make to achieve better health.
I won't bore you with a list of reasons why you should stop smoking. Chances are you're all too familiar with them -- and have tried numerous times before, but without success.
Why would this year be different?
Let me give you a few important strategies that can really help you quit smoking and stay quit too:

1) You take the task of quitting smoking seriously
What do I mean by that? Exactly what it says. Just because the non-smokers around you don't think it's a big deal doesn't mean they're right. In fact, kicking the smoking habit may be the most difficult thing you'll ever do.
Smoking feeds your pleasure circuits in ways few other things do. And the withdrawal symptoms can be hellish. In fact, smoking is more addictive than heroin.
And that doesn't even get to the social aspects of smoking -- the fact that it may be pleasurable, that it's part of your routine, that you may have built a social life around those cigarette breaks you take throughout the day, and so on. In fact, you may be worried that without smoking you won't get those breaks anymore.
So the first step should be to acknowledge the enormity of what you're about to undertake -- and promise yourself to be gentle with yourself. AND to give yourself every tool you can to help you succeed.

2) Give yourself tools
I stopped smoking myself -- many years ago. It was very hard. I stopped many times before I was able to make it stick.
One thing that finally helped me do it was Nicorette chewing gum. That allowed me to separate the pleasurable part of smoking and the social aspects from the physically addictive part.
I was able to deal with those first, while still getting my nicotine fix. But I hated the gum, so eventually, I relied on it less and less.
I also acknowledged that this would be hard. I had proof of it too -- all those many attempts that led to a re-start of smoking.
And if there's a special reason -- special to you -- that might motivate you to stick with it this time around, by all means, use it. Maybe you'd like to avoid wrinkles, or impotence, or the fact that each time you try to stop -- unsuccessfully -- you put on another 5 pounds.

3) Get MORE tools -- and support
Give yourself some support. Whether it's a group or just some friends who are supportive of you.
And then, consider that there are even more and better tools out there now to help you quit smoking than there have ever been before. Nicorette is available over the counter -- no more need for doctor's appointments and embarrassing admissions that you STILL need it. And there are new prescription drugs that may help you stop smoking cigarettes too.
And that's not all. There are also very powerful tools to help you stop smoking that go far beyond that, from hypnosis to neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). You may be amazed by how much they can help you with quitting smoking and staying quit! And you can even check some of them out for FREE in a powerful 5-part e-course by clicking here:

How To Stop Smoking Fast - 5 Tips To Stop Smoking Fast

How to stop smoking fast is a very common asked question by smokers
And let's be honest smoking can causes seriously health damages.
I don't give you a list here because I'm sure you now already the dangers of smoking.
But here are some things why you should stop smoking fast.
- More money to buy things
- Do the sports you have always wanted to do
- Have more pleasure while eating
- You can have fresh clothes.
Read on in the next few paragraphs you will discover 5 secret tips to stop smoking fast.

Tip 1 # Be busy
There are several ways how to be busy. Here are some examples you can use.
- Make longer phone calls with your friends or family.
- Peel an orange with your fingers.
- Watch a movie

Tip 2 # change your mind
If you want to get rid of cigarettes you will have to change your mind.
The tobacco and the pharmacy industry have on thing in common they are monster companies.
What does this mean to you? They will that you believe that it is not possible or very hard to quit your smoking habit.
Stop smoking is not different; in fact it is very easy to do.
You are just brainwashed by the big companies. Both the tobacco and the pharmacy industry is making big money from this lie.

Tip 3 # A reward plan
If you really want to quit you must reward yourself.
I'm not talking about big rewards such as a new car or new clothes but smaller rewards.
A little example.
If you have eaten and you don't smoke within your first hour after the lunch then reward yourself with an extra dessert.

Tip 4 # Some drinks to avoid
If you want to stop this smoking habit you will have several drink.
Stop drinking alcohol, coffee and juices.

Tip 5 # Make a list
Take a piece of paper and write down:
- The dangers of smoking a cigarette
- The benefits of quitting.
Everytime you smoke a cigarette read this list and ask yourself the question.
"Why do I smoke again?"
I hope you found the tips useful. Keep in mind this list can help you out but is not enough to stop smoking fast. You will have to do more research. Whatever you do don't spend your money on laser therapies or nicotine gums they do simply not work.
In less than 3 hours You CAN learn how to Quit Smoking - FOR LIFE - from the comfort of your home -without patches, pills and gums, and, *without gaining any weight or suffering a single major craving - Fully Guaranteed by one of the most trusted entrepreneurs on the Internet (and a former 39-year smoker who quit by using this very program)!
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Best Natural Ways to Stop Smoking - Sure Fire Way to Quit Cigarettes and Quit Smoking For Good

The best natural ways to stop smoking do not include nicotine replacements. Many conventional doctors will advise you to use things such as a nicotine patch to help you quit smoking. How crazy is that? Does it make much sense to use nicotine, such as in a patch to help you quit nicotine? A homeopathic practitioner will recommend herbal and ingredients that are plant based.
Nicotine is highly addictive, and if you're like many people trying to quit cigarettes, the nicotine makes it especially tough to quit. Nicotine is similar to crack cocaine due to the withdrawal symptoms people experience when trying to quit without any aids.

Not Very Effective
Some doctors recommend that one of the best natural ways to stop smoking is to gradually cut back the number of cigarettes that you smoke every day, but that often does not actually help people quit smoking. Because, the psychological dependence on the act of smoking is not addressed.
In order to quit cigarettes, you need to be able to overcome the psychological, as well as the physical addiction. Either nicotine replacement or the small amount of tobacco in homeopathic remedies will help with the physical cravings, but not the psychological dependence.

Herbal Plus Nutritional
So, the best natural ways to stop smoking, in terms of effectiveness, include herbal and nutritional support to reduce physical cravings and counseling, emotional support, relaxation techniques and education. Before you can quit smoking, you need to learn why you smoke in the first place.
It's very rare that a smoker has not tried to quit cigarettes at one time or another. However, one thing or another always prevented them from being able to quit. If they were successful in their search for the best natural ways to stop smoking they would have been able to stop.

The Poison Nut
Because people are concerned that they may experience weight gain they stop trying to quit smoking before they even begin. Have you ever heard of the poison nut? It's a homeopathic remedy that halts hunger and the desire for food. It makes it possible to quit cigarettes, and not increase your weight.
So, one of the best natural ways to stop smoking without a lingering cough or all the other withdrawal symptoms is a homeopathic cure. Many people have discovered it gave them the way to finally quit smoking for good.

Want To Quit Cigarettes With One Of The Best Natural Ways To Stop Smoking?
[] will show you one of the best natural ways to stop smoking [].

How to Start Exercising and Quit Smoking

Most people who are still smoking have it in their minds that they should quit. Deep down they know that they are hurting themselves and their long term health by continuing to smoke. In addition, most smokers are not heavy into exercise, and they probably wish that they were more active and fit in that regard as well. But a lot of smokers stay stuck on both accounts, reasoning that they surely can't get into a regular exercise routine if they are still smoking. On the other hand, they've tried to quit smoking without any success. How to break out of this cycle?

The Secret is to Start Exercising First
You don't have to go run a marathon after you grind out that next butt....instead, make a modest commitment to yourself that you are going to walk everyday. My suggestion to you if you are relatively healthy (other than your smoking habit) is to walk purposely and briskly for at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week. That might not sound like much, but if you are a heavy smoker who is out of shape, then that 30 minutes of purposeful walking is really going to get your heart rate going. You will also notice that when you get done, and you're breathing a bit heavy, that your adrenaline is pumping a bit and you won't feel like you need a cigarette. This will wear off, of course, but initially, when you first get done exercising, your dopamine levels will be raised and you won't feel the need to smoke. Milk this feeling for as long as you can, and make an effort to not smoke for as long as you can.

Establish the Exercise Habit Long Before You Try to Quit Smoking
I found that after I started walking 3 times a week, it eventually got easier and easier, to the point where I could eventually walk for 60 minutes without any problems. Later on, I started jogging instead of walking, but this is not necessary in order to benefit from exercise. Walking is in fact healthier than jogging, because the risk of injury is so much less, while the health benefits are very similar. So the key is to keep walking and stick to your commitment. Don't try to quit smoking and start an exercise plan all in the same week--it's just too overwhelming. Instead, start your commitment to slowly build up your fitness level, and then set a quit date for a couple months down the road. Then, when you are well established with the habit of regular exercise, you can make a solid attempt at quitting smoking, because you'll already have the benefits of exercise and the motivational push that it can give you.

Feeling Good through Vigorous Exercise is the Drug that Can Replace Nicotine
Again, you don't have to be a bodybuilder or a marathon runner to benefit from exercise in this capacity. Simple, deliberate exercise a few times a week will be enough to replace much of the chemical dependency that nicotine gives you. What's critical is that you plan ahead and start exercising now, so that you can make a smooth transition when you finally decide to put down the cigarettes for good. Trying to quit smoking and get healthy all at the same time is too much for anyone to handle. Start exercising first, and you'll be in a much stronger position when you finally kick the cigarette habit.

Does this technique sound promising to you? If so, then visit this quitting smoking [] website to get more information on planning your quit.
Patrick Meninga is an ex-smoker who authors the Spiritual River [] website about overcoming addiction.

Quit Smoking Exercises - 9 Exercises to Help You Quit Smoking

The road to quit smoking is often littered with useful aids, supplements and replacement products as we are told in the media. However, many smokers opt to go 'cold turkey' only to discover that this is a difficult path to a healthier life. Many methods and techniques are at the disposal of smokers to assist them on their endeavor and among this, exercises for quitting smoking can be equally beneficial. Smoking is incompatible with a healthy active life and if you opt not to use a replacement aid or supplement, adopting a few simple exercises can greatly assist you on your path to kicking the habit.

Exercise improves mind and body functioning and well-being and this can be of assistance to beating the withdrawal symptoms of nicotine. Most smokers who decide to quit are often unsuccessful as they are overwhelmed by the craving for nicotine and experience boredom once they quit their daily habit. Exercise can address both these factors by reducing the severity of withdrawal symptoms as well as keeping the mind and body occupied with constructive activity.

A smoker is at risk of cardiovascular disease due to the effects of tar and other harmful chemicals from smoking. Therefore it is essential that a smoker initially undertakes milder physical activity once they start an exercise program.

1. Walking - a brisk walk for 20 to 30 minutes a day will assist a smoker to combat the withdrawal symptoms and boredom without putting excessive strain on the body. It is preferable that walking be done in conjunction with a partner on a scenic route to prevent boredom and monotony setting in.

2. Yoga - yoga revitalizes the mind and body as it provide mild physical exercise with a relaxed mental state. Yoga should be started with the assistance of a suitable instructor who can assist with proper movements and prevent strain or injury to any body part.

3. Golf - all sport is a form of exercise with each having specific pros and cons. Golf has the benefit of limited physical exertion compared to other sports while providing a fun and distracting activity over a long period of time.

4. Swimming - swimming provides an all round physical activity exercising every part of the body. As an exercise, swimming can be altered to the physical ability of the smoker and due to its need for rhythmic breathing, it improves lung function. The effect of water and exercise can often leave one feeling
revitalized both physically and mentally which is ideal in combating the withdrawal symptoms of smoking.

5. Gym - gym provides a range of strength training and cardiovascular exercises in a social setting. This environment provides a range of exercises to prevent boredom from a specific activity while allowing the smoker the opportunity to interact with other active individuals in an exercise conducive environment.

6. Jogging - jogging is a fun and physically demanding exercise that is ideal for a smoker who has is prepared to undertake a more strenuous exercise regimen. Scenic settings and participating with a jogging group can keep a smoker focused on the activity and assist with improving mental and physical well-being.

7. Performance and endurance sports - undertaking a performance or endurance sport like sprinting, weight training or marathon running is ideal for a smoker of a suitable health status. These sports allow you the ideal exercise regimen when training and if a smoker opts to take the sport professional or participate in events and competitions, they have a goal to work towards both mentally and physically.

8. Group sports - participating in a group sport, like soccer, football and basketball can be beneficial to a smoker who is attempting to quit as these sports provide the necessary exercise in a controlled training environment while still allowing social interaction among your team mates.

9. Family activities - exercising by partaking in family activities allows you both a range of fun activities and exercises with the social support of loved ones to assist you in quit smoking.
Any smoker who has attempted to quit smoking will agree that the withdrawal symptoms and boredom experienced by smokers is often the reason for relapse. Adopting a healthy lifestyle with exercise and activity is a useful tool in your battle with smoking. Always consult with your medical practitioner before starting any exercise program.
Look up more helpful resources for helping you quit smoking at Health Exercise Pro [] for a positive tomorrow. Quit smoking and lose weight for a better life.

Stop Smoking - Start Exercising

It is said that smoking is more addictive than heroin. Whenever you quit smoking, it definitely doesn't have the actual drawback effects of drugs, but they has addictive substances which often last longer. People who smoke need to be cautious not to lapse back into this particular addicted habit all the time. If you do physical exercise on a regular basis, your smoking habit can be deleted.

By exercising, you are offering your body a boost related to endorphins and also supplying yourself new energy. It is just something healthy to do. Being active is a major element to improve both mental and physical wellness. Not only does it make you stay fit, it can enhance your metabolism, relax a person as well as assist you to keep your weight.

Among the issues that people, who stop smoking cigarette, mostly talk about is that they frequently gain weight. The actual longing for cigarette resembles food craving. For this reason many individuals who are not smoking may end up eating more. By working out, you will reduce the chance of weight gain whenever you decide to change your habit. Consequently, you can keep your ideal weight while in quit-smoking program.
It can be very difficult, to say the least, to avoid smoking. This is especially true when you have a consistent routine and have already been smoking for a long time. Nonetheless, it is essential to keep your body healthy. Cigarette causes an array of illnesses, lowers your immune system and makes it hard for you to breathe. Furthermore, it makes your teeth yellowish and has an embarrassing odor.

When you smoke cigarettes, chances are you'll want to stop. You might have attempted and failed repeatedly and also have experienced total failure. Should you merely replace the bad habit with exercising, any type of exercise, you will notice that it is actually easy to stop.

There are many kinds of exercise that you can do to replace your bad habit, such as walking, jogging, strength training, cycling and swimming. When you begin exercising, you will observe a huge distinction in your breathing. You will feel better and lighter when you breathe. In addition, you will have a lot more endurance and a lot more energy.
Start exercising with chrome dumbells [] to get better physique. Read more in adjustable dumbells [].

Quit Smoking: Cigarette Even Affects the Way You Look

Do you think holding a cigarette gives you a cool look? True, the style of holding a cigarette and lighting it becomes a part of your personality and adds to your attitude. But I have to add a few more affects of smoking on your looks. You probably will not like to hear them at all but it is my duty to explain you why;
  • Tobacco smoking reduces the blood flow to the skin and so oxygen and essential nutrients are depleted.
  • Smoking reduces the body store of Vitamin A.
  • Smoking causes wrinkling around mouth and eyes.
  • The skin which is very much exposed to cigarette smoke is of grayish and wasted appearance.
  • Smoking increases the production of enzyme that breaks down collagen, which is the main structural protein of skin that maintains skin elasticity.
  • Smokers develop hollow cheeks on frequent sucking on cigarettes.
  • Smoking causes yellowish teeth and halitosis or bad breath.
  • Smokers have higher risk of developing psoriasis, a chronic skin condition which is not life-threatening, but extremely uncomfortable and mutilating.
  • A study on 12,000 pre- and postmenopausal women aged 40 to 73, the waist to hip ratio increased as the number of cigarettes smoked per day increased.
  • The effect of smoking on the endocrine system, glands which secrete hormones, causes smokers to store even normal amounts of body fat in an abnormal distribution.
  • Lip color is affected by cigarette smoking giving it a burnt brownish tinge.
  • Tobacco smoke present in the environment has a drying effect on our skin.
All of us spend a lot of time, money and effort in order to have an appearance that is appealing to others. If you will count the money and hours spent on shampoos, creams, lotions, bathing bars etc you will realize what I am talking about. But what's the use if your smoking habit ruins all your efforts! So, although there are many more serious effects of tobacco on our organs inside our body, I will still plead you to Quit Smoking on account of its harmful affect on our outer body because most of us pay more importance to the physical appearance than to the inner self.
Tobacco, in any shape, is harmful to every part of a human body everywhere on this earth. If you wish to adopt a healthy life style, the first step should be to quit smoking...probably the toughest job you have ever done in your life. But, as elders say, where there is a will, there is a way. You can stop smoking if you are determined. Many organizations are available who work for the interest of people and help them in their quit smoking endeavor. There are websites available to guide you through your quit smoking efforts. Even, the pharmaceutical giants have come up with smoking cessation drugs which are not only effective but also have very little side effects. The most effective drug which helps you in controlling cigarette cravings is Chantix, a product of Pfizer which not only helps in quit smoking but also helps in controlling the cravings thereby making the whole process much easier than expected!
You just decide that you need to quit and help will come automatically for you!
The author, Monalisa Hyden, addresses psychological and health related issues. If you wish to help yourself and your loved ones in quit smoking, you can log on to for more information and advice.

Why People Smoke Cigarettes - Five Reasons That Might Surprise You

Cigarette smoking is a personal choice. However, if you are considering stopping smoking, you may already realize that quitting requires more than willpower or scaring yourself with statistics of why smoking is bad.
Conventional smoking cessation systems often don't work in the long term because they do not address the real reasons that people smoke. Listed below are five often unidentified reasons that people smoke. These reasons might surprise you.
Before you engage in your stop smoking process, take some time and identify the important underlying motivations of why you choose to smoke. By understanding those real reasons, you can generate a personalized stop smoking plan that incorporates new strategies of coping and dealing with life.

1. Smoking Is A Lifestyle Coping Tool
For many people, smoking is a reliable lifestyle coping tool. Although every person's specific reasons to smoke are unique, they all share a common theme. Smoking is used as a way to suppress uncomfortable feelings, and smoking is used to alleviate stress, calm nerves, and relax. No wonder that when you are deprived of smoking, your mind and body are unsettled for a little while.
Below is a list of some positive intentions often associated with smoking. Knowing why you smoke is one of the first steps towards quitting. Check any and all that apply to you.
___ Coping with anger, stress, anxiety, tiredness, or sadness
___ Smoking is pleasant and relaxing
___ Smoking is stimulating
___ Acceptance - being part of a group
___ As a way to socialize
___ Provides support when things go wrong
___ A way to look confident and in control
___ Keeps weight down
___ Rebellion - defining self as different or unique from a group
___ A reminder to breathe
___ Something to do with your mouth and hands
___ Shutting out stimuli from the outside world
___ Shutting out emotions from the inside world
___ Something to do just for you and nobody else
___ A way to shift gears or changes states
___ An way to feel confident
___ A way to shut off distressing feelings
___ A way to deal with stress or anxiety
___ A way to get attention
___ Marking the beginning or the end of something

2. Smoking Tranquilizer
The habit of cigarette smoking is often used to tranquilize emotional issues like anxiety, stress, or low self-esteem. In addition, smoking provides comfort to people with conditions of chronic pain and depression. Smokers with emotional stress or chronic pain often turn to smoking as an attempt to treat their pain. For instance, they may use it to reduce anxiety, provide a sense of calmness and energy, and elevate their mood.
Some evidence does suggest that nicotine has some pain-relief benefits. Nicotine releases brain chemicals which soothe pain, heighten positive emotions, and creating a sense of reward. However, any benefit from smoking only eases the pain for a few minutes. Cigarettes contain many other chemicals shown to worsen healing ability of bone, tooth, and cartilage.
The mental association between smoking and pain relief can make quitting quite difficult, as can the increased short-term discomfort that quitting smoking adds to a person already suffering with chronic pain, depression, or emotional distress. What are effective ways for people with chronic pain - whether physical or emotional - to make the decision to quit smoking? First, evidence shows that in people who suffer chronic pain, smokers have more pain than nonsmokers do. Also, accept that smoking cessation may indeed make you feel worse in the short run, but may be key to regaining enough vitality to live fully with pain.

3. The Feel Good Syndrome
Smoking is a way to avoid feeling unpleasant emotions such as sadness, grief, and anxiety. It can hide apprehensions, fears, and pain. This is accomplished partly through the chemical effects of nicotine on the brain.
When smoking, the release of brain chemicals makes smokers feel like they are coping and dealing with life and stressful emotional situations. Nicotine brings up a level of good feelings. Cigarette smokers are aware when nicotine levels and good feelings begin to decrease, and light up quickly enough to stay in their personal comfort zone. However, they may not realize that avoiding their feelings is not the same as taking positive steps to create a life of greater potential and meaning.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that people suffering from nicotine withdrawal have increased aggression, anxiety, hostility, and anger. However, perhaps these emotional responses are due not to withdrawal, but due to an increased awareness of unresolved emotions. If smoking dulls emotions, logically quitting smoking allows awareness of those emotions to bubble up to the surface. If emotional issues aren't resolved, a smoker may feel overwhelmed and eventually turn back to cigarettes to deal with the uncomfortable feelings.

4. Smoking Makes You Feel Calm and Alive
Smokers often say that lighting up a cigarette can calm their nerves, satisfy their cravings, and help them feel energized. Indeed, nicotine in tobacco joins on to receptors in your brain that release "feel good" chemicals that can make you feel calm and energized all at once. Smoking acts as a drug, inducing a feeling of well-being with each puff. But, it's a phony sense of well-being that never produces a permanent satisfying or fulfilling result. Smoking lures you into believing that you can escape some underlying truth or reality. However, smoking doesn't allow you to actually transform your day-to-day life and live connected to your deeper hopes and dreams.
Instead, when you smoke, the carbon monoxide in the smoke bonds to your red blood cells, taking up the spaces where oxygen needs to bond. This makes you less able to take in the deep, oxygen-filled breath needed to bring you life, to active new energy, to allow health and healing, and bring creative insight into your problems and issues.

5. You Are In The Midst Of Transition
If you previously quit smoking, and then resumed the habit once again, consider the idea that perhaps you are in the midst of some "growing pains." Perhaps you were feeling dissatisfied with some aspect of your life and contemplating making change. However, developing spiritually, emotionally, and physically brings with it the experience of discomfort. Old beliefs rise up, creating sensations of hurt, pain, sadness, anxiety, and uneasiness. You were feeling dissatisfied, restless, ready to change, but then felt the fear that change often ignites.
Smoking provides an escape from those uncomfortable feelings. However, smoking also brings an abrupt halt to personal transformation and the evolution of self. Although painful, these feelings are necessary in your personal development. Learning to accept feelings in a new way can help lead you out of disempowering or limiting beliefs, and into a life filled with greater happiness, satisfaction, contentment, or purpose. When you stop smoking and start breathing - conscious, deep, smoke-free, oxygen-filled breaths - your evolution will start up once again.

Why Do You Smoke?
If you smoke, then you do so because the act of smoking is personally meaningful to you. Therefore, if you are considering quitting, take some time and explore the reasons underlying your decision to smoke. Become interested, observe yourself, and get curious. Allow yourself an opportunity to turn into a smoking journalist, ready to uncover an intriguing mystery. Before lighting up your next cigarette, ask yourself:
a. What positive functions do I believe smoking provides me?
b. How will smoking help or change the situation?
c. What situations make me smoke the most?
d. What emotions or feelings am I trying to avoid or deny?
e. If I didn't smoke right now, what would I feel? How would I handle that feeling?
f. What would I do with the energy that is freed up from smoking cessation?
The most important factor in stopping smoking is a genuine desire to stop smoking. You were not a born smoker; it's something you learned to do. Learning new ways of coping with stress is possible, as is learning new ways to relax and raise confidence levels. Use the reasons presented above as clues to uncover the underlying reasons why you smoke. Then, in addition to making a firm decision to stop smoking, also make a firm plan to address your underlying needs. You're not only kicking the habit, you're also creating a new balance with your body, mind, and self!
Dr. Annette Colby, RD can help you take the pain out of life, turn difficult emotions into joy, release stress, end emotional eating, and move beyond depression into an extraordinary life! Annette is the author of Your Highest Potential and has the unique ability to show you how to spark an amazing relationship with your life! Visit to access hundreds of content filled articles and sign up for a Fr'ee subscription to Loving Miracles! newsletter.

How Does Smoking Cigarettes Reduce Stress?

It is said that cigarettes help to reduce stress and help people relax, a fact smokers regularly produce when asked why they can't quit smoking. "I can't quit I'm too stressed out." Is a common sentence uttered by many a smoker every day. And when in a tough, problematic, critical and anxious situation a smoker will more than likely 'need' a cigarette to calm his nerves.

And smokers also get several other benefits from smoking including increased concentration, an added energy 'boost' mental 'strength' to deal with tough situations, curing boredom and relaxation.
These aspects can be condensed into two main beneficial areas of smoking. Firstly that, smoking is calming and relaxing, and secondly, it helps smokers concentrate and think clearly.

So on the Calming and Relaxing side - cigarettes take the stress out of life (relaxation) and help relive tension and stress. The benefits of smoking are to help smokers calm down and reduce anxiety and stress. When you visualise or think of relaxing what comes to your mind? It's usually a slumping of the shoulders effect, that aaaaaahhhhhhhhh... slip into your arm chair and letting go feeling - you are relaxing.

On the Strength and Boost side - smoking is uplifting, helps with concentration, keeps smokers on their toes and gives them mental strength. The other benefit of smoking is that it lifts smokers up a level - their senses are awakened. When you visualise or think of yourself concentrating and being uplifted what comes to mind? Generally it's a head up, on our feet, eyes open, chest out, shoulders back and an alert state of mind and effect - it gives you that I'm ready, let's do it and let's go feeling.

So cigarettes can have two effects - at times cigarettes can make you feel more relaxed and calmer - a general feeling of tranquillity or peacefulness. AND cigarettes can make you feel more confident, more capable, better equipped to deal with tough situations and they can give you increased concentration - a general energetic and empowered feeling.

But how is it that this same product or substance can do both of these things? Two different things that are complete opposites?
Smokers have been told, and believe that cigarettes not only help to lower stress levels but they also help to keep you on your toes - two completely different effects. Relaxation is a suppressing feeling while concentration is an uplifting feeling.
How can the same substance or product make the body feel up and raring to go and also make it relaxed and increase inner tranquillity?

The truth is that cigarettes can't make or help smokers do both, or either - it's impossible. You've also been told that cigarettes can cure boredom, help you enjoy your coffee and tea and meals and also sex more.
But again, how can cigarettes do all of these things? Yes nicotine does have a stimulating effect, (as it releases dopamine, the body's natural pleasure drug, into the brain) but how the hell does it make you feel up, down and everything in between?

Basically we have been told that cigarettes can pretty much do whatever you want them to, depending on the circumstances surrounding you while you smoke. So if you need some mental energy or strength - have a cigarette and if you want to relax and forget about your problems then you should have a cigarette too! How can the same cigarette make you feel how you want to feel, depending on your choosing?
The truth is that despite nicotine releasing dopamine into the brain, all the other substances in a cigarette actually put a huge strain on your brain and body - they make you feel more tense, more anxious, more stressed and more on edge. No matter how much you argue against this it's the cold hard truth!
Look at the undeniable stressful effects of smoking on you and your body below.

1. When carbon monoxide and nicotine enter your body they reduce the amount and supply of oxygen to your brain. Without this oxygen (the fuel of the brain), your brain struggles to function properly, think clearly and concentrate.
It is a fact that nicotine and carbon monoxide reduce oxygen levels in a smoker's body and it is also a fact that the body needs oxygen to concentrate, not even the doctors and scientists can deny that!
Essentially oxygen is the basis of all activity in the body - any effort the body makes (from thinking to running), is harder with less oxygen. The carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarettes prevent oxygen from reaching the brain and the other organs in the body - this simply cannot help you relax or concentrate. It's impossible!
The nicotine may give you a little pick me up, but it and cigarettes simply cannot do all of the things that millions of smokers, just like you have been led to believe and continue telling yourself.

2. Nicotine is a vaso-constrictor - it shrinks your veins and arteries in size, meaning that your heart is forced to work harder to pump the same amount of blood around your body, but through a smaller space. Add to that, the fact that tar and the other chemicals in cigarettes are being deposited in your veins reducing blood flow even more.
The result is that your beats 35,000 times more per day than a non-smoker and your blood pressure is also ten to twenty points higher than it should be, under this added workload.

3. The effect that nicotine has on the insulin in your blood puts your body under constant stress. Every forty five minutes or so, when you smoke, the nicotine in your body blocks the release of insulin (this is the appetite suppressant effect).
Once this nicotine has worn off your insulin is re-released, and forty five minutes to an hour or two later you have another cigarette.
This stop start process puts a huge strain on your body - a non-smoker's body will only reduce the flow of insulin when he really needs it - when he hasn't eaten in a while. But smokers make their body's stop-start this process twenty times more, or more a day than a non-smoker. This is an added stressful workload on your body.

4. The several thousand chemicals, poisons, toxins and carcinogens in a cigarette force the body into a state of shock.
When you inhale the smoke from a cigarette your body has to adapt to the presence of harmful chemicals. Each of which are deposited in your veins, lungs, heart, arteries and other organs in your body, then when you stop smoking for a few hours (e.g. at night) your body does it's best to clear out the foreign substances.
You will also experience this process through a 'smoker's cough' in the day and also in the morning, when yours body has had eight hours or so to start the cleansing process, and you cough up a lot of mucus.
Both of these attempts at cleaning out the toxins puts your body through a strenuous cleansing regime
process every time you stop smoking, every day of your smoking life. A non-smoker will only experience this cleansing process, as extensively as a smoker when he has a virus or infection or if they smoke a cigarette.
The truth is that smoking is only an 'effective' stress relief tool because you believe cigarettes and nicotine can help you. And that is the key - you believe.

It all comes back to what you think. Because you tell yourself that cigarettes calm you, you think they do. Because you tell yourself that they help you concentrate, you think they do (despite the fact that you are putting a huge strain on your system - your heart beats an extra 35,000 times per day due to the reduction in vein size making your blood pressure higher).
So even though cigarettes and nicotine are having a harmful and weakening effect on your body, which you have always known, you believe that they make you stronger and more capable of dealing with life. It is a clever trick that the tobacco companies have played on you!
They have shown you on films, on TV and in commercials that cigarettes help you concentrate, relive stress, beat problems, enjoy sex more and that they make men more manly and women more sexy.
You have to give them credit because it has worked and it is still working! But once you take a step back and look at the overall picture, you can see that advertising and your beliefs have led you to believe that you need cigarettes and nicotine, and that they bring you many benefits. When in fact that is all in your head!
But it can't just be the placebo effect (believing that something will happen, makes it happen) that makes you concentrate and relax can it? The truth is no, but only to an extent.
So yes when you smoke you may feel slightly relaxed - this is down to the way you breathe when you smoke. Have you noticed any difference in the way you breathe when you smoke? Take a minute and put your fingers to your lips and pretend you are smoking, or better yet - light up a cigarette!
Have you noticed anything different in comparison to your normal breathing patterns? You should have noticed the two following patterns.
Firstly, your in-breath was much stronger when smoking. Try it again, inhale as if you were smoking a cigarette. This deeper in-breath sucks in a lot more air than normal breathing because you are sucking air in from the bottom of your stomach (your diaphragm). With this extra air also comes more oxygen - your brain and body's fuel, up to 20% more oxygen in fact than when you breathe normally.

The second thing you should have noticed is the way you exhale. Your out-breath was also much stronger and deeper, when smoking. Try it again, breathe out deeply without cigarette smoke, do it several times.
How do you feel? You feel relaxed and calm don't you! Exhaling feels good, especially when it is done strongly. Have you noticed that when you laugh and when you sigh you exhale and breathe out strongly? Breathing out has a calming and positive effect on the body. So even though the smoke puts a strain on your system, when you breathe out strongly you feel good.

So basically when you smoke you are just practicing deep breathing exercises. The deep breaths provide your body and organs with more oxygen, which helps you to relax and release stress to a degree. I say to a degree because that extra oxygen is not enough to compensate for the strain that the chemicals in a cigarette put on your body.

So smoking itself doesn't actually reduce stress, or help you concentrate in any way - it's the way you breathe that does that for you. Have you ever wondered why people tell you to take deep breaths when you feel a craving or withdrawal symptoms? It's because the deep breathing mimics the way you breathe when you smoke.

Every time you have a cigarette you put your body under stress. Then your body tries to clean out the chemicals, which again makes you feel uncomfortable, and puts you under stress. And you do this every day going round and round in circles, no wonder you a re so stressed!

Then when your body realises it has extremely low blood sugar (no nicotine to block insulin which releases your sugar stores) you get pangs and cravings because your body needs sugar - it becomes stressed. You then have a cigarette to relieve that stress. Then after forty five minutes or so the process starts all over again! You are just going around in one huge destructive and pointless circle.

People say smoking reduces stress, when in fact - the stress is caused by the last cigarette - when nicotine and the chemicals enter your body you put it under a huge strain. Then when the nicotine leaves your body it becomes stressed - because there is no nicotine to release sugar into the blood.
Tobacco increases stress and then relieves it (artificially by playing with your blood sugar levels) when you smoke. So smoking is basically like hitting yourself over the head with a hammer because it feels really good when you stop!

A major reason why people say they can't or won't stop smoking is - they feel they would be giving up a very effective stress management technique. But once you stop smoking for a short period of time, you will become calmer, even under stress, than when you were a smoker.
Another smoking myths is that it 'cures boredom.' This argument is so pointless that it hardly merits much attention. Yes some people believe that it cures boredom, but so does banging your head against a wall and stabbing yourself with a fork. That doesn't mean it's either good for you, effective, productive or an adequate way to deal with the situation.

Again if you rely on cigarettes to cure boredom, all you are doing is telling yourself - 'I am not good enough to deal with this situation on my own. My cigarettes will take care of it.'
If you smoke due to boredom, you need to pay particular attention to changing your habits so that you have adequate new methods to keep yourself entertained.
Smoking as a stress relief mechanism is just and excuse. Many smokers know this but continue to lie to themselves because it prevents them from admitting that they cannot stop smoking.
Finding new ways to deal with stress is essential if you are going to make your stop smoking attempt a success.
My Complete Step By Step Guide To Quitting Smoking explains how to beat the stresses of everyday life when you quit smoking and it shows you how to break any and all your associations to smoking, so you can become completely smoke free in 3-4 weeks.
Daniel Fargher
Quit Smoking Specialist
Stop Smoking For Good
Click Here To Learn How To Quit Smoking In 28 days Or Less With Hypnosis

10 Ways to Quit Smoking - How to Kick the Cigarette Habit

In this article, I'm going to outline 10 ways to quit smoking. You'll probably use a combination of two or more of these ways, but I think the list will be helpful.

1. Hypnotherapy. Smoking is both a mental and a physical addiction. That's why topping the list of 10 ways to quit smoking is something that deals with the mental side of the addiction - hypnotherapy. Many of the other methods listed below give you some kind of nicotine replacement addressing the physical side of the equation. Hypnotherapy addresses the mental side.
Hypnotherapy to stop smoking can generally be done in one session. It's not a seven year analysis or anything. The hypnotherapy session will include hypnotherapy techniques, positive affirmations and suggestions. At the end you may be given a suggestive CD or MP3 to so that you can continue to reinforce the suggestions afterwards. Hypnotherapy to stop smoking sessions tend to last 60 to 90 minutes and generally cost less than $200.

2. The Patch. Number 2 on our 10 Ways to Quit Smoking list is the Patch. Quit smoking patches come in a variety of name brands including Nicoderm CQ and Habitrol. There are also a variety of generic brands. A patch can help to alleviate withdrawal symptoms as you stop using tobacco.
The patch is worn on your upper body for six to 10 weeks. It provides a steady stream of nicotine throughout the day. You may feel a tingling feeling when you apply the patch to your skin. This may last for the first 60 minutes. You can wear the patch through your daily activities including showering or sitting in a hot tub.
The patch is better for you than smoking cigarettes both because it provides less nicotine and it has none of the harmful chemical side effects and tar.

3. Nicotine Gum. Nicotine gum is available over the counter throughout much of the developed world. Each piece contains the same nicotine found in 1-2 cigarettes. You don't chew it like regular gum. You chew it until it becomes soft, then "park" it between your teeth and cheek until you need another "hit."
Critics of nicotine gum point out that there are unpleasant side effects from chewing too much nicotine gum including hiccups and difficulty swallowing.
Nicotine gum comes in 2g and 4g doses. If you currently smoke fewer than 25 cigarettes a day, start with the 2g dose every hour or two. If you smoke more than 25 cigarettes currently, you'll start with the 4g dose. You should gradually increase the time between doses.

4. Quit Smoking Pills. There are two pills that can help you quit smoking. The first is Zyban which is also marketed as an antidepressant under the name Wellbutrin SR. Zyban works on the brain chemicals that are raised when a person smokes, giving the smoker the same "high" they would get if they were using cigarettes.
Chantix is a relatively new addition to the pharmaceutical arsenal against smoking. What Chantix does is block the pleasure sensors so that when a smoker uses a cigarette, he does not get any positive feedback from his body and thus are less likely to want to continue.

5. Stop Smoking Injection. Another newish development in the stop smoking arsenal is injections. The injection, which is given in three different places in the body, blocks the nicotine receptors to the brain. This eliminates the physical need or craving to smoke.
A physician is able to complete the injection on an outpatient basis in a 90 minute session. The cost of the injection is usually around $500. You'll have to have a complete medical check before the injection is performed.
Now to the second half of our 10 ways to quit smoking.

6. Laser Treatment to Stop Smoking. Another relatively new treatment for those who wish to stop smoking is the application of highly focused light on acupuncture pulse points. The laser treatment stimulates endorphins which helps you block the craving for tobacco.
It's not uncommon for people to stop smoking after just one laser treatment. The treatment takes about 30 minutes with another 30 minutes required for consultation.
The laser treatment to stop smoking costs about $500 and is usually successful in one session.

7. Diet. In the last four of the ten ways to quit smoking, I'm going to focus on natural remedies. The first of these id diet. If you're trying to stop smoking, you should eat a lot of produce. Try to work three leafy green salads into your daily food intake. Snack on fresh fruit and vegetables instead of junk food and sweets. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated products.

8. Supplements. In addition to eating well, you should also take a variety of supplements to help detoxify your body. Vitamins A, C, and Zinc are all important in fighting cancer. The B Series of vitamins (especially B3, B5, and B12) reduces the toxicity levels in your body. Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium, and Calcium supplements should all be added to your routine.

9. Aromatherapy As your body is getting rid of the smell of cigarettes, replace it with pleasant, soothing scents like Nicotiana, Sagebrush, Angelica, Chamomile, Chaparral, and Lavender.
Now to the last of our 10 ways to quit smoking.

10. Massage Therapy. Getting a massage when you're going off cigarettes doesn't just feel good; it also helps to speed detoxification throughout your body. Indulge in some massages as you're withdrawing from cigarettes.
And those are 10 ways to quit smoking.
If you are a smoker and want to stop, I urge you to go to try Cigarrest [].